Church Members
Church Members
The highest office-holding authority of the Natural Law Church of Health and Healing (the Church) is the Pastor, who is also an Disciple of the Church. Ricardo Beas Velasco is hereby appointed as the Pastor of the Church.
The Church Pastor is the only person who can admit Members to the Church, by oral or written agreement and with the full consent and interest of the new Member.
Pastor Ricardo has admitted his wife and their children to be Members of the Church and they are hereby authorized to admit any future Church Members as they may be appropriate and to pass such authority to others.
The responsibilities of the Members will be transmitted verbally or in writing by the Pastor as instructions to each Member of the Church and communicated between them.
CAVEAT: Due to the coercive and murderous tendencies of Satan and all his minions, governmental, corporate and private, this Church wants to protect its Members.
This Church has opted to maintain its Members’ names, other than that of the Pastor, anonymous to avoid corrupt government prosecution and a threat to such Members and their families’ life.
This Church will take all necessary legal (civil and criminal) action against any person, as “Private Individuals,” who interferes, threatens or hurts in any way the Church, and/or any Member and Disciple of this Church, to the full extent of the law.