Welcome to God's Church
Welcome to the Natural Law Church of Health and Healing website. All men and women, regardless of physical, mental, personal, social, economic, religious, or legal status are welcome to join our Church.
NOTE: To see Pastor Ricardo’s video invitation click here.
We invite you to navigate our Church’s website to become acquainted with our philosophy and principles, the story of our Church and its main focus, Good Health: physical, mental and Spiritual. If you agree with our principles then we invite you to become a DISCIPLE OF THE CHURCH, free of charge for life.
Once you and your family join our Church, then simply print your I.D. cards that will show your stance on vaccination and other forced medical procedures, while reaffirming and cementing in writing your religious beliefs, making clear your God-given natural, common law, constitutional and international legal rights to control your body and that of your children and those under your care, while at the same time placing persons, schools, employers, and/or government agencies on notice that you will take legal action against anybody that violates your rights.
If you become a Disciple of our Church, you can continue with your present religious affiliations; as long as these are based on universal Christian principles and they are in tune with our Church’s beliefs. To join, click here.
Our Church does not welcome any man, woman or human being, personally or as representatives or agent of any artificial/fictitious legal entities, De Facto or De Jure, that joins the Church in any way with the purpose of negatively affecting our Church, Members and Disciples, by their actions or inactions, in any way, physically, mentally or spiritually, against their will, as it pertains to them, their children or any man, woman or child under their care.
LIABILITY WARNING: If any person (hereinafter “Enemy of the Church and God”) joins this church and/or signs up for our newsletters with the sole purpose of working against, attacking, discrediting, conspiring with others, and/or bringing false claims against our Church, its Members and/or Disciples, then by doing so such person agrees to enter into a Tacit binding contractual agreement with Pastor Ricardo Beas, and admits that his/her intent is to harm him and/or his Church, and agrees to compensate Pastor Beas, immediately and upon demand, in the amount of $1,000,000 (ONE MILLION U.S. DOLLARS) upon him becoming aware of such actions, which demand for payment can be done at any time in the future as deemed appropriate by Pastor Beas, without the need of any advanced notice.
Further, such Enemy of the Church and God agrees that if Pastor Beas demands such payment and the Enemy of the Church and God fails to pay such amount within 30 calendar days, that Pastor Beas has a right to bring legal action in any state courtroom of general jurisdiction over civil and criminal legal cases in any state of his choosing, that such court will respect this contractual tacit agreement, that it will rule in Pastor Beas’ favor, that the Enemy of the Church will waive all rights to appeal such decision, and that he/she will abide by the court’s order.
If you are an Enemy of the Church and God, I respectfully request that you cease and desist from taking any actions against me, our church, Members and Disciples.
Old Website Notice
Dear Disciples, Brothers, Sisters, and Friends,
Around December of 2022 our website was taken down by our web hosting company, another unfortunate example of censoring of Free Speech as it related to vaccination and other so-called/now proven true conspiracies.
Fortunately, God put in my path a person that helped me rebuilt my page, but it took me over a year before I got it as close as possible to what I had. Unfortunately, many of the documents I wrote before that time have links that will no longer work. Therefore, if you are interested in a document for which a link is not working, just let me know and I will provide you a valid link, just send me a message through the Contact tab.
I highly recommend that you also join our Mailing List so you can receive information on the progress of the net migration and other important church projects. To join, CLICK HERE.
May God guide us through these difficult times and may we be successful in all our efforts and goals. Amen.
Pastor Ricardo Beas
Natural Law Church of Health and Healing
Welcome to God’s Church
Pastor Ricardo Beas
June 22, 2022