New Website Host
Dear Friends, On or around November of 2022 my website host provider cancelled my account due to my activism related to vaccines. I have now transitioned to a new provider and are hopeful that I will not have to deal with this type of tyranny again. Below this post...
On or around November of 2022 my then web hosting service provider cancelled my account due to my vaccine activism. Below is a reproduction of all the Blog Posts I made prior to transitioning to this new provider.
2021 NEW YEAR WISH (January 2, 2021) |
2012 Begins |
H1N1 |
CAFE PEYOTE (December 31, 2008) |
Published on Jan 1 2021, 8:15PM
My New Song of Hope In Humanity
Dear Friends,
Several years ago I recorded my song, “Let’s Make Amends,” but I had not done a video with it. Now the lyrics of the song have become relevant due to all the hatred that runs in our streets, in posts from friends, and in the mainstream media. It is a blatant attempt to divide the masses to weaken us.
This message to my brothers and sisters, the Children of God, regardless of political affiliation, is my prayer for 2021:
May we all unite in love and God, but in strength to defeat the Great Deceiver.
Pastor Ricardo Beas
Published on Dec 8 2018, 4:00PM
This is a musical message I invite you to read and experience through your mind, body and Spirit, so the first thing that I ask you to do is to click on the link below to listen to this song by Manheim Steam Roller while you read. So please click now and read along:
Dear Family, Friends, Followers and Disciples,
One this Christmas Eve that starts our transition into an uncertain new year, where hope is dim as to us being able to successfully defeat the national and global mandatory vaccine agenda, I want to share a little bit of myself with you so you can better understand my message today.
I was raised in Tijuana, Mexico, by Catholic parent, with a loving mother that instilled in me love towards humanity and a disdain for injustice, and a love and respect for God, who’s Spirit dwells within us all, as we are the Temple of God.
There are only three types of persons in this world:
(1) Those that don’t believe in a spiritual life, life after death and/or what we call God
(2) Those that do believe out of faith, but have never experienced it; and
(3) Those that believe because they have crossed that boundary and have experience such a spiritual reality.
I have been blessed in life and have experienced Mankind in its best and worse behavior. I am in no way a perfect man, far from it, and are no one to judge others without judging myself. And for those that I have hurt as God has taken me through my necessary journey to be able to be where I am now and to do my activist work, I ask for your sincere forgiveness.
In my life I have had many dreams that have come true. The dreams are always symbolic in nature, but easy to recognize upon reflection once the event comes true. The one dream that has always been in my mind and has been in the process of fulfilling itself in the future, hopefully soon, was one that I had when I was about 9 to 11 years old.
In that dream, me and two others we desperately running toward a lighthouse through the rocks and splashes of waves in a dark night with a glowing partially cloud-covered moon like a scene from an old monster movie, as we were being chased by an army of what appeared to be roman-like soldiers that were trying to capture and kill us.
Once we got to the top of the lighthouse we were cornered against the window and to avoid death the three of us jumped out the window into the sea below where large waves were crashing against the rocks. In my dream I was seeing this as if I was a spectator on the other side of the beach (I can visualize it perfectly now. I’ll be 62 in a couple of days). As we were falling we all turned into Samsonite luggage and floated (that part of the dream always made me laugh, as I never understood what that meant). One of us died when he hit the ocean.
That adventure was immediately followed by a scene of an old Medieval period-like house in England or the like. Now, imagine that you were inside that home with a video camera and you are in the living room and the camera is pointing to the left side at the door. I heard someone knocking and the person that lived in the house and walked toward the door only showed his back as he opened it (I never saw his face) and he was holding in one hand the Holy Grail. To my surprise, when he opened the door I saw that it was me and the other person that survived the jump from the lighthouse, a man dressed in white garb and a large hat, resembling what I interpreted then to be the Pope, which I now equate to a man with holy knowledge and blessings representing the justice of God; definitely not the Pope.
As soon as the door opened I hit the man in the house in the face, knocking him down with the typical one blow we see in movies, and we rushed in and regained control of the Holy Grail. It felt like we have saved humanity.
In 1974, when I was 18 years old, through my good friend Sergio Arnaiz, I had the honor of meeting world famous Hollywood clairvoyant Maria Moreno (see her story in the book “Ghosts Over Hollywood” by Jess Stearns). In our session Maria went into a trance and three spirits spoke through her. It is too long to explain here all the things she told me about my life in complete accuracy, but some included specifically giving me names of my relatives, telling me I almost died of a heart attack when I was six years old, telling me that she saw blood on my mother, which I had not seen in several weeks (she turned out to be in the hospital with a broken arm), and telling me that my oldest brother Pedro Octavio, who died in a car crash a year earlier was with us in the room and then gave me a message from him that was very relative to my life then and which help me identify certain dangers I was facing.
In the session, Clarita, one of the spirits speaking through Maria, told me she could see I played the guitar and sang, and asked me if I had considered becoming a professional musician, but I told her I did not think I had the potential of being one so that I was not pursuing any dreams of being a professional musician (but I became a musician later in life in 2003 when I started my philosophical musical project Café Peyote. Another very interesting comment she made, which takes us back to my dream, was that I was going to travel substantially, but at that time the comment meant nothing to me. That turned out to be true as well.
Towards the end of the session Clarita told me to contact her spiritually, to loudly call her name when I was alone in a quiet place so she could come to me to chat, and I took her up on her offer. Several months later, when in my and some friend’s old apartment on a sunny afternoon I did just that. A sat in a yoga-like position and started calling her name, talking to her and asking that she and the other spirits come to me. After what I guess was 5 or more minutes I heard a noise, like a scratch on a wall, that scared the living lights out of me.
My heart was pounding heavily, very scared, but I controlled myself and continued speaking, asking if it was her. Then several minutes later I heard the noise again so I did the same thing, encouraging her to speak to me, while trembling. One thing is to believe in the afterlife, another to experience it). Several minutes later I heard the noise for the third time, but then realized that the noise was coming from the kitchen, so I got up, went to the kitchen and saw that the noise was coming from a kitchen drawer that what slightly opened. When I pulled the drawer — a large mouse jumped out of the drawer and fell to my side and ran under the kitchen appliances. I almost had a heart attack!
Completely frightened by the experience, but laughing at the circumstances, I went back to my yoga position, continued talking asking Clarita to speak to me, but the experience had been too much for me mentally, so after a couple of minutes I told her I was giving up for that evening, that I would try again in the future and went to lay down on my back on a couch.
I was completely awake after that scary experience and was thinking of what had just happened. Then I decided to try it again after a couple of minutes, but this time I asked Clarita to give me a vision, to show me something in the future, and within a couple of minutes I blanked out and had a vision of a horrible event which I saw clearly in detail, but it was just 2-3 seconds long and then I abruptly awoke. It was so short that I could not tell what the scene was a part of, what happened before or what happened afterwards, so I just left it at that.
My friend Sergio visited Maria often and about two weeks after my vision I saw him and he said that he had just seen Maria and had spoken to Clarita the day before and that she told him to tell me to be very careful because I was facing danger, without any details. About two weeks later the prophetic event happened and in that whole experience, those 2-3 seconds of the vision Clarita gave me came true, identical as I saw it then, as if I had seen it in a movie. The experience is too personal to share here, so I prefer not explaining it at this time. By the way, Sergio was my age. Clarita had told him and his mother that Sergio would die at a young age, and he did die several months before his 21st birthday.
After I saw Maria that day I never saw her again until about one or two years later. My father used to have the newspaper delivered at home and always left it next to the phone. I never read it, other than maybe looking for featured movies in the movie theatre. One day, for no reason at all, I picked up the newspaper and started scanning through it and to my surprise on page 5+, in a small box (right hand side, half way down in the middle) there was an article saying that famous clairvoyant Maria Moreno was in town (Tijuana) and it even said in what hotel she was staying. I called her to meet and went to her room.
We did another session. In the session she told me, among other things, that Sergio was there and that he asked if I remembered when he was my chauffeur. I started crying out of sadness and joy at the same time, as on my 18th birthday Sergio invited me to spend the week with him and his girlfriend in Santa Cruz, CA (he was attending college there). He pretty much skipped all his classes and took me throughout the whole bay area, San Francisco, San Jose, Carmel, Pebble Beach, etc. On the last day we traveled around, going back to his rented house, I was sitting in the car behind him and his girlfriend, and he said, “Do you like me being your chauffeur?
By the way, Maria was investigated by the FBI in the sixties because she told Robert Kennedy Senior in a session to be careful because there was going to be an attempt on his life.
What is the significance of this? What this means is that while we are living our lives and you are reading this message, the future has already happened. Apparently the past, present and future exist at the same time, in a way far beyond our comprehension.
What does this have to do with our anti-mandatory vaccine fight? It means that we are fighting against seen and unseen evil forces in its powerful manifestation through all those responsible for the mandatory vaccine agenda and the other atrocities like Toxic GeoEngineering, GMOs, etc. See Ephesians 6:10-13, 16-17.
But more importantly, it means that my dream at 9-11 years old is fulfilling itself, that we are fighting Rome and its armies around the world. It means that the man that was with me in white garb has or will be identifying himself to me so we can fight against this evil. And finally, it means that WE HAVE ALREADY WON, for I saw it in my dream; that we will secure and safeguard with your help the Holy Grail, and that at some time in the future we will be successful, even though our planet may need to go through a horrible faith to get there – but we will. And apparently it will happen in your and my lifetime as I survived in my dream, at least sufficiently to be giving my best blows to this Evil.
May God bless you and your family. May we work together towards this goal and never give up, with faith that in the end, God and His People, Us, the Temples of God and his soldiers for justice, will succeed. Never lose focus and be faithful to our triumphant destiny.
With All My Love,
Ricardo Beas
Natural Law Church of Health and Healing
Published on Mar 10 2018, 4:00PM
Dear Friends,
On July 2, 2017 I submitted my Vaccine Class Action Complaint to President Trump and the civil rights department of the US Dept. of Justice (DOJ), Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Dept. of Education (DOEd). My complaint identified multiple Criminal Participants that were and are carrying out a mandatory vaccine agenda to change laws throughout the USA to make certain vaccines mandatory to attend elementary and higher education schools, for certain jobs, to receive certain government benefits, to join or remain in the military, etc.
In particular, my complaint focused on California Senete Bill 277 (SB 277) which required that an elementary-high school student comply with vaccination requirements for multiple vaccines in the CDC vaccine schedule in order to attend school. My daughter Annette will be moving to 7th grade this coming school year and she does not have her vaccines and thus can be forced to get the vaccines or will not accepted in school, public or private.
The DOJ and DOEd refused to investigate my Complaint, but HHS said my Complaint was under consideration.
On January 2018 HHS announced a new department within their Civil Rights Division, the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, and this CRF Division has focused on violations of religious rights, including your religious right not to vaccinate yourself if it is against your conscience, moral and religious freedoms and rights.
Therefore, I developed a new strategy that I have used to fight SB 277. I created a Vaccine Religious Freedom Class Action Complaint (VRF Complaint), which I filed with the new HHH CRF Division, with the DOJ and with the DOEd.
I was also advised by HHS that my original complaint has also been transferred to the CRF Division. So now I have two complaints, including my present and future kids’s school district, Senator Pan and Gov. Brown.
This is a Class Action Complaint that you can join, so I have created all forms, text, information and everything you need to fight any mandatory vaccine program. I created a video that explains my new procedure. Here is the link:
Everyday more and more reports, medical journals and scientific peer reviewed documents come out pointing to the truth about the dangers of vaccines, their relationship with the incredible increase in autism among children and how we might even correlate such increased vaccination since the end of the 80’s to the increase in all sorts of diseases, some that we never heard of before, and some now affecting babies and children much more frequently, like certain types of cancers.
If you want to help me stop this mandatory vaccine agenda against my daughter and all human beings, please join my complaint. The video above will provide you all the information you need to proceed. You will find all forms and information on my VRF Complaint on my website at, highlighted in yellow.
Best wishes,
Published on Jul 5 2016, 5:00PM
For over a year I have been actively investigating and working on many different activist fronts, including toxic GeoEngineering (chemtrails), mandatory vaccines, homeopathic cancer treatment attacks by government, etc., dealing with many persons and agencies, from my children’s school principal and the District to the Governor’s office.
As a result there has been a complete refocus on my efforts to inform all of you of all the things that are happening around us, from locally to internationally. This is now reflected on my webpage, where I have added the following sections:
This last section, in a sense is as new to you as it is to me. For some reason since I was young I always thought I would end up being some sort of public speaker or even a preacher. And in a way it came true.
In my anti-vaccine fight I have been in contact with hundreds of parents of children that were harmed by vaccines, many within hours or days of the vaccination; from those that developed autism, to some that developed serious neurological problem and whom when confronting their pediatricians to claim it was the vaccines, are ignored, ridiculed, told to see a psychiatrist, or in the worse cases accused of mistreating their children and having them taken away with the parents facing criminal prosecution.
The same is happening when a child goes to a doctor and the doctor says the child has cancer and must undergo immediate treatment. If the parents refuse and say they will try some homeopathic or other non-orthodox treatment, the physician calls child services and next thing you know, they take your child away and he/she is forced to undergo the toxic radiation therapy. See example here.
With the passage of SB 277, removing the Personal Exemption and “supposedly” removing the Religious Exemption as well, children are now forced to be vaccinated or get a medical exemption which they have made very difficult to obtain. As a result some of these parents with unvaccinated children are being required to home school and some are leaving the state. I don’t blame them, based on the statistics and proven harm vaccines are doing now (more than 60 to be taken by the end of high school), a MIT scholar predicts that by 2032 one out of every two children will be autistic, 80% of them males. See trailer for “Vaxxed: from Cover up to Catastrophe.”
As a result of the above I decided to create a Church, based on universal Christian beliefs, but with the focus of good health, that all can join to assert, in writing, their natural, common law, constitutional (federal and state) and international right not to vaccinate themselves or their children against their will, and avoid being forced to use any medication or medical treatment against their will.
And it is not only happening to children. California also passed SB 792 that forces some child daycare workers to get vaccinated, veterans are facing either mandatory vaccination or losing their benefits and some pediatricians are even refusing to see parents and their unvaccinated children. And the wheels of this plan to vaccinate all human beings is steadily moving, click here so you can see for yourself. If this happens, imagine how many MORE vaccines the manufacturers, through authorities like the CDC, will say WE WILL NOW NEED. We have become nothing more that microbes in a Petri dish, for someone else’s profits, if not extermination.
I invite you to visit my page and see the new sections. If any are helpful to you in understanding why things are the way they are, then I simply ask you to invite others to visit and join the fight for freedom, help us end this government abuse, and to bring to justice all those in government and behind government that are closing the doors on humanity, in what they call the New World Order. George Bush Sr. said it clearly and apparently he was right:
Best wishes,
(photo church logo)
Published on Oct 1 2015, 5:00PM
It took me a while, almost five years, but finally my second CDTales of Humanity is now available for distribution, in CD form and download, full album and singles, through sites like iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Jango, etc..
I want to thank everyone that has contributed in any way in both recording this CD and encouraging me to continue. I am very proud of what I have accomplished musically. I think the message also has an important meaning in our lives today.
To sample and purchase any song, click here.
To view my CD Tales of Humanity on a YouTube playlist, click here.
Presently all songs’ backing tracks (no vocals) are available for free download on my website, bottom section.
Presently there are no plan to start recording a 3rd CD. Instead, I will be focused on my blogs. There are many important issues that have resulted from my inquiries into clandestine aerial spraying of toxic substances. I will be discussing this issue soon.
Best wishes,
Published on Aug 13 2015, 5:00PM
In 2006 my son Ricardo bought me historian and activist Howard Zinn’s book “A People’s History of the United States,” the American story going back to the Mayflower, but told from the perspective of the working class and all its struggles until present days.
Inspired by the book I wrote a song, Howard’s Song To The People, and emailed it to Howard for his consideration, simply me and my guitar. He replied:
“Thank you so much for your song. My wife and I listened with pleasure. The lyrics are certainly appropriate. Best wishes.”
Now, for my second CD release, we have produced the song and I have done the video. To see “Howard’s Song To The People” click here.
As a reminder, I will be in concert to release my second cd, Tales Of Humanity, on September 16 at 8:30 PM at The Merrow in the Hillcrest area. Please join me and support this project for peace and justice.
Published on Jul 25 2015, 5:00PM
As I prepare for the release of my second CD, Tales of Humanity, I have accomplished a goal I always had of creating a video for each one of my songs. Today I finished my entire first CD, Café Peyote, in video form and it has been uploaded to a YouTube playlist.
I invite you to view and enjoy my Two New Releases, which completed CD1- Click on the links below to view:
YOU DECIDE: Part 1: Good and Bad – Part 2: No Tolerance – Part 3: If Only I Could Draw. I dedicate this video to my niece Luisa Barajas, Lubaboop, for the artwork in CD1, as well as CD2, on which she is working on right now.
EN MI MENTE SIEMPRE ESTAN: When I wrote this song it was the first time that I wrote the lyrics prior to having the music. I had decided to write a song about my life. To my surprise, I wrote the song in about 10 minutes, and while it started by talking about my childhood it soon was talking about my mother, followed by my oldest son, Ricardo Octavio. As always, Luis and Paco Elorza were able to capture the tender and emotional feeling of this song with their musical interpretation. My music is like a page on a coloring book, all I do is the outline, Paco and Luis are the color, the fuel in my songs. My deepest gratitude to them.
To see the complete Cafe Peyote CD1 video playlist click here.
Remember to keep you agenda open for the evening of Wednesday September 16 @ 8:00 when I will release CD2 in a live concert (location: The Merrow, Hillcrest). Please join me and invite your friends.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Published on Jul 10 2015, 5:00PM
Dear friends,
I am happy to announce the release of my second CD, “Tales of Humanity”, after about four years of development. Final mastering and release of CD2 should be within the next couple of months. I am very happy with the outcome. Thank you for all your positive comments as I was sharing these songs individually with you throughout this time.
Special thanks go to Luis and Paco Elorza, for their excellent musicianship, production savvy and their friendship. I also want to thank Edmundo Arroyo for his saxophone contribution on Obsessions of the Mind. The video of this song got over 300,000 hits on YouTube.
To celebrate the CD2 release I will be playing here in San Diego at “The Merrow” on September 16 at 8:30 PM. It is located in the Hillcrest area. Here is their link: There will be a $5 cover charge.
Please join me then, bring your friends and enjoy the evening. To view any of my videos go to Cafe Peyote Videos.
Published on May 31 2015, 5:00PM
Recently I have been writing several blogs/articles regarding MMS/CDS and the potential health benefits that these products provide.
In the blogs I mentioned how the pharma industry, through its enforcement arm, the government, in particular the CDC and FDA, has attacked those that promote and sell such products. Well, here is the latest for your reading pleasure or disgust:
Daniel Smith, from Spokane, Washington, had a company that was selling MMS. In the last 5 years he has been consistently harassed by the FDA for selling MMS. At one point he sent the FDA a letter asking that they tell him if it was illegal to sell MMS and if so he would stop selling it. He never heard back from the FDA, so he continued to sell it. In the process he created an organization under which all persons wanting to buy MMS had to register as a member of an organization and community that believed that they had the God given/natural right to take any medication/substance that they believed would be good for their health, to no avail.
The FDA never responded to his letter/requests for clarification and over a year after not hearing from the FDA, he got raided and thrown in prison for selling MMS, He got out on bail. He was convicted on May 27th, 2015 and thrown again in prison, awaiting sentencing. He is facing 37 years in prison. No one has accused him of anything, including being ripped off for buying the MMS from him or suffering any health problems for using their product.
This was Wednesday. Five days later I received an email from the company where I buy MMS/CDS advising that they will no longer be selling these products within a couple of weeks because of this turn of events and obviously their fear of prosecution (the FDA already contacted them advising that they either stop selling, or else. Not only will they stop selling MMS, they will stop selling all their other health products, so their business has been destroyed).
This story is a repeat of what has happened with anyone promoting any none-pharmaceutical products for health, including cancer, even when there are thousands of patients that were cured by them and documentation to prove it (every time these “real” health providers are raided, all their records are confiscated, never returned and never allowed in court when these persons are prosecuted.
– In the early 60’s medicals journals published that it was not true that vegetables and natural foods were good for you and could help with disease. By the end of the 60’s they had no option but to recant due to all the evidence that natural nutrition (fruits, vegetables, etc.) could be good for your health and immune system.
– In the 30’s/40’s Raymond Royal Rife found a cure for cancer using sound/electronic waves. He was shut down, discredited, prosecuted for years and physically and morally destroyed. His cured patients were harassed into not testifying in favor of Rife in his trial. See
– In the 60’s Harry Hoxsey had the biggest cancer clinic network in the world, curing people consistently. He was thrown in jail numerous times (about 100). Even two courts declared that he was indeed curing cancer, yet they destroyed him and his curing method disappeared (I heard they do use it in Tijuana, Mexico).
– In the 60’s Laetrile (amygdalin, vitamin B-17) was banned in the US and those using it prosecuted, even though it was being successfully used to treat cancer.
– In the 70’s Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski from Texas discovered and successfully used a treatment to fight cancer using what he called antineoplastons. He was also prosecuted numerous times in the course of many years. In his case, with his proof and good attorneys representing him, he has not been jailed and has been allowed to continue – but only as clinical trials and he cannot treat anyone that has not received the orthodox cancer treatment/poison before he works on them (one of the big problems in establishing all the positive benefits of all these natural/humane treatments is that most patients only turn to them after they have gone through harsh therapies like chemo, at which point their body’s immune system is extremely compromised). In Dr. Bursynki’s case, the government approached his patients asking that they file claims against him, even though their treatment had worked.
The examples go on and one, for decades and yet the masses continue to believe that big pharma and their medications/system will cure them. Big pharma controls the curriculum at medical universities; the treatments offered at orthodox hospitals and also control the regulators of their products and treatments, such as the FDA and CDC, and everything your orthodox doctor recommends. They are not interested in curing you, only in hooking you to their drugs, regardless of the side effects, like those of chemotherapy.
When will everyone open their eyes to the farce? After they get cancer? This year about 564,800 Americans are expected to die of cancer—more than 1,500 people a day. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US, exceeded only by heart disease. One of every four deaths in the US is from cancer. Since 1990, there have been approximately 5 million cancer deaths.
It is a business model, with no moral foundation. And the sooner you understand this, spread the word and raise up, the sooner you chances of getting cancer will decrease, the sooner real natural, effective and safe medications, with no or minimal side effects will become available to you without fear of prosecution for those that prescribe it and those who use it.
Use your head, logically: Medications don’t cure cancer, the human immune system cures cancer and disease. And when you use medication to cure you that disrupt, tax or destroy your immune system, like orthodox cancer treatments do, the medication is working against you.
Don’t wait until you or a family member is in their dying bed, after going through horrible orthodox cancer treatments before you start doing anything about it. I won’t and refuse to do so. After all, I’m involved and write all these articles/blogs to help you, not to make you one more recurring customer.
As a note, as I have done all my research on this issue consistently I always find a positive reference to cancer treatments in Tijuana, Mexico and their successful treatments, many of which started in the US, but had to go to Mexico to practice it, like in the case of Laetrile. In particular, the clinic that is always mentioned is Dr. Ernesto Contreras’ famous health clinic, now known as the Oasis of Hope, located in Playas de Tijuana. Here is their info, in case you are interested:
Think about it. View the videos, get involved to correct our current health crisis.
Published on Apr 26 2015, 5:00PM
The state of California is in the process of trying to pass Senate Bill 277 that will make it mandatory for all children in high school and below to be vaccinated, whether the parents want to vaccinate their children or not, for personal and religious reasons. It has moved from the CA Senate Education Committee, where it passed by a 7-2 vote, to the Senate Judiciary Committee, who will be reviewing it this week.
I am against this bill and sent a letter of opposition to Governor Brown and all Judiciary Committee members. I hope you help in this fight. The letter contains my arguments why this bill should not pass. Here is the letter:
To view this letter in PDF format click here
Dear Governor Brown and members of the California Senate Judiciary Committee:
My name is Ricardo Beas and I live in San Diego County. I am writing to you today to explain my reasoning as to why I am against Senate Bill 277 and the removal of the “personal belief” exemption from current law as a means to avoid having my children vaccinated, and urge you to say no to SB 277 becoming law, based on the following reasons:
The basic argument for passing this bill is that Senator Richard Pan and others want to protect vaccinated children at school from getting sickened by children whose parents opted to not vaccinate their children. This argument completely contradicts the reasons why supposedly vaccines work. Here is the logic:
- If a vaccine works, a child will not get sicken by the disease the vaccine purports to protect the child against.
- If the vaccinated child will not get sick that means that any person “vaccinated or not” that develops the disease cannot pass it to the vaccinated child.
- If an unvaccinated child cannot infect a vaccinated child there is no reason to ban the unvaccinated child from school.
It is that simple, no rocket science, no need to do clinical trials. The pro-vaccine industry (vaccine manufacturers, distributors, sellers, hospitals, CDC, FDA) insists that vaccines work, so why should unvaccinated children matter?
The reality is that vaccines in many cases don’t work! To make matters worse, there is ample evidence that vaccines can cause serious diseases like autism and vaccines themselves could be the cause of children being susceptible to a certain disease they may have been vaccinated against. Here is my evidence (click here to see referenced Exhibits).
- On August 5, 2010 the San Diego Union Tribune newspaper (hereinafter UT) reported that there was a whooping cough outbreak in California and urged vaccines against this disease. The report stated that there were 4 new cases in San Diego County: a 10-year-old and a 9-year-old, BOTH CURRENT ON THEIR IMMUNIZATIONS; the other two, a 13- and 11-year-old, had their immunization but where missing the buster shot. In this case, ALL of the children that were infected were vaccinated and if they got the disease that obviously means that they could spread it to both vaccinated and unvaccinated children. In this case, the sickened/vaccinated children should be the ones prohibited from going to school. See Exhibit 1.
- On August 26, 2010, the UT reported 3 more whooping cough cases. A 3- and 5-year-old, BOTH UP-TO-DATE ON IMMUNIZATIONS, and a 10-year-old who was only due for a buster shot. In this case, all new cases were of vaccinated children. See Exhibit 2.
- On October 7, 2010 the UT reported 10 chickenpox cases at Escondido schools. Of the 10 students: two of them had two immunizations to chickenpox, one had only one, and seven others were fully immunized. Therefore, of the 10, only one child was not immunized. Based on this info it appears that children that were vaccinated had a 9-10 chance of getting the disease, while the unvaccinated children had a 1-10 chance of getting the disease, and thus seem better prepared to have their immune system fight against chickenpox than the vaccine treatments. See exhibit 3.
- Around this time I had been communicating by email with San Diego Public Health Officer Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H. regarding the whooping cough outbreak noted above and her department recommendation that children get vaccinated. In an October 5, 2010 email she replied: “MANY of the pertussis (whooping cough) cases reported in San Diego have had the five series, as well as he booster shot. This is a reminder that no vaccine provides 100% coverage” (email on file). Although I had requested the specific numbers be provided, she just said “many” had their vaccines. This is additional proof that both vaccinated and unvaccinated children can get infected and that either could spread the disease, making it unnecessary to keep unvaccinated children out of school, even if there was an outbreak.
- On October 15, 2009 the UT published an article promoting vaccines and noted that “the CDC has asked neurologist to report new cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, A RARE NERVE DISORDER THAT WAS ASSOCIATED WITH THE LAST NATIONWIDE SWINE FLU VACCINATION CAMPAIGN OF 1976. The disease, which can cause paralysis and death, surfaced in SEVERAL HUNDRED PEOPLE who received a shot that year. MORE THAN 30 OF THEM DIED.”
The article finished with a statement from Dr. Francesca Torriani, medical director for infection prevention at UCSD Medical Center, as to children who do not get immunized: “If they don’t get the disease, they will be able to thank all the others who got vaccinated and protected them.” See Exhibit 4. If Dr. Torriani’s statement is true, this means that unvaccinated children are not a threat to vaccinated children, contrary to the claims of the proponents of SB 277.
- It is commonly believed that the Guillain-Barré syndrome cases above were due to the preservative used in that vaccine known as Thimerosal, which contain among other things mercury, a known neurotoxin, and while this substance was removed from vaccines for a while, it has been reintroduced in most modern vaccines. In an annual vaccine campaign in 2011 the vaccine manufacturers even attempted to protect themselves against suits from persons that may claim they or their children got this disease from the vaccine by writing on their publicity posters the following: “To receive a flu shot you must: … (4) NOT HAVE AN ALLERGY TO THIMEROSAL (USED AS A PRESERVATIVE IN VACCINES) … (6) NOT HAVE A HISTORY OF GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME. See Exhibit 5.
- The dangers of Thimerosal and the vaccine industry’s knowledge of this is well documented in Robert F. Kennedy’s book Thimerosal, Let the Science Speak. See this short clip from, an organization affiliated with Mr. Kennedy’s research, See also the documentary Vaccine Nation,
- The vaccine industry knows very well the dangers that their vaccines pose to human health, and it does not matter if one person in a million can suffer such severe consequences, including death, or if the numbers are 1:1,000, or 1:100, it is not worth the risk. And this brings us to autism, a disease that many actual cases and medical reports link to vaccines. This is what the CDC says about children in American today: “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 68 children (or 14.7 per 1,000 eight-year-olds) in multiple communities in the United States has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).” See
- Let’s take this information and do a little analysis. Let’s say for the sake of argument that it is true, that thimerosal (or other components of vaccines, such as aluminum and glutamate) do cause autism. To rate a child as to whether he/she has autism a behavioral/physical test is conducted, using the Autism Spectrum Rating Scale. Depending on the resulting score a child can be rated as to whether they have autism and to what extent or if they do not. The CDC numbers above only tells us what children have gotten the higher score, at which point autism is considered to be present, but what about everyone else below that score. Can these persons also be affected, even though not diagnosed as autistic or with other serious or lesser mental/physical disabilities?
If thimerosal is very bad for some children, then it has to be bad for all children and adults, except that the degree of harm may vary and may not be as evident (like children’s tics that have been associated with vaccines; see Huffington Post report, An easy way to illustrate this is to take alcohol as an example. Within a certain period of time, let’s say two hours, you can get 3 persons to drink 6 alcoholic beverages, like Whiskey or Tequila. As a result of the drinking, one of them can feel a buzz and lightheaded, one of them could get drunk, and one of them could pass out. They were all affected by the alcohol and all drank the same amount, but each individual body has a different tolerance to alcohol, for whatever reason. The same could be said of the dangers of thimerosal on all vaccinated children. This is another reason why a parent might want to avoid vaccines for their children.
- The manufacturers of vaccine and the nation’s network of vaccine distributors know about the risk of vaccines. This is very obvious by reading the consent statement on the “Immunization Consent Form” you are required to sign in order to get a vaccine. A June 2010 form from Maxim Health Systems reads in part:
“I (the person receiving the vaccine) believe the benefits outweigh the risks and I voluntarily assume full responsibility for any reactions that may result. … I, for myself, my heirs, executors, personal representatives and assigns, herby release Maxim, any retail site, grocery store, pharmacy, corporation, school, school district, physician and/or medical director … from any and all claims arising out of, in connection with or in any way related to my receipt of this or these immunization(s). Maxim and the other aforementioned parties shall not at any time or to any extent whatsoever be liable, responsible, or in any way accountable for ANY LOSS, INJURY, DEATH OR DAMAGE SUFFERED OR SUSTAINED BY ANY PERSON AT ANY TIME IN CONNECTION WITH OR AS A RESULT OF THIS VACCINE PROGRAM OR THE ADMINSTRATION OF THE VACCINES.” See Exhibit 6.
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. writes: “Vaccines are big business. Pharma is a trillion-dollar industry with vaccines accounting for $25 billion in annual sales. CDC’s decision to add a vaccine to the schedule can guarantee its manufacturer millions of customers and billions in revenue with minimal advertising or marketing costs and complete immunity from lawsuits … Big money has fueled the exponential expansion of CDC’s vaccine schedule since 1988, when Congress’ grant of immunity from lawsuits suddenly transformed vaccines into paydirt. CDC recommended five pediatric vaccines when I was a boy in 1954. Today’s children cannot attend school without at least 56 doses of 14 vaccines by the time they’re 18 … Big Pharma is among the nation’s largest political donors, giving $31 million last year to national political candidates. It spends more on political lobbying than any other industry, $3.0 billion from 1998 to 2014.” See
The vaccine industry, using all the tools at their disposal, like the CDC and the FDA (whose high ranking officials come from this same industry or are controlled by the same interests), their lobby machine and the media, is shifting the focus away from vaccine safety: it has its efforts focused on parents who do not vaccinate their children, who are becoming informed, making medical and health choices that they believe (and the evidence shows) may be either better than vaccines, not as dangerous, or that at least do not have risks associated with them. These parents are the targets of this industry because they represent a threat to the vaccine industry and their future profits. This is nothing more and nothing less than greed placed above common sense and people’s health. And you, as a public official, have an obligation to protect all California citizens from harm, allowing them to make their own choices as to whether vaccines are harmful and if they should be administered to them and their children.
- This vaccine industry is so powerful that it got the federal government to create a special court for them in 1986, a court known as “a special no-fault vaccine court” (The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, VICP), so that no suits could be filed against them. These lawsuits go to that court and if a family proves harm, the government (taxpayers!), not the vaccine manufacturers, pay for such settlement awards. In a Feb 23, 2011 UT article about a family that sued a vaccine manufacturer for injuries to their child, which included autism, it talks about this arbitrary law. In the article the U.S. Supreme Court denied the parent’s petition. The article states in part:
“A federal trial judge and the 3rd U.S. Circuit of Appeals ruled in favor of Wyeth (the manufacturer). Indeed, state and federal appeals courts have ALMOST ALWAYS sided with the vaccine manufacturer in preventing the lawsuits from going forward.”
The article closes with a statement from Dr. Marion Burton, the President of the American Academy of Pediatrics: “Today’s Supreme Court decision protects children by strengthening our national immunization system.” Really? Again, let us apply logic. Below his statement the article continues, “The vaccine court has paid out more than $1.9 billion to more than 2,500 people who claimed (and if they got paid, OBVIOUSLY PROVED) a connection between a vaccine and serious health problems.” See Exhibit 7. Vaccine proponent could argue that it was only 2,500 people out of millions. If so, they are forgetting the rest of the article; did it not say that these courts deny most cases? That means that if 2,500 only represent 10% of the claims (and I bet the number is lower), then 22,500 claims could have been filed. But the article says “almost always denied.” What if it is 1% — that would be 250,000 cases from people who could have been seriously harmed by vaccines.
To this we can add all those that did not have the money to bring a suit or did not have the time to take it to court, maybe due to all the care this disabled child has to go through and the medical expenses related to it, or who considered it fruitless to fight because the court would most likely rule against them. How about those that don’t bring cases to court because they don’t see the connection between their children’s sickness and vaccines, including symptoms in that lower range of the autistic rating scale I was discussing above.
Vaccine manufacturers, through legislatures, have made it virtually impossible for vaccine victims to be compensated if any of the vaccines cause a serious injury. In the above case Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote for the court, stated (from the UT article, Exhibit 7):
“(Justice Scalia) said that when a vaccine is properly prepared and is accompanied by proper directions and warnings, lawsuits over its side effects ARE NOT LLOWED UNDER THE 1986 LAW.”
What does this mean in legal terms? It means that as long as they manufactured the vaccine as they intended, and put warning labels for you to ready (who reads them when getting a vaccine?), you cannot sue them, even if the vaccine caused proven and obvious injury, even if they knew it could or would cause injury. Is this fair or is this more of an incentive for the vaccine industry?
- On January 20, 2010, the Associated Press issued an article noting that government officials were investigating an apparent increase in fever-related seizures in young children after they got a flu shot. The article reads in part:
“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday said there have been reports of 36 seizures this flu season in children ages 6 months through 2 years. ALL THE SEIZURES ACCURED WITHIN ONE DAY AFTER THE YOUNGSTERS GOT A VACCINE called Fluzone, which is made specifically for younger children.”
What was the vaccine manufacturer’s response? “The maker of the flu shot says THERE IS NO CLEAR LINK BETWEEN THE VACCINE AND SEIZURES, AND THEY MAY HAVE BEEN COINCIDENTAL.” What else do you want as proof? The seizures happened within one day in all cases. But even they can’t hide it, as they used the word MAY, meaning, VACCINES MAY BE THE CULPRIT! See Exhibit 8.
The CDC and FDA, the official spokesmen for the pharmaceutical industry, continue to push vaccines as if there was no safety concern at all. On the issue of the seizures noted above, in the FDA’s website on Jan 20, 2011, it stated: “Recommendations for the use of the flu vaccine in children have not changed. CDC recommends that all persons age 6 MONTHS AND OLDER receive a flu vaccine EVERY YEAR.” See Exhibit 9.
- Aside from other toxic substances in vaccines noted above, there is substantial evidence that mercury in vaccines causes serious disorders like seizures and autism. The vaccine industry points to supposed valid studies that prove the substances/chemicals in vaccines are safe, but how accurate are these reports? The UT published an article on September 27, 2007, titled “Study: Mercury in vaccines not harmful to kids,” that points to a “large” federal study that concluded that thimerosal/mercury “does not raise the risk of neurological problems in children.” The article continues with this disturbing information:
“However, the study DID NOT EXAMINE AUTISM, the developmental disorder that some critics blame on vaccines.”
“However, they said one finding merited further study: Boys exposed to higher mercury levels SEEMED TO HAVE MORE TIC PROBLEMS – A LINK SEEN IN PREVIOUS RESEARCH.”
The CDC led this study and published the results in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC study was reviewed by a supposedly unbiased independent panel of scientists and statisticians that contributed to the report. Here are the facts about the panel: (1) of the whole panel, only one was a vaccine opponent, Sallie Bernard, executive director of the consumer group SafeMinds. She asked to be listed as a “dissenting member” because she disagreed with the study’s conclusion; (2) the research was led by William Thompson, a CDC epidemiologist who once worked for vaccine maker Merck & Co.; (3) four other researchers have received fees from drug companies; and (4) one has served as a consultant to a CDC committee on immunization. See Exhibit 9.
“The lead CDC researcher on the above study, William Thompson, is now a CDC whistleblower, and claims the CDC has been hiding for years, at least 12 years, that vaccines cause autism. From the INQUISITR website, dated August 23, 2014 (
”A top researcher working for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with Focus Autism Foundation’s Dr. Brian Hooker, alleged that the CDC has been involved with vaccine research data manipulation reigniting the MMR and autism link, according to Yahoo News.”
“Dr. Hooker and the whistleblower claimed the CDC knew of the risks as early as 2003, prior to the study’s publication… Initially, the CDC employee spoke anonymously. Now, a video where his image and voice are not disguised, presented by the controversial gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield, is making its way around the globe. The whistleblower was identified as Dr. William Thompson, who indeed worked at the CDC and was considered a highly respected professional.”
You can hear Mr. Thompson making his claims on the following video: This video will also expose some of the other illicit activities of the CDC.
To conclude, all that I have pointed above only has one aim, to avoid having the state of California refuse to allow parents to take their unvaccinated children to school, for whatever personal or religious reason. I have no problem with people using vaccines if they wish. If people want to continue to have their children vaccinated, that is their choice; if people want to ignore the evidence against vaccines, that is their choice; if people are willing to risk their children getting a serious disease due to a vaccines because they only have a one in a million, or 1 in 68 chance of getting sick with something like autism (remember, the CDC says 1 in 68 children have autism and anti-vaccine proponents have proven vaccines are a contributor to autism), that is their choice. My choice and that of many Californians, as well as thousands around the world, is to not take that risk, and we have a God given right to make this decision for us and our children, regardless of labels used in school vaccine forms as “personal beliefs” and “religious beliefs” claimed by authorities to be the only way to avoid getting children of school age vaccinated.
I don’t know what the answer is to avoid people from getting a disease that vaccines purportedly protect against. I understand the pain and suffering these diseases can cause and do not wish them on anyone. Yet, there are numerous reports and studied (like the ones mentioned here, among thousands) that to me prove that there are better alternatives to vaccines, including but not limited to, fortifying the immune system, eating health and natural foods, avoiding herbicide and pesticide laden foods, better hygiene, taking vitamins and other nutritious supplements and using homeopathic medications that have proven for centuries to be effective.
By what was presented above, apparently vaccines are not the answer and can cause even greater harm than the disease the vaccines purportedly protect against.
Mr. Governor, members of the CA Judiciary Committee, is it worth taking the risk to have your children and grandchildren inoculated with a vaccine that can cause serious ailment? For my family, that would not be the best choice.
Mr. Governor, members of the CA Judiciary Committee, for all the reasons noted above, I urge you to vote and argue against SB 277. And I urge everyone else reading this to fight against its approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Ricardo Beas
Published on Mar 16 2015, 5:00PM
In August of 2009 Jennifer Carney from the San Diego Troubadour magazine wrote a fabulous review on my first cd, “Cafe Peyote,” for which I am very grateful. Link here.
It was obvious from her comments that she took the time to carefully listen to the music and lyrics and understood what the Cafe Peyote project is all about – It is my message (correct of incorrect) about our lives, wrapped in a musical format. She wrote:
“He comes across as a man who stands by his ideals and makes the music to match.”
There was one statement that caught my attention:
“The songs do speak to all that lovely hippie stuff: the search for deeper meaning, lauding of the inward journey, eschewing materialism, etc.”
What a great way to define what the word “hippie” embodies. These ideals from the 60’s do live on in many of us that grew up in that period or following it.
The hippie way of life was a difficult struggle then: thinking of love and peace, avoiding a material world and war, while at the same time trying to survive in it.
Drugs played a big role on that scene in the 60’s, resulting in the expansion of awareness through pot and psychedelic drugs, as well as in the downfall for those that abused them.
I missed the hippie scene by one generation, but lived it through its musicians, to many to mention here, but always starting with the Beatles and their message of Love.
To look back at what happened with the hippies in the 60’s should not be to judge the individuals that represented it, from Timothy Leary and the Grateful Dead to Charles Manson, those that expanded on their awareness and lived fruitful lives (some ending in Silicon Valley changing the world) to those that were left in the streets without nothing.
No, to think about the hippies should be to think of a dream of Utopia, however elusive it may be, knowing that we, as a race, will probably never find it, but should always be striving for it – not for one, but for all.
In honor of all those that were part of the hippie movement I have written my song You Are Nature’s Child to remind us that while the hippie dream happened in the 60’s, it’s message should be eternal.
Watch the video:
Martin Luther had a dream – shouldn’t we all?
Published on Feb 28 2015, 4:00PM
(Note: To view/print this article in PDF format, click here)
This is a follow up to my two blogs/articles:
1- Cancer, the FDA, the American Medical Association and You
2- Your Right to Be Cancer Free
In the late 90’s a gentlemen by the name of Jim Humble, an electronic technician and non-degreed research engineer in the aerospace industry from the U.S., travelled to Africa to use a gold recovery system he developed. While there in the middle of the jungle some of his aids contracted what appeared to be malaria and got very sick. Being one day away from any community, he sent some of his staff that where healthy to get medication from the nearest town.
Meanwhile Humble, seeing the terrible sickness and pain his aides were going through, offered them a solution he had for purifying water. Within 4 hours the previously sick aids were laughing, talking about how sick they were just four hours earlier. See Project Camelot Interviews Jim Humble).
The solution that Humble used is known worldwide by the acronym given by Humble, MMS. Because of many different reasons to long to explain here, the acronym has had different meanings, but the most acceptable one is Master Mineral Solution.
The MMS solution is obtained by mixing sodium chlorite,NaClO2 (28% concentration) with citric acid (50% concentration, currently recommended to be replaced with a 4% solution of hydrochloric acid, HCl, the same acid we have in our stomach). Hereinafter I will refer to the sodium chlorite and either acid when used together as the activators.
MMS as a disease fighting medication, not being a patentable product, has not had any financial backing to fully study and understand how this solution works or what is the best combination and dosage, so everything that has been learned about it has been a result of more than a decade of encouraging positive individual usages and testimonials, now in the thousands, of its benefits when used in different ways to kill pathogens and parasites that cause disease. See Humble’s page. Pathogens are bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.
Combining these two chemicals results in a chemical reaction that creates and generates Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2, hereinafter simply referred to as MMS), a yellowish-green gas that is highly soluble in water and is made up of one chlorine ion bound to two ions of oxygen and is a potent oxidizer. Oxidizing agents are chemical compounds that readily accept/rob electrons from “electron donors.” They gain electrons via chemical reaction/oxidation/combustion. This is important because relative to chlorine dioxide, all pathogens are electron donors.
One of the distinctive features of MMS is that when preparing and drinking it the solution will have a chlorine-like smell and taste and is also sour due to the acid, so it is not readily acceptable to our senses. This taste and smell are reduced by simply adding water to the mix prior to drinking and by not inhaling directly from the container. Also, known side effects include diarrhea, vomit and lightheadedness.
When such reaction takes place the ClO2 dissolves and the pathogens die. See DuPont’s info page on the safe industrial use of ClO2 here (note that it states that it is used for fruit and vegetable processing). Chlorine dioxide is a neutral chlorine compound. It is very different from elementary chlorine (see Wikipedia). Chlorine dioxide generated from sodium chlorite is approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for disinfecting water used to wash fruits, vegetables, and poultry (see Wikipedia). See also a publication by the National Center for Biotechnology Information titled, “Controlled Clinical Evaluations of Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Man.” (Vol. 46, pp. 57-62, 1982). See pages 59-62 where it concludes that there are no apparent adverse effects from human ingestion of chlorine dioxide, “demonstrated by the absence of detrimental physiological response” (page 62).
MMS has proven to be helpful in the destruction and elimination of many diseases (not simply the control of symptoms as most of your friendly neighborhood pharmacy products do), from a simple fungal infection to high fever, flu, autism, arthritis, elimination of heavy metals, HIV and even cancer), pretty much any disease caused by pathogens, parasites and their toxic excrement.
Probably the best documented case of the beneficial effect of MMS in treating disease was when more than 150 people from Uganda got cured of malaria by the Red Cross in December 2012. SeeWiki definition of malaria as to how serious this disease is. Most of these persons were cured with only one dose in one day. The rest were cured with a second dose by the second day, thus all the patients were cured within 2 days. After this started to become public and referenced by the global pro-MMS community, the Red Cross immediately denied that this ever happened. Luckily, one of the persons involved in documenting the results on video, when seeing how this vital health information was being withheld, released the video on YouTube to prove it did happen, here is the link. You could ask yourself, if the Red Cross is supposed to save lives why would it conceal this important information from the world? That is another subject to be covered, but see my blog, “Taboo: Depopulation.”
So what happens to the MMS after it reacts and oxidizes the pathogens? Like the pathogen, the MMS/Chlorine Dioxide molecule is also destroyed/decomposed by the oxidation/combustion process and is no longer present in the body within hours, the residue being simply minimal amounts of sodium chloride, commonly known as salt, and water, neither affecting the body, so there is no residual toxic substances left in the body, like orthodox medicines leave, with all their consequential side effects, some serious, some deadly; just listen to 80% of the TV commercials for medications and their warnings.
Here is where the first red flag my pop up in your head: This sounds like quackery! How can one thing be so good for so many things? It is really simple to explain, as Louis Pasteur, the father of vaccines, said in his dying bed, “(Claude) Bernard is right. The microbe is nothing; (human) terrain is everything.” And it makes perfect sense!
Let me explain. Take a swimming pool. Stop adding chlorine and within a couple of days/weeks, the water will turn murky, green and completely full of all sorts of microorganisms. Add chlorine again and everything will die off (although you might have to clean the residual dead bacteria/microorganisms). There was no need to add different compounds for different organisms, the chlorine killed them all; in other words, all those different micro-organisms simply could not live and thrive is such a chlorinated environment.
Like many plants, some organisms can only live in certain environments. If we dive inside a swimming pool and stay at the bottom without any breathing apparatus we will die within minutes, while a fish on dry land will also die within minutes. But in their natural environment both will survive and thrive.
These pathogens and parasites, like the cancer virus (contrary to orthodox medicine, that is all cancer is, as proven by Royal Raymond Rife in San Diego, CA in the 1930-40’s), for the most part thrive in an acid environment. So if our body’s pH is acid, these pathogens will prosper and reproduce, but if we were to increase the alkaline level of our system they will die, like throwing a fish into dry land. This is one of the properties of MMS, it helps your body neutralize the acid state and raises its alkalinity sufficiently to negatively affect the pathogen’s living environment, while using its oxidizing strength to completely destroy the pathogen.
What’s the catch? If this is quackery, someone is trying to steal your money and make themselves rich. So how much does MMS cost? Before I answer this, think about how much you would spend on a hospital and medications, without insurance, if you went to visit/stay in a hospital if you had a serious flu, if you had pneumonia or if you had cancer?
Here are the numbers: The average price for a 4 ounce bottle of sodium chloride solution is $20; the 4 ounce bottle of citric acid solution is $7 dollars (about the same for HCl). Total $27. Four ounces are equal to 120 ml. Each milliliter is estimated (depending on the liquid’s density) to be approximately 20 drops. Being that an activated drop of MMS is comprised of a 1:1 combination of sodium chloride and citric/HCl acid, it means that you will get 120 x 20 drops of activated MMS for each set of activators. That is equal to 2,400 doses/drops of MMS (in the MMS world 2 drops of the activators are referred to as one drop of MMS or more specifically of “activated MMS”). If the standard protocol is followed and a person takes 3 drops of MMS a day every hour for 10 hours, he/she will consume 30 drops a day. If you divide 2,400 doses by 30 drops a day, it means that the MMS will last you 80 days.
Considering that a treatment may just take days (in the case of malaria only one or two doses as seen above), but in common protocol may last up to 3 weeks, your supply would be good for about 4 full treatments. Now take $27 dollars, total expense for the MMS bottles, divide it by 80 and you get a cost of about $0.34 cents per day. Assuming it works, going back to the question, how much do you think you would spend if you go with a serious disease to the hospital, ask yourself: Who is ripping you off and in many cases not even curing you fully, just treating your symptoms?
Money/profit is the biggest reason why big pharma and its enforcement arm (the FDA) will never sell or promote MMS. The profit in addressing disease is not in curing the disease, it is in fighting only the symptoms so you will continue using the medication, sometimes for life, like in the case of diabetes (something MMS has proven to be very effective in treating and very fast). Also, big pharma generates millions in the form of government subsidies and fund raisers for their research.
As you can see MMS is extremely inexpensive and to show you how much Humble and all others in the MMS community, including myself, care for your health and not for your money, they even show you how to make your own MMS (even less expensive), noted in Humble’s book and in the links provided below.
See MMS Green Life as an example of distributors in the US. MMS is less expensive in Mexico, where Kerri Rivera says, “Mexico loves MMS.” Very different than in the US, where it is passionately attacked and discredited by the FDA and the orthodox medical establishment (discussed below).
The other miraculous property of MMS is that while it oxidizes pathogens and kills parasites, it does not affect healthy cells in any way, on the contrary, it helps the body fortify the immune system because it helps create that optimal environment/terrain that Pasteur was referring to.
In larger parasites, like worms (and you would not believe how many pathogens and parasites we carry in our body – simply the mouth contain 500 to 1,000 different types of bacteria as part of the human flora and oral microbiology), the MMS debilitates and kills them, subsequently being expelled through stools. Kerri Rivera, a mother of an autistic son turned autism therapist, previosuly working in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico through her clinic, Clinica AutismO2, has cured more than 100 children with serious autistic problems following the MMS protocol. See Kerri’s seminar at AutismOne that not only shows the parasites that are coming out of the body, but shows cured autistic children addressing the spectators telling their story. In Mexicali, Mexico, several doctors who participated in a seminar on MMS in that city are now successfully treating patients with MMS.
For a history and technical explanation about what MMS is, how it works and its benefits see Humble’s book, Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium. You can also see Andreas Kalcker’s book “La Salud Es Posible” (Health is Possible), presently only in German and Spanish.
Because of a lack of interest from main stream medical research centers, foundations (including that of Bill Gates, whose health foundation was approached by Humble about the benefits of MMS and was rejected) and big-pharma, through years of trial and error an appropriate dosage and form of administration has been developed and recommended by Humble and his Church, The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing. The Church refers to taking MMS as participating in its sacramental protocols. The Church believes that all human beings have the God given right to be healthy and free of disease and also have the moral obligation to tell others about treatments that prove to be effective to achieve these goals, like the use of MMS and DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide, (CH3)2SO, which among many other things can help in making MMS more effective. See CBS “60 Minutes” interview about DMSO on blog 1 above, towards end of article).
The Genesis II Church recommends MMS not only to fight sickness but also as a maintenance protocol to avoid disease in the first place. The Church, through its ministers around the world, gives MMS free of charge to anyone wanting it and teaches them how to use it, how to make it and encourages them to spread the word. It is a labor of love for which we all should be grateful.
How do you administer MMS? The recommended protocol dose for an adult is three drops of each sodium chlorite and citric or hydrochloric acid (in the concentrations noted above), placed in a glass, allowed to react for one to two minutes (this creates what we call 3 drops of activated MMS), then adding about 1/2 cup of water and immediately drinking it. These 3 drops of MMS are to be taken every hour for 8-10 hours a day for as long as necessary to cure the sick individual. For children smaller doses are recommended based on their weight. Also, one should avoid taking vitamin C in any form (like vitamin C fortified drinks/juices) while taking MMS because it neutralizes its effect. Kalcker recommends avoiding citric products and antioxidants altogether.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In the initial stages of the discovery of MMS as a treatment for curing human disease, the dosages where different, both in quantity and frequency. These have been refined through trial and error until arriving at the presently recommended dose noted above. In the internet, being a permanent “virtual writing board,” you will still find many webpages regarding MMS recommending other ways to administer MMS. It is recommended that you simply substitute such dosages/frequencies with the more current protocols recommended here, as this has been proven to be more effective.
With that said, there are some particulars that must be taken in consideration:
- Because of MMS’s ability to destroy pathogens and parasites through oxidation/combustion, the sicker the person is the more pathogens it will kill. There are two reactions to consider here. First, the pathogen, like all microorganisms, when encountering such an attack/threat will excrete harmful substances to protect itself (as it does when it flourishes in the human body) as a defense mechanism. The toxins released into the body by these organisms include, among other things, morphine, 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), ammonia and formaldehyde. These toxic chemicals can cause tiredness, intestinal inflammation, diarrhea, constipation, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, alcohol poisoning and convulsions, among other things. See Kalcker’s book, page 104.
Secondly, as the pathogen disintegrates and dies in the attack its residue will also be flushed out by the body, going through our internal filtering systems, primarily the liver, but also through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph nodes and skin. As a result of this, the body can experience nausea, diarrhea and in some cases vomit. This is due not to any toxicity of the MMS, but to the cleansing of the body (for example, if the liver cannot filter such large amounts of pathogen residuals, toxins and waste, these by-products may go directly into the digestive system resulting in diarrhea). This normal and necessary metabolic reaction for the cleansing of the body is called a Herxheimer reaction.
- Due to the above, it is recommended that when starting such MMS treatment, that a person begin with 1 drop (in some cases even 1/2 drop) of MMS, then gradually increase the dose until reaching the 3 drop/hour dose. The body’s present tolerance of the MMS will be evident by any possible side effects, like diarrhea.
As the dosage increases, if one experiences diarrhea, they should simply reduce the dose as may be necessary until such discomfort disappears and then gradually increase until reaching the standard recommended dose.
Here is a personal testimonial. I started using MMS when the dosages were recommended to be taken twice a day, in amounts of up to 12 drops of MMS, gradually starting from 1 drop. As the administration procedures improved to the present hourly application of MMS, at one point, to test its effectiveness and possible side effects before I made any personal comments to others (note: I am not a physician, so this is not medical advice, this is simply my own personal study, belief and the result of my experience – and I believe in helping others!), at one point I took up to 10 drops of MMS per hour for a whole day without any side effects (and this was more than 4 years ago and I have used it for many other ailments since). In contrast, I have a friend that is frequently very sick and started having vision problems at an early age, until gradually being completely blind by his 40’s; he cannot take even a couple of drops of MMS because of the resulting diarrhea (unfortunately because of this discomfort he never followed the recommended protocol of readjustment and continuation of dose, nor has he tried the CDS alternative, as noted below, which pretty much eliminates the diarrhea discomfort).
Also, in one of my first experiences with MMS, when I caught a very serious flu from my son (he got very sick for weeks) I started getting very sick, including high fever, chills, stuffed nose, weakness and typical flu symptoms in the morning. I started my MMS treatment, gradually increasing the dose and by the next day most all my symptoms were gone, just some residual runny nose and cough, no weakness, body pain, temperature of chills. At one point I did feel my stomach loose, but there were no typical diarrhea symptoms, like cramps; just went to the bathroom, had a soft stool, and that was it, no extreme urges to go to the toilet or pain. I reduced the dosage and then later went up in dosage again with no other problems. Many testimonials confirm this type of mild diarrhea that can be easily controlled by adjusting the dose. I believe I only took the MMS for 3-4 days. MMS also seems to be excellent in bringing down fever. I have also used CDS, discussed below, with good results.
The FDA, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the American Medical Association and big pharma (through their control of universities, their curriculum, medical certification and influence on the FDA and similar governmental agencies) will tell you that this diarrhea is proof of how harmful MMS can be and thus they would never approve it for direct human consumption. But, how can this be worse than all the symptoms from orthodox medicine like cancer radiation treatment: loss of hair, loss of appetite and weight, diarrhea and resulting dehydration, body burns, a complete destruction of our body’s immune system, the yellowing/graying of skin, and even death due to such known radiation harm to the body? In the last 100 years cancer treatment has been based on radiation, the only difference is how it is administered now. And these treatments and drugs are approved and promoted by the FDA for human consumption, to our detriment.
- In the case of very serious disease, like cancer, especially terminally ill patients, it is recommended that doses be increased up to the body’s ability to tolerate the amount of MMS, following the protocol to reduce the dosage until the side effects no longer are present and then gradually increasing to a comfortable level until the MMS destroys such pathogens/viruses.
The Story of CDS
In its evolution through the years MMS has also been transformed into different ways of both producing chlorine dioxide and administering it. The most notable change being the development of CDS, created by bio-physicist Andreas Ludwig Kalcker. CDS stands for Chlorine Dioxide Solution.
Kalcker, who several years ago planned to travel around the world, was searching for a medication to take with him when visiting countries with typical serious diseases such as those found in Africa and came across MMS and has been a promoter of it ever since (he is a close friend of and a member of Humble’s church).
Using MMS Kalcker cured himself, his son and even his dog from disease (being a scientist and skeptic, he tried the MMS on his dog first and was surprised to see the immediate improvements and cure). After working with and promoting MMS for a while he was asked to assist a farmer with cattle who were very diseased and were consuming many expensive antibiotics and other veterinary medications, with limited results, strong adverse side effects to the animals and unfortunately leaving byproducts that the consumer would ultimately ingest. The idea was to see if MMS could cure these animals while helping to eliminating part or all of the pharmaceuticals.
As the trials began it became apparent that the cattle could not digest the MMS because it was rejected by the cattle’s rumen. The rumen, also known as a paunch, forms the larger part of the reticulorumen, which is the first chamber in the alimentary canal of ruminant animals. It serves as the primary site for microbial fermentation of ingested feed. Another problem was that due to its acid components it was too painful to inject MMS into the animals, which actually had to be immobilized in order to inject.
When you produce MMS as noted above you create a solution that contains four ingredients: (1) water to dilute the activators to their appropriate percentages of concentration, (2) the sodium chlorite, (3) the citric or hydrochloric acid, and (4) the actual Chlorine Dioxide that is being generated by the reaction, increasing in concentration as the drops are allowed to react.
What Kalcker did was place the two MMS activators in a 1:1 ratio in a container, the container was placed inside another container with warm water and it was then allowed to react to release the chlorine dioxide in its pure gas form. Chlorine dioxide is a very stable gas that is soluble in water, in particular cold water. Once the water reaches a certain temperature the pure chlorine dioxide is released in the form of gas.
This container of MMS solution is connected via a hose to another container filled with distilled water and through mere distillation Kalcker obtained pure chlorine dioxide and water, thus no longer containing the original activators’ ingredients. By doing this it eliminated the need to mix to chemicals and the MMS’s sour taste, substantially reduced the chlorine smell and taste, and for the most part eliminated the diarrhea reaction, in particular when used in higher doses. Click here to see Kalcker making CDS.
This process has been refined several times by using mechanical and other means, both to increase the speed of the production of the CDS, as well as to minimize the need for using warm water to do the reaction. In one presentation, known as CDH (Chlorine Dioxide Holding), the activators are simply added to water and then allowed to react by themselves for hours to create the solution (see video here), which would contain all four ingredients in the MMS solution noted above.
As to the cattle, they had tremendous positive results, both curing them and eliminating most of the pharmaceuticals; they could now digest the CDS directly with no rejection by the rumen and was now even possible to inject the CDS into the animals without pain. And like people with more serious medical conditions, like terminal cancer, with CDS the subjects were able to better tolerate larger doses of CDS as compared to MMS.
According to Kalcker, following the method he recommended in his video, using pre-established quantities of MMS activators in the initial container and distilled water in the receiving container, he created a liquid with a 3000 ppm concentration of chlorine dioxide/CDS and claims that 1 cc/ml (approximately 20 drops) of CDS at 3000 ppm concentration (CDS-3000) equals 3 drops of activated MMS. Suppliers of CDS, as the one noted above, also produce CDS at 6,000 and 12,000 ppm concentrations.
The important questions in the MMS community now are: (1) which is better, MMS or CDS? And (2) how much CDS is actually equal to 3 drops of MMS?
In his book, La Salud Es Posible, Kalcker never clarifies exactly how he came to the conclusion that 1 cc of CDS-3000 was equal to 3 drops of MMS. So in order to answer the above questions we again need to go to trial and error, what has the MMS community found after more than 4 years of comparing the two?
Both Humble’s church (through which Humble makes his observations) and Kalcker report excellent results with both, but Humble states that after all his years of testimonials MMS has proven to be more effective. Even though Humble was the first one to promote CDS as the new better evolution of MMS when Kalcker introduced him to this new technique, Humble admits now, by years of experience, that even though CDS is more practical (you don’t have to mix two solutions like MMS, it comes pre-mixed), is now more palatable and appears to have solved the problem/discomfort of the diarrhea, that in most cases MMS would be a better solution. Here is how Humble put it in two email releases by his church on February 10 and 15, 2015:
“Many of us who are experienced with MMS noticed that when MMS1 (activated MMS) is used by mixing each individual dose fresh and drinking the dose within a minute or two of mixing, this overall is when the best results have been achieved. This means better results than mixing up an all-day bottle, or using either CDS or CDH. This phenomenon was noticed by many of us who collectively have worked with tens of thousands of people…
“So when taking MMS for health recovery, the bottom line is you have to follow the protocols, but you have to listen to your body as well. We state this in the protocols, teaching people how to adjust their own dosing according to how their body is reacting — for example, if you begin to feel sick, get diarrhea, or vomit, cut back your dosing and build back up slowly. If nothing is happening, you are not progressing, go on to the next level — listen to what your body is telling you and you can always know how much MMS1, CDS or CDH to be taking. I have stated often, “If you are getting good results, the most important thing that you should never do is change when you are getting good results …
“So in following the sacramental protocols of our Church, both CDS and CDH need to be used in the protocols according to their own merits and not because we believe a certain number of mls of CDS or CDH somehow equal a certain number of MMS1 drops.”
In his Church’s protocols Humble recommends that you follow the MMS protocols and if you wish to use CDS as outlined by Kalcker, recommends you never exceed six ml of CDS an hour for the entire protocol. Kalcker states in his book that you should not take more than 100 ml of CDS a day.
Kalcker agrees with Humble in that one should listen to his own body to determine which product or what dosages are better and under which circumstances (for example, a representative of the Genesis Church told me a week ago that they only use CDS for topical applications; whereas my sick friend above may be better suited for CDS because of his issue with diarrhea when using MMS). They also agree that the pH in the stomach fluids consistently vary throughout the day due to many factors (you drink water right now, you reduce the acidity) and this could determine how much chlorine dioxide will be actually released at any given time when MMS is in the stomach. Even minimal changes in the body’s pH can have dire effects on our health.
The above may seem a little odd: if CDS is pure chlorine dioxide and water, and the chlorine dioxide is the chemical that produces the oxidation, the raising of our body’s pH level and the resulting killing of pathogens and parasites and further has less side effects and a better taste, why would MMS be better?
Before answering that question, let me point out that Humble, Kalcker and Rivera agree that using hydrochloric acid is more effective than using citric acid, as was done originally, due to the fact that the stomach’s natural acid is hydrochloric acid, so it reacts minimally with your digestive system. The taste is also improved when using HCl.
To determine why MMS may be better than CDS (in particular as regards 1 cc of CDS-3000 being equal to 3 drops of MMS), we need to go to Kalcker’s book. As he explains, aside from the body’s natural Herxheimer reaction to cleanse the body of toxins, the ingested non-activated acid residuals of the MMS solution can also cause too much acidity in the stomach and intestines, resulting in diarrhea and vomit (La Salud Es Posible, page 135). From that perspective, he recommends CDS instead of MMS, in particular for serious illnesses where high dosages are needed.
A more interesting fact that Kalcker found was that, while topically or prior to ingestion, 1 cc of CDS is equal in strength to 3 drops of MMS, when the CDS’s chlorine dioxide enters the stomach it remains at the same strength, while the MMS, once it enters the digestive system, being that it still contains inactivated sodium chlorite, with the acid activator (also still present) and our own stomach’s acid, there is a secondary reaction, creating additional chlorine dioxide. If this is correct, then 1 cc of CDS-3000 can never equal 3 drops of activated MMS once in the body, you would need a higher dose of CDS to equal the strength of the MMS dose. Kalcker states in his book (paraphrasing from the Spanish version):
”MMS can create a secondary reaction with gastric fluids, elevating the concentration of chlorine dioxide gas in some cases from 5 ppm to 45 ppm, depending on each person’s stomach acidity.” See “La Salud Es Posible,” page 134.
Note: The acidity of our stomach’s fluids/gastric acid varies based on the pH/percentage of concentration of the hydrochloric acid it contains, plus everything we ingest: more water in the stomach, the less acidity/higher pH it will have. pH is usually measured in a scale of 0 to 14, zero being the strongest acid, fourteen being the most alkaline substance and seven being neutral (water’s pH is 7). A human being’s ideal pH is slightly alkaline: 7.35 to7.45. Human blood stays in this very narrow pH range. Even minimal changes in the body’s pH can have dire effects on our health.
So, if the actual total concentration of MMS’s chlorine dioxide can increase from 5 to 45 ppm once ingested, this means that MMS in some instances can be 900% stronger than CDS once it is in the stomach. So, if MMS can release more chlorine dioxide, even twice as strong, then the belief that when ingested 1 cc of CDS is equal to 3 drops of MMS when in the stomach would be incorrect. Yet and of course, this does not diminish the fact that CDS has been proven by Kalcker to still be effective as MMS in most areas, as noted in the testimonials cited in his book.
Let’s consider one more thing for a final analysis. Kerri Rivera, in her years of work in curing autism, has stated that MMS completely cured upwards of 133 autistic children. She and Kalcker worked together in developing an MMS protocol to fight such disease (see Kalcker’s presentation at Autism One conference in Chicago, IL, circa 2013-2014). In his presentation, as well as the preceding presentation by Rivera in the same conference (link here), there is no specific mention of CDS being used as opposed to MMS. To get clarification, I personally contacted Kerri by email several weeks ago, asking (1) if in her successful treatment for autism she was using MMS or CDS, and (2) if using MMS, if she was using citric or hydrochloric acid. She replied:
“I do not use CDS. It does not cure autism. We use CD (chlorine dioxide, MMS) for the 162 cases who have lost the dx … And HCl is stomach acid. It is perfect for us. It is better received by the body.”
If I were to apply some of the findings noted above I might not necessarily agree with Rivera; I might conclude that she never used the necessary higher dose of CDS that would be equivalent to the MMS dosages she uses; unless of course, she did try the higher doses of CDS without positive results (I have not had the opportunity to read her book, so such specifics may be documented there).
Kerri’s theory as to how these children developed autism (seconded by Kalcker) is that vaccines, both because of their content of toxic heavy metals, in particular mercury (Thimerosal) and aluminum, as well as because they weaken the immune system at the time of application, allow existing body pathogens and parasites to thrive in the human body, like opening a door to a restaurant to a starving individual. Remember, many of these pathogens are already living inside of our body but are maintained in check by our immune system. Some of the results of using the MMS autism protocol have been the removal of parasites, like worms, through stool, visibly noticeable as seen on Rivera’s video above. To learn about some of the possible harm of vaccines see Vaccine Nation.
In conclusion, there may be three things that MMS does that CDS does not: (1) the chlorine dioxide released is higher in concentration when using MMS for the reasons noted above and thus MMS is stronger and better to kill such pathogens/parasites, (2) if the inactivated acid in a MMS mixture makes the stomach and intestine more acid and causes diarrhea and soft stools, that may help expel the parasites, and (3) the MMS’s secondary reaction in the stomach may release the chlorine dioxide gas in a way that it kills pathogens better and parasites that live in the stomach (some parasites are so resistant that even the acid in the stomach by itself does not destroy them, so they can live within that acid environment).
Kalcker, being a bio-physicist and scientist, has been able to give us a better understanding of how both MMS and CDS work within our system. Humble, being the creator and in a sense the head of the MMS movement, has access to many more testimonials about the results of using both products and has made a compelling case as to why MMS is a better alternative, unless CDS is more appropriate in some cases due to a patient’s reaction to MMS, in particular to large doses. Again, as Humble says:
“… Listen to what your body is telling you and you can always know how much MMS1, CDS or CDH to be taking … If you are getting good results, the most important thing that you should never do is change when you are getting good results.”
Presently the FDA is waging an all-out war against MMS and its derivatives. Several years ago they raided a distributor of MMS, Daniel Smith from California (Project GreenLife). He will be going to trial in March of 2015. Daniel is facing 37 years in prison for helping save lives and defending our Health Freedom with absolutely no one accusing him of having harmed them by him selling them MMS. So far, Daniel has been railroaded, his motions denied, witnesses intimidated, not allowed to speak in trial and the prosecution presenting falsified evidence as to the safe effective use of MMS/CDS. You can read about Daniel’s story and contribute to his defense fund here. The outcome of this trial may determine if we will be able to sell, buy or use MMS/CDS in the future and the possible jailing for those who do. This is not Daniel’s fight alone, this is an attack on our freedom for self-preservation, for survival, for good health, for a fruitful life. Think I am exaggerating?
– A family from Arkansas had its children taken away by authorities because they found MMS bottles in their home and accused them of giving it to their children. See article here.
– A family is threatened with the “confiscation” of their children by authorities if they do not vaccinate them. See article here.
The government, through these cases’ prosecution teams and the FDA, is saying that chlorine dioxide is the same as household bleach, what we call chlorine, supposedly making it extremely toxic, even though the FDA’s own publications on simple chlorine dioxide note both chlorine dioxide’s effectiveness in killing pathogens and parasites, as well as being safe for human consumption.
Those behind the ban and attack on MMS/CDS are using the media and the internet as well. Above I noted some reference from Wikipedia that prove that chlorine dioxide is safe, but if you search there for “Jim Humble,” although it used to have a page on him where they attacked his beliefs and findings, but noted his illustrious career, now it simply redirects you to Master Mineral Supplement. This is what it says to deceive you and me:
“Miracle Mineral Supplement … is a toxic solution of 28% sodium chlorite in distilled water. The product contains essentially the same ingredient as industrial-strength bleach before “activation” with a food-grade acid. The name was coined by Jim Humble in his 2006 self-published book, The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century. A more dilute version is marketed as Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS).
“MMS is falsely promoted as a cure for HIV, malaria, hepatitis viruses, the H1N1 flu virus, common colds, autism, acne, cancer, and much more. There have been no clinical trials to test these claims, which come only from anecdotal reports and Humble’s book.”
Above you will see the key words used to mislead you and discredit both Humble, his body of work, all the actual treatment result testimonials and MMS/CDS. They have done the same to many other heroic, caring individuals that have created and promoted any natural, homeopathic, practical and in particular inexpensive ways to cure disease, risking their lives and careers in the process, as noted in blog 2 above.
By the way, be weary of Wikipedia. Just like we go to YouTube for videos and Google for net searches, many of us go to Wiki for info on topics, and evidence has shown how Wiki is now part of the new “newspeak” that George Orwell spoke about in his book “1984.” Of all things, here is the Wiki definition:
“Newspeak is the fictional language … It is a controlled language created by the totalitarian state as a tool to limit freedom of thought, and concepts that pose a threat to the regime such as freedom, self-expression, individuality, and peace.”
Unless we do something about it, the day will come when we will be denied the right to use anything we want to cure disease, if not approved by the state; we will be forced to take vaccines and medications that will be harmful to us and our children. We will be dumbed down and maintained in a sick state, consuming big-pharma’s medications, while never being cured – for the rest of our lives – and with the pain, suffering and sometimes death that comes with it. And for what? To make you weaker – and the enemy, the government and those who control it stronger, until death will they give us – the expendable slaves (that’s all we are to the Master Puppeteers. See Aaron Russo’s interview regarding his relationship and conversations with a family member of the Rockefeller Empire).
We have the right to be free of disease and in good health in order to experience life to its fullest extent, to help us live prosperous lives, to worship and serve God (if that is our inclination) to the fullest extent of our being – We need good health to prosper as a species.
The Genesis II Church of Heath and Healing was established, among other things, like freely curing the sick, to create a protected constitutional right to use MMS and to help others do the same to improve their health. This is protected under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits among other things the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion and abridging the freedom of speech.
To become a member of the Church you don’t have to change your current religious views. In their website they state:
“We do not feel that it is our mission to teach our members any kind of beliefs beyond the technology of our Cleansing Water and other cleansing technology of our healing Sacraments. We believe that it is each member’s private responsibility to form his own religious beliefs and thus we remain neutral to all the religious beliefs of our members.”
Thus, you can continue worshiping your own God and religion (personal beliefs) and additionally be a member of the Genesis II church, because the ultimate goals of both your church and the Genesis II church are the same: Live and Prosper! To view the latest announcements from the Church concerning MMS or to join (especially if you feel threatened by a governmental agency and want to invoke your 1st Amendment right) click here.
We urge you to help Daniel, even if you don’t believe in MMS. What if we find tomorrow that simply eating one orange a day will keep us free of cancer, like scurvy was found to be cured by a small consumption of orange juice/vitamin C – and the government banned it? Don’t think it’s possible? Here is an example: Laetrile, also known as amygdalin and vitamin B-17, a derivative from apricot and other fruit kernels and proven to cure cancer at least since the 60’s (see G. Edward Griffin’s book, World Without Cancer) is prohibited in the U.S. as a cancer treatment and those selling it, promoting it or curing with it are discredited, their medical licenses revoked, prosecuted and jailed (see Wikipedia). That is why some doctors in the U.S. who were prescribing it as a medication moved to Tijuana, Mexico, to avoid prosecution and to continue to successfully treat cancer patients using laetrile.
Never forget: Our rights do not come from any nation’s constitution or laws, but from the Creator, they are our God given rights to life, freedom and prosperity (see U.S. Declaration of Independence) and all this can only come from having good health. To download a PDF copy of this article click here.
I want to be healthy. Do you?
Click here to make a comment (at end of article)
DISCLAIMER: The videos and articles referenced above are the sole responsibility of their creators. I do not necessarily agree with, endorse or hold as a fact any or all information provided therein, nor is it intended as legal or medical advice. I am not a doctor, nor do I have any medical background; all statements are made based on my reading, viewing and interpretation of such materials as noted above. This information is made accessible to you here in order for you to consider it and come to your own findings of fact and conclusions, including those of law and to decide if MMS is right for you.
Published on Jan 31 2015, 4:00PM
“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept The New World Order.”
– David Rockefeller
“We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”
– Hillary Clinton
In December, 2014 I attended a debate between representatives from the local republican “Tea Party” and the “Occupy Wallstreet” movement. I was hopeful that I would see at least some common ground through which to build a coalition between the two groups in such an important time in the United States and the world’s history, but unfortunately that was not the case.
Due to several reasons the debate was cut short so I did not have an opportunity to express my thoughts on the comments coming from both sides, so I sent an email to the organizers, moderator and each group’s representative, hoping that they can meet again in a more cooperative way. Here is the letter:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I was a guest at the Activist San Diego debate between the Occupy Movement and the Tea Party. I wanted to make comments, but unfortunately the debate’s length did not allow it, so I am providing them here, hoping that both parties will join forces at some time in the future in these difficult times.
Although there are irreconcilable differences between both groups, the basic principles for both are clear: there are things to be fixed, including a corrupt government, from imposition of unnecessary rules and regulations that stifle economic growth, to selling out to corporate interests.
Both sides also look at the U.S. Constitution as an important tool to fix government, although there is disagreement as to how it should be applied.
From the Tea Party side, a belief of political corruption is evident because they needed to create a separate organization “within” the Republican party to bring up issues not addressed by the controlled Republican party oligarchy, and it was a great idea: It is too difficult to start a new party or even to give any serious legitimacy to an existing 3rd party, like the Libertarian and Green parties. To use/infiltrate one of the two existing political parties to obtain your objectives was nothing less than genius.
There was mention of the Koch brother’s influence on the Tea Party in the debate, and although I am not familiar with all the pros and cons about this or the accusations about the Koch brother’s activities, on thing that did come to mind is that their father, Fred C. Koch, was one of the founding members of the John Birch Society, which was a beacon on the fight against government corruption and the big interests controlling it, exposing things that are now labeled as “conspiracy theories” by the mainstream media to discredit anyone exposing them. Coincidentally, the Tea Party’s roots come from the political philosophy of Ron Paul, who pointed to such corruption and how to get rid of it.
Before making any further comments let me clarify that although I identify myself with the Occupy Movement, I voted for Ron Paul in 2008, and even in 2012 by writing him in the voting ballot. I am familiar with his overall philosophy and read his book, “Liberty Defined” and I agree with most of his beliefs arguments. And in essence, maybe without either side knowing it, for the most part, the foundations of both your movements have the same libertarian views as Paul.
In the debate, the Tea Party noted how the Constitution was a protector of rights and an opportunity for all to become economically successful. They pointed at the copyright and patents section of the Constitution as an example of this. In reality, all American jurisprudence has its roots in the English Common Law. The Common Law saw patents as rights that people have for life, as property. The Constitution actually limited that right to more or less 20 years, where before it was for life, so the Constitution in reality diminished such existing natural right. While as mentioned above, we all agree that the Constitution is a great instrument for government control and functionality, it was still created by men of power, to maintain such power. As noted by James Madison, “The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse.” – 1787.
The Constitution was intended to limit power.
Something to consider is that none of us at the debate are part of the group known as “We The People;” we need simply to look at contract law to know that only the signers and the interests they represent are parties to it. In fact the amendments to the Constitution were an afterthought, which is why they are amendments: not part of the original intent. The Constitution is a corporate charter, nothing less than that, that represented the “new country” from its organization to it’s legitimacy in the international stage. Had it not been for a few that insisted in the Bill of Rights, before ratifying the Constitution, such as Edmund Randolph, we would be in a bigger mess.
It is up to us to use the Constitution to the fullest of our ability. Just like government uses it to expand its influence on human activity, so should its residents use it to chain and control the use of such power, used coercively and every day more violently by government. And let’s never forget that when we say government, we are not referring to a government that people voted into office, but of the big interests that manipulate the government to put in place all their schemes intended to deprive and rob the people of their wealth and freedom.
While the rise of the Tea Party has been mostly within the organized Republican forums, the Occupy Movement, sparked by a moment of despair after the recent financial collapse of 2008 and the political uprisings around the world in 2011, went to the streets, not having an existing forum or outlet, to try to organize and in the process, suffered police confrontation and brutality, as can be seen in my video, Break The Chains and Occupy: (
In the debate the Tea Party saw the Occupy Movement in a limited way, pointing to people defecating in the streets, leaving trash behind, and that is sad, as it seems that the Tea Party was not focusing on the basic concept of the Occupy Movement, to stop corporate abuse thievery, with the government covering for them in many way, including the bailouts, all taxpayer-backed.
We had a speaker mention 9/11 and the belief that it was an inside job, and the Tea Party took this as an opportunity to place the Occupy Movement in the “conspiracy” realm, to imply that the ideals of the Occupy Movement were based on fantasy. This is wrong, because when we look at the roots of the Tea Party, we go back to Ron Paul, and many of his views mirrors that of many so-called, but wrongfully criticized “conspiracy theorists.” I can bet my life that Ron Paul not only knows, but believes (even though he may not admit it because of the obvious attack to any one questioning the government) that 9/11 was an inside job, that it is the root of everything that is happening in the Middle East and the loss of liberties in our country today.
One thing I strongly disagree with the Tea Party was about their conclusion that if you are not well off economically, that it is your fault for not trying, for not being that smart or because of a disability. To add to insult, it was stated that it would be nice to help such unfortunate people. Not everyone can be a CEO, an owner of a company, we need people to pick up the trash, to work in all the stores we shop in, to manufacture all the things we use. It is when conditions in these types of jobs force employees to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet that the opportunity of the “American Dream” vanishes. As George Carlin said, “it is called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.”
Government uses taxation to steel the fruits of the ordinary citizen, sets barriers for smaller businesses to thrive, while giving incredible tax breaks to large corporations that continue to swallow everything in their path. Add to this the financial collapse resulting from this government/banking partnership. No, people don’t want to be poor, to be thinking how they will feed their family and have a roof tomorrow. No, poverty is not a result of not being successful, but of not being allowed to be successful for the majority of us.
There was an implication by the Occupy Movement that the Tea Party was against woman equality. From the Tea Party point of view, I can understand where in a conservative manner it would be great seeing woman in homes, raising kids, dedicating time to their education and being there so the whole family can be together, taking care of all household needs, and in the process enjoying their liberty of not being tied down to a 8-12 hour a day shift (most men would surely prefer that if it was optional). When my wife and I decided to have children we agreed that she would leave her job until our new born was 4 years old so she could dedicate to him all her time and love; and of course we had to tightened our belt, but we did it. Now raising a 6 year old, our third child, my wife wants to and is getting back into the workforce, for her own individual needs and to gladly contribute economically to the wellbeing of the family unit.
But when that woman does decide to go back to the workforce, she has a natural God given right to earn wages compatible to men in similar positions if she has similar abilities. Of all the things that divide us: race, religion, sexual orientation, country, state, city, sports teams, the primary one is probably sex; woman have been exploited since the beginning of time by men by way of man’s superior physical strength. Had woman been stronger, they would have probably done the same thing – human nature, unfortunately. There is much room for improvement in this regards and this is a valid concern for women to bring to the forefront.
The ideals of the Tea Party regarding reducing government spending are the same as the Occupy Movement, although Occupy seems to have a more Democratic view of social justice, including having many social programs to help the poor. The Tea Party, as republicans in general, see these as give-aways that others that are better off have to pay for. Interestingly enough, I agree and disagree with both positions.
Let me make my second clarification. I was raised in Tijuana, Mexico and have been living in San Diego since the early 80’s, I grew to love and compare both countries. As to America, although I am a harsh critic of the government and everything it is doing around the world, Americans in general are a kind people, always ready to help those in need, we see it every time there is a natural disaster around the world.
The problem is, when you place government in control of social programs corruption results and all those funds/”taxes on every individual” end up being spent (and stolen) in a manner which is much less efficient. I agree with the Tea Party view, it is true: we should have a right to decide how we want to spend our hard-earned money, not be taxed away to pay for social programs that will be abused. Yet, that is not to say that well managed programs, on a voluntary basis cannot be implemented, even managed in the private sector.
Of course, this brings us to the Occupy view that large corporations are the locust of the world and that argument is hard to disprove, just see how fragile our economy really is, looking at 2008 to come to that easy conclusion. And government agency officials (banking, Federal Reserve, FDA, DOE, etc. ad nauseam) are nothing more than a revolving door of corporate representatives taking sabbaticals from their employment to work in an agency that simply allows these corporations to ravish our environment and our lives even further. In this regards we need a different type of corporate structure, like the basis for the Anarcho-Syndicalism, where the workers own the company and the focus is on community wellbeing. An example of this is the Mondragon Corporation with headquarters in Spain ( Here is Noam Chomsky’s analysis on such organizations:
While many people in need benefit from government sponsored welfare programs (and I have in the past), it is also very obvious that some people “not in need” of such financial aid abuse these programs, this again is human nature, but in no way should this be a reason why not to have such programs. It is not a matter of whether we should help “poor people,” the question is, why do we have poor people? And this brings us to economics, no, not the redistributionof wealth, but the proper remuneration for one’s labor, and more importantly, each person’s contribution to overall society.
There must be a point where the Tea Party and the Occupy Movement meet and “sincerely” start with a clean slate, diluting all ideals to their essence to see that, at the end of the day, both side are looking for individual freedom and the happiness of their loved ones. Then, start outlining an agenda that will unite both strong political forces into one that can liberate our nation from what appears to be its continued movement towards complete control of all human activity under the hands of a few; and in the process, destroying nations and societies around the world.
If I were to set a list of things that both parties should be addressing, some of them would be, in no particular order:
- Loss of U.S. sovereignty via the United Nations
- Foundations working against US sovereignty, such as the Council on Foreign Relations
- GMO’s harm on the environment and humans
- Chemtrail aerial contamination
- The Federal Reserves Manipulation of our economy and it’s theft of government funds
- IRS abuses of power and the illegal taxing of “natural born human being” as opposed to corporate/fictitious/government-created entities (government can only regulate that which it creates)
- IRS loopholes for corporations
- The legal action against individuals at the high echelons of corporate control that are found to defraud the public, removing any sort of corporate immunity
- Creating an anti-corruption law
- Legal action against the banking industry, from the corporate standpoint.
- The elimination of government agencies and regulations that stifle commerce and which take action again natural persons (such as the DEA on the war on drugs and the FDA against homeopathic remedies).
- The war on Drugs
- The FDA and its attack on none-orthodox cures against cancer and other diseases
- The medical establishment’s attack on the above (for an example see:
There is much to do and little time to do it. I challenge the Tea Party and the Occupy Movements of San Diego to again meet and outline how they will work together to turn America into the true symbol of justice, equality, peace and opportunity. George Bush Sr., was wrong, nations in the Middle East don’t hate us for our freedom, they hate us because of what we have done to their governments and economies (thus directly to each individual citizen of that country). If we really change America to represent what I mentioned above, all countries of the world will look at us with respect and as the “true” example of Freedom.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes on the New Year,
Published on Oct 13 2014, 5:00PM
What is the most important thing to you? Let me guess, your life and that of your family. The most important thing you need to have a good life is good health. Because of this, today I submitted a petition to the San Diego City Council requesting they investigate chemtrails in our area. The letter follows and is self-explanatory. Someone has to take action locally, might as well be me.
Dear City Council Member,
Today I officially submitted a petition to the San Diego City Council via your website requesting that it order the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) to investigate the spraying of possible harmful chemicals in the air by unknown sources, such spraying known as “chemtrails.”
Different from “contrails,” which are water vapor trails seen behind some airplanes at high altitude and which dissipate within seconds within the original vapor zone, Chemtrails are visible chemical trails sprayed at high altitudes that last for prolonged periods of time in the air, expanding exponentially until becoming a haze that then falls into the ground, homes, people, animals and vegetation and for which there is growing evidence that they are harming us and the environment around us (proven by soil sample testing). The APCD mission statement notes that,
“The San Diego County Air Pollution Control District strives to protect the public from the harmful effects of air pollution, achieve and maintain air quality standards, foster community involvement and develop and implement cost-effective programs meeting state and federal mandates, considering environmental and economic impacts.”
The above being true, the APCD is the qualified agency to investigate chemtrails that are consistently being seen in and around San Diego County. Although I am a resident of Chula Vista, I also visit many areas of San Diego and are exposed to such chemtrails within the city boundaries. I also get exposed to these chemtrails when they are sprayed in South San Diego and then disperse into Chula Vista, thus I have standing to request the San Diego City Council to investigate this important health matter.
There are many theories as to what these chemtrails contain,including possibly aluminum and barium and other known neurotoxins, something that definitely has to be investigated thoroughly at some point, but for now the important thing, and what I am requesting you and your council to do, is to have the APCD investigate the following:
- Who is ordering the spraying
- For what purpose
- Who is doing the spraying
- How are these chemicals being sprayed/what aircraft are being use and from what government agency, if any, or commercial source
- What chemicals are being sprayed
- What are the know health and environmental results/effects to human life from such spraying
- Request that any involved governmental agency or commercial entity involved in the spraying of chemtrails turn over, under all local, state and federal Freedom of Information applicable rules, all information related to such spraying, such as written and electronic documentation and communications on the subject matter, manuals, guides, spraying reports, chemical purchase inventories, sprayed quantity inventories, etc.
I have many pictures of chemtrails I have photographed in San Diego and Imperial counties that I would be glad to share with you so you can see what you can clearly see if you just simply look at the sky. Although there are many sources in the internet like YouTube regarding this issue, here is a link from a Shasta County Board of Supervisors meeting where the issue was brought up and where many professionals from different fields and residents voiced their concern and requested an investigation, the same that I am doing from you. The link is
Once this petition is granted and the APCD is asked to investigate I will be glad to attend one of your meetings where we can discuss the result of the investigation and to determine if there are other steps that might need to be taken. If the council does not proceed further then I will be coming to one of your meetings to verbally submit my request with all necessary documentation.
This is an issue that affects my family and yours. Please help me make sure that we and our children are not being harmed if such chemtrails spraying is taking place and it indeed contains toxic chemicals.
I hope you will help me get some answers by participating as necessary.
Published on Jul 4 2014, 5:00PM
With the advent of the internet you can now choose a radio station on the net that will play only your particular type of music. These internet services include Pandora and Jango.
I am pleased to announce that is now playing my music, just visit their site, type in “Cafe Peyote” and you will hear my songs playing together with other music in its gender, like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, King Crimson, The Beatles, Radiohead, The Who, Jimi Hendrix, the Doors, Eric Clapton, etc.
Visit this internet station to enjoy these great and classical rock songs as you go about your day.
Today to celebrate the 4th of July I invite you to view my video “The Common Law,” which I wrote on a 4th of July several years ago. The lyrics follow.
This is not a dream that you will wake up from Everything you see is really happening Read the news, piece together everything and you’ll see Common sense is telling you that all their words are lies They take away our freedom through the Patriot Act They make it sound like its really good for us But simply read the document They got us by the balls And nothing you can say will change anything Unless you stand up for your rights Forget the Constitution The Common Law is the way to fight We have been conditioned to believe That government can regulate our behavior But do you remember free will? That is reflected in the Common Law The right to proceed as you wish So long as your actions don’t harm others So find out what it is Invoke it in your filings in court Government can only regulate that which it creates Like corporations; don’t be deceived Let’s win our freedom back Oh, and I wrote this song on the 4th of July The law did not begin simply yesterday Precedence takes it back centuries And your Natural Rights Existed then as well as now It’s not only Habeas Corpus The Magna Carta comes to mind
Published on May 25 2014, 5:00PM
Today was a wonderful day, I spent it with my family at Aquatica, a water park. I was, in a sense, celebrating the long weekend, an extra day off thanks to the Memorial Day holiday.
Unfortunately, while it is a holiday for many of us, it is a tragic reminder to all of those who have lost loved ones to war of the devastation that such veterans’ death has caused in their lives, not to mention the life that the dead soldier will never live. Not to mention being blown to bits by gunfire, dying in an instant or dying after days of agony.
Some join the military out of patriotism, like the football star that joined the force after 9/11; or out of necessity, like black slaves that joined the Civil War who were promised freedom and land. There are also those who joined because of educational opportunities, because of benefits or because they felt this was an opportunity to advance, maybe wanting more discipline in their lives, maybe advancing financially, seeing no other viable options in life due to their education or economic background, particularly in the case of minorities. And then there are those that do it because of aggressiveness (my best example is the son of a friend. His dad told me, “my son wanted to be a sniper since he was a kid, so I supported him” – and the son did become one).
But in all cases, with the exception of the last example, I am sure no one wants to be in the battlefield, killing other people and risking their lives, seeing all the bloodshed, participating in mass indiscriminate massacres against groups of people.
But the worse part of all is:
I read an interesting article today about Memorial Day, nothing you will hear in the evening news. It reminds us of the reality of war, of why most wars of the United States have benefited few. This is the other side of the coin. From, Some Anti-Memorial Day Remembrances:
“One of the tenets of militaristic fascism in America is the oft-repeated slogan that “you don’t have to agree with the wars to honor those who fight them for us.” Something to this effect is repeated thousands of times during Memorial Day bloviations all across the fruited plain. And it is all complete nonsense. “Honoring” paid killers for the state for participating in non-defensive, unjust wars only serves to make it more likely that there will be even more unjust wars in the future. And it rewards individuals for engaging in some of the most sinful and reprehensible behavior known to mankind.
There have been one or two exceptions in American history, but in general what Americans are “memorializing” on Memorial Day (which began as “Decoration Day” shortly after Lincoln’s war) is wars of conquest, imperialism, mass murder of foreigners and the confiscation of their property, the abolition of civil liberties at home, the slavery of military conscription, and the debt, taxes, and inflation that are used to pay for it all. The state orchestrates never-ending memorials to itself and its wars because war is the health of the state (and in almost all cases, the deadly enemy of freedom and prosperity).
The American Revolution was a just war, as Murray Rothbard explained in his essay “Just War.” But barely thirty years later, the American state began its long imperialistic exodus by attempting to conquer Canada during the War of 1812. The attempt failed, and Americans were burdened with a huge war debt, inflation, and the resurrection of the corrupt Bank of the United States, a precursor of the Fed. The War of 1812 was “sold” by war hawks like Henry Clay under various false and absurd pretenses, such as Clay’s insistence that the British were encouraging Indians to attack Americans. No matter how absurd the state’s lies are, they have always been an easy and expeditious way to dupe Boobus Americanus into supporting its wars.
Thirty years later President James Polk “justified” an invasion of Mexico by claiming that the tiny Mexican army posed an “imminent” threat to Americans. It was thus James Polk, not George W. Bush, who first used the excuse of “pre-emptive war” to invade and mass murder foreigners who had done no harm to Americans. Polk’s war enabled the American state to acquire California and New Mexico at a cost of about 15,000 American lives and an estimated 25,000 Mexican casualties.
During his only two years in the U.S. Congress Abraham Lincoln voiced opposition to the Mexican War, but on his inauguration day (March 4, 1861) he threatened “invasion” and “bloodshed” in any state that refused to pay the federal tariff tax, which had been more than doubled two days earlier. He would not back down to South Carolina’s tariff nullifiers, as President Andrew Jackson had done three decades earlier. He called his War for Tariff Collection a war “to save the union” and said repeatedly that that was the one and only reason why he launched an invasion of his own country in a war that led to the death of as many as 850,000 Americans according to the latest research. Of course, Lincoln’s war literally destroyed the voluntary union of the founding fathers and replaced it with a Soviet-style compulsory union held together at gunpoint. All other countries of the world,including all of the Northern states of the U.S., ended slavery peacefully. Lincoln instead used the slaves as political pawns in a war that was about finally consolidating all political power in Washington, D.C., the pipe dream of the “nationalists” in American politics since the time of Hamilton, their Machiavellian inspiration.
Northern newspapers at the time understood that Lincoln sent warships to Fort Sumter in hopes of duping the South Carolinians into firing on the fort to gin up war fever in the North. The Jersey City (NJ) American Standard newspaper wrote of a “madness and ruthlessness” in Lincoln’s behavior of sending warships to Charleston as “a pretext for letting loose the horrors of war.” (See Howard Perkins, Northern Editorials on Secession). After Fort Sumter Lincoln wrote his naval commander, Captain Gustavus Fox, on May 1, 1861 to thank him for his help in duping the South Carolinians. In the letter he said that “you and I both anticipated that the cause of the country,” i.e., a war, “would be advanced” by sending the warships, and then concluded in a celebratory tone that “our anticipation is justified by the result.” No one was harmed, let alone killed at Fort Sumter, yet Lincoln responded with a full-scale invasion of all the Southern states, forcing Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Tennessee to reverse their previous decisions, made at political conventions and in popular votes, and leave the union after all.
Having conquered the South and commenced the decade of continued plunder known as “Reconstruction,” three months after Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox, the U.S. government commenced a twenty-five-year long war of genocide against the Plains Indians, “to make way for the [government-subsidized] railroads,” as General Sherman himself said. The chief engineer of the government-subsidized transcontinental railroads, Lincoln confidant Grenville Dodge, asked Congress to make slaves of the Indians and force them to dig the railroad beds from the Mid-West to California. Congress refused and funded a war of extermination (also Sherman’s word) instead. Sherman, who was in charge of the Indian Wars, called his efforts “the final solution to the Indian problem.”
The Spanish-American War was yet another exercise in imperialistic conquest, this time using the mysterious explosion in the battleship Maine as an excuse to wage war on Cuba for four years in order to take over Cuba’s sugar and tobacco industries for the benefit of American corporations.
World War I was none of America’s business, either, but Woodrow Wilson used the excuse of the sinking of the British pleasure boat, the Lusitania, which carried 100 American tourists, to enter the war. He knew that the “pleasure boat” was secretly transporting arms to England, and refused to warn the American tourists of the danger. One effect of Wilson’s war was to strengthen the hands of the communists in Russia and the Nazis in Germany, as Jim Powell persuasively argues in his book, Wilson’s War. Without American participation in World War I, Powell argues, there may never have even been a World War II as the Europeans would have eventually settled their own differences as they had been doing for hundreds of years.
Americans were never threatened with being forced to speak German or Japanese, or adopt sauerkraut or sushi as their national foods during the 1940s, either. One can disagree with Robert Stinnett’s extremely persuasive argument in his book, Day of Deceit, about how FDR manipulated the Japanese into invading Pearl Harbor, just as Lincoln manipulated the South Carolinians. But one cannot deny the fact that the end result of World War II was that Russia’s international socialists (a.k.a. communists), as opposed to Germany’s national socialists (a.k.a. Nazis), got to impose totalitarian rule over Central and Eastern Europe for the next forty-five years, with the U.S. government allying itself with the former gang of totalitarian socialists for the duration of the war.
Nor were Americans ever threatened with being forced to speak Korean, Vietnamese, Iraqi, or any other language. Rothbard was right: The only two just, defensive wars in American history were the American Revolution and the South’s side during the War to Prevent Southern Independence. Since there are no longer any “Civil War” veterans alive today, you would only be making a fool of yourself by saying “thank you for your service” to any veteran on Memorial Day — or any other day.”
Memorial Day, In Memory Of Death: Human Against Human! To see more specific information detailing the abuse of American Foreign policy,click here: SuperPower 2008.
Don’t Enjoy – GET ANGRY!
Published on May 17 2014, 5:00PM
Today I finished my latest video, Stay With Me, from my first CD, progressing on my goal to make a video for all my songs.
I want to thank my wife Eva for the inspiration for this song, for the joy she has brought to my life and for the opportunity she has given me to express and create my music to the fullest extent.
And to all couples out there, may you always maintain love, happiness and consideration for each other. May you always have music to make love to!
Click here to view my video: STAY WITH ME
Published on Apr 10 2014, 5:00PM
It has been several years since my first music cd, Cafe Peyote, was released. I am now getting ready to finish my second cd, untitled at this time.
As I was reviewing all my videos I realized that I have not made any in Spanish so I set out to do so and today finished and uploaded to YouTube one of the songs from my first album, Ven Aca. I am sharing it with you today hoping that you will view it in the company of your significant other.
Published on Apr 3 2014, 5:00PM
On or around 2006 my son Ricardo Octavio bought me Howard Zinn’s book “A People’s History of the United States.” After reading it I summarized the book in the lyrics of my song “Howard’s Song.”
I emailed the song and lyrics to Mr. Zinn in November of 2006 and he replied “Thank you so much for your song. My wife and I listened with pleasure. The lyrics are certainly appropriate.”
This song and video are dedicated to Mr. Zinn for his unwavering contribution to the universal cause of freedom and justice for all human beings, in particular the working class.
— May He Rest In Peace – Proudly!
Published on Mar 30 2014, 5:00PM
Sometimes the foundation of a song can be very complex and sometime it can be based on a few chords, but developed in a way that makes it sound complete and none-monotonous.
An example of that are some songs by Alanis Morriseette. About 10 years ago I set out to make a song with that singular characteristic, based on two chords, and the result was “We Have To Try,” a song about being alone and doing our part to find a partner in life, as life will never be complete without someone with whom to share it with.
Today I finished the video production of the song and am proud to share it with you, my dear friends:
Published on Mar 19 2014, 5:00PM
It is incredible, we recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of The Beatles coming to America and they are still everywhere: radio, television, internet, news, supermarket background music, T-shirts, posters, their music selling successfully as it did in the height of their career. But why?
To say that we remember The Beatles because they had great music would not only be a musical understatement, it would merely encompass only one aspect of their influence in our lives, then and now. Some examples: Their hair style, their humor and personality, their videos/movies, the uniqueness of each song, their musical style diversity, their fashion, their search for God through alternative eastern religions; they started with songs about loving woman and it evolved into loving humanity, promoting peace and understanding; they made the word “yeah” a common word used in rock and roll; they experimented with drugs like many in the 60’s and beyond and told us of such adventures and misfortunes; they were innovators in many aspect in the area of music, recording and effects.
They drove women crazy, yet contrary to many rock and roll bands that followed them, they were not known for having wild parties with woman and drugs, trashing hotels. In fact, they stopped giving concerts so they could dedicate their time to their music and their inner inspiration, taking us along in their long and winding road: Paul and his love songs, John with his revolutionary ideas, George with his spiritual inclinations, and Ringo, a kind-hearted and excellent musician and innovator that also stood for love and peace. Indeed, The Beatles as a unit or individually are an example to follow, not just musically, but also in the way we should interact with each other.
To honor The Beatles and their positive contribution to music and mankind, I am releasing my version of Eleanor Rigby, both song and video, hoping that it will be to The Beatles’ liking and approval, as well as yours. Here is the background to my composition.
Paul McCartney once said “… I can tell you our songs are nearly all imagination – 90% imagination.” Eleanor Rigby was no exception to the rule. According to Paul, while fiddling with the piano “this idea of someone picking up rice after a wedding took it in that poignant direction, into a ‘lonely people’ direction.” From The Beatles Anthology, by The Beatles, copyright Apple Corps Ltd. 2000.
Eleanor Rigby is one of my favorite Beatles songs and one that I have been playing often since I started playing guitar in my teens, so it was the perfect choice to produce in making a tribute to The Beatles in their 50thanniversary; but it was a difficult choice as to the video interpretation of the song, because the lyrics never really tells us who Eleanor Rigby was, and according to Paul, it was just a name he made up, and others in the band came up with parts of the lyrics while writing it. George came up with “Ah, look at all the lonely people” and Ringo contributed the line “writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear” and suggested the darning of socks (Wikipedia: Eleanor Rigby).
The way I always interpreted the song was that Eleanor Rigby was a nun who lived her life serving the church until her death. To me this was not a song about lonely people, young or old, it was about a Catholic church and its nun and priest. So I decided to use this concept in the development of my video.
Looking at the lyrics/story from that perspective (and who knows if there was any hidden meaning intended by The Beatles, as this song came out around the same time that John Lennon made his comments about Jesus and the decline of Christianity), the song does not clarify whether the singer is telling us if these lonely people are someone to feel sorry for, if they feel any comfort in their way of life, if they are very committed to a religious life trying to make a difference in the word, if they are trying to help others or just survive, if “the jar by the door” is a metaphor for nuns being the brides of Christ or if it is a hidden fantasy of a lonely woman yearning to be with a man, or even what these lonely people think about all of us, if they feel sorry for us, or if they think that we are damned to perdition, in particular when father McKenzie states after burying Eleanor Rigby “no one was saved.”
So I decided to leave that to the listener’s imagination, to decide who these people are. Being this my own personal interpretation of the song Eleanor Rigby, I changed three words in the lyrics: (1) I changed the “Ah, look at all …” to “I” to make a statement that this is my own interpretation of the song, with all due respect for The Beatles’ work and their own interpretation/intended meaning of the song; (2) I changed “the lonely people” to “those lonely people” to focus the song on McKenzie and Rigby, as opposed to other lonely people in general, like church goers; and (3) I changed “no one was saved” to “no one is saved” to remind us that in this world today, we might be the sinners and these particular protagonists of the story the saints.
I owe my love of music and my musical inclination in a very big way to The Beatles, growing up hearing and singing their songs and more than anything, being inspired by their love of humanity and their dreams for peace, trying to make a positive impact on each one of us through their songs. I dedicate this song and video to them, for their great contribution to humanity, provided in stereo for our ears to consume and our minds to expand on. Thank you, John, Paul, George and Ringo.
Here is the video: ELEANOR RIGBY
Published on Nov 10 2013, 4:00PM
A couple of weeks ago I asked professor Noam Chomsky about a speech he gave, which I saw in YouTube, and I asked him to clarify why United States politicians, like the President, were immune from international prosecution from organizations such as the United Nations for genocide and crimes against humanity (need I tell you for which unjustified military actions I am referring to?), which is what I concluded from the speech. He replied as follows:
“Perhaps you are thinking of the fact that when the World Court
was established in 1946 (under US initiative), the US exempted itself from any
charges under international treaties, specifically the UN and OAS (Organization of American States) Charters. Since then there has been a long series of enabling resolutions passed by the General Assembly, and international treaties. The US rarely signs, and then with reservations, as detailed in the sources I mentioned to you (… in the current issue of the leading establishment journal, Foreign Affairs, for example).”
So, the United States doesn’t have to play by the rules, but everyone else that signs such international agreements must – to their detriment!
As a Mexican, I can travel the world and everyone will ask me about the “sombrero” and the Margaritas. But don’t tell them you are from the United States, else you will make many enemies in places where our country has made shambles of their governments and economies.
You read and hear American news, and we are heroes and liberators. You read and hear news in most other countries, we are ruthless aggressors!
Is this what we want the USA to represent? Personally, is this better for you and me, as “proud Americans?”
This is a strong message, sorry to interrupt your positive metal attitude. Goes with the territory, after all, you are reading Peyote News, a hallucination, in the case of war, of horrendous proportions.
Think about it. Maybe a little?
Published on Sep 13 2013, 5:00PM
Joint The Mailing List/Share
In 2003 I wrote in my homepage the following:
There are only three types of persons in this world: those that don’t believe in a spiritual life, those that do believe out of faith but have never experienced it, and those that believe because they have crossed that boundary.
Destiny was kind enough to bless me by giving me the opportunity to experience the certainty that life after death exists, which I experienced in various ways (see my Blog: Is Man Good Or Bad, footnote 23). However, while these experiences showed me that we continue to live after dying this carnal life and that we can communicate with those that have left this material world (which I will call herein “spirits”), they did not show me more than that: I don’t know if there are distinct groups of spirits that join forces of good or evil and fight among themselves and with humans they might influence through spiritual experiences; if there is complete harmony between all these spirits, or if they reincarnate again as human beings, and of course, if they are eternal.
Not having that complete knowledge to understand the reality of spiritual life, all I can do is draw my own reasonable conclusions based on comparisons of historical religious and spiritual books, as well as evidence of experiences lived by myself and others, most of which are not scientifically (humanly, materially — thus limited) proven.
In 2005 I wrote a song about my brother Pedro Octavio, the oldest in my family, a story of his death (he died at the age of 26 in a car accident), how we miss him and my hope of seeing him again; the song is called “My Brother Is Alive.” A few months later I wrote another song, where I try to explain to my loved ones that even if I die, I will be OK and will always be with them. The video and song are titled “Remember When.”
To close this loop on my beliefs about life after death, in 2009 I wrote the song “In Heaven” where I venture to explain what I believe happens to us after we die. Finally yesterday, and with the help of Luis and Paco Elorza, we have produced the song and I have recorded the video to summarize such personal beliefs.
Please join me in thinking about humanity’s faith after we close our physical eyes, what we call Life. After all, if life is eternal, imagine the possibilities …
Here is the link: IN HEAVEN
Enjoy, as life apparently will always go on!
Joint The Mailing List/Share
Published on Sep 8 2013, 5:00PM
After president Bush Jr. took us to a war (massacre) against Iraq that his administration finally admitted did not have the weapons of mass destruction that justified the intervention, to many people it was a relief to see Barak Obama, from the opposite party (really?), come into power. Definitely if I had voted for either of them, I would have chosen Obama, in particular if my decision was based on mere presentation, style and looks (I voted for Sen. Ron Paul, and I am sorry to see you did not!).
Many promises from Obama. A big one? Stop the wars. And where are we now? Will he be remembered as the “Drone” president? How cynical it is that he was awarded the Novel Peace Prize, and he had less than a year in office. From Wikipedia:
“The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.”
Libya, now Syria, drone attacks all over Africa; no doubt the people pulling the strings are getting desperate; after all, the full control of the world through financial manipulation and with the emblem of “Democracy and brotherhood” has been brewing for centuries and there is no better time (especially through technological innovation) than now to do a final decisive strike.
When you hear the mainstream media “explaining to you” what is going on in Syria, they begin by trying to convince us that they are simply neutral parties in the arguments for and against. Yet all their words are calculated to take us to one ultimate conclusion: anyone against it is not in favor of the security of the United States, all in favor are helping save the world from catastrophe.
CATASTROPHY, that is all we are creating with these wars, and you still wonder why the United States is so negatively criticized around the world. How safe would you be traveling in Europe, Asia, and Africa if you boast of being American?
After Libya, people are getting more serious about having their words heard about their opposition to the war in Syria, as demonstrated in a town hall meeting that Senator John McCain recently attended.
What does it matter if we have no boots on the ground, if we attack we will be killing thousands, destabilizing a country and region and furthering hatred against the US government, which will be directed at you and me, the average Joe.
Take a stand, don’t just let it happen. Get involved; stop the madness, if not for all the victims that you might allow to die, for the consequences that this will bring to everyone around the world.
A Nobel Prize for Peace. Don’t’ be ridiculous. Here is a serious candidate, Edward Snowden, who despite of becoming enemy number 1 in the rosters of US intelligence, sacrificed it all for every single one of us (of course, you would feel differently if you were a pundit: to you, he would be nothing but a traitor).
Think about it, please …
Joint The Mailing List/Share
Published on Jun 18 2013, 5:00PM
Joint The Mailing List/Share
I’ve always looked at things and have tried to understand them, like everyone else. When it comes to tasks, I always seem to try to find a way to do them in the easiest way possible, could be because I am lazy, but I think it is more because of my tendency to be efficient; to me it is almost like a challenge (even driving, ask my wife!).
When writing my songs, sometimes a short phrase represents a summary of an observation I have made, correctly or incorrectly (after all, I am human of course).
Sometimes, we simply have to call things by their name, once we identify them. Yes, I may have a friend that has always treated me with great affection, someone I highly respect, but the day I see that person doing something wrong, like abusing a child, aggressively attacking someone, I will never view that person in the same way as I did before, no matter how good they are to me.
The same happens in the political arena, once you open your eyes to certain realities (and unfortunately, often we prefer not to do so) you can never again accept certain media-disseminated truths without putting them through the prisms of your newly found conclusions.
The unfortunate result is that, you now have a view, maybe an ultimate conclusion, that many prefer to ignore, or prefer simply not to be bothered with; but, what else to do, as caring human beings, except to share that thought, hoping that it will be objectively considered by others. That is, if you have the inner spirit that is driving you to do so, hopefully in good faith.
In that spirit I share with you my latest video, WE FAIL TO SEE (click here).
For those of you that are Pink Floyd fans, this will be right up your alley.
Published on Jun 15 2013, 5:00PM
Dear Friends,
It was approximately 10 years ago that I finally decided to seriously start writing and recording music (with the inspiration of my good friend Bruce C. Duggan, who inspired the name of my project). This was followed by my musical collaboration with Luis and Paco Elorza, recommended by my also good friend Tito Cantu.
Since then, I’ve played in several places in Tijuana and San Diego, small shows with no consequences. Now the project has landed in fertile grounds. The Occupy Movement is alive and well and has found its voice in the new San Diego radio station KNSJ 89.1 FM (, and they have incorporated my songs into their broadcast.
I have been invited to play in their meetings and was also invited to participate in their 4th of July event (details still to come). The station has not been fully approved to run, but you can listen to them on radio station 89.1 FM (in limited areas at this time) or through their live stream.
We hope you can join us, so we can unify our voices and demand that freedom and prosperity be restored around the world.
We can no longer afford to sit back and hope that our government will end wars, that somehow our economy will be fixed, that everything will work out on its own, as time is running out. We may be busy trying to make ends meet, but remember that the reason why it is so hard to survive is because of those that feed from our labor, which reduces our income and ability to live life at its fullest.
Its time to take action. The time is not tomorrow. The time is today, now. Don’t let politicians make you believe that their party will improve things – they are one and the same.
For freedom, for your children, for you and me, let us call things by their name – and act upon it. And don’t be afraid, God, or whatever you want to call the universal force of good and love, will be behind us.
Best wishes.
Published on Apr 27 2013, 5:00PM
In life we all want to be happy and successful and there are many religions and philosophies that offer us advise on how to achieve it.
One philosophy that became popular several years ago is called “The Secret.” The core of such belief is metaphysical in nature, about harmony with the environment and one’s self and the strength of having a positive metal attitude, claiming that if you believe hard enough you can achieve anything in life.
This principle, while it should be applied in our lives to confront every hard situation, cannot change things that the future, and we can call it destiny, has wating for us.
In 2007 I almost was evacuated from my home in Mira Mesa when wildfires spread through several different areas of San Diego County. Homes to the east of use were burning down and we could see the smoke in all directions, and very close by. Any of us could have thought as positive as humanly possible, but we could not have stopped the fire if it came our way.
I wrote a song then called That’s Simply Life as a reminder that although we cannot stop certain things that come our way, like cancer, an industrial accident, a plan crash or a bomb exploding next to us, it is how we accept and approach that situation that will determine how much happiness we can bring to our lives with acceptance of our faith.
Here is the song: That’s Simply Life
Here is the video: That’s Simply Life Video
Published on Feb 7 2013, 4:00PM
Sitting in my playroom, office, studio and garage I’ve written many articles about my views of the world, from politics, governments and corrupt individuals, to our own individual actions and faults as human beings — I judge all, but only for the sake of understanding this thing we call our human life.
Some friends tell me, or accuse me, of believing too much in a possible Utopian kind of life, as a solution to our world’s problems. They may consider me a dreamer. These friends point out, correctly, what reality is, showing their acceptance of our present lot in life, unchangeable.
It may be that the only way to figure out if we can change the world, reverse our present violent state of affairs and improve everyone’s life, in health and economically, is to first determine if man is good or bad in essence, as if we are, or at least the majority of us are, we could obtain change for the common good, and if we are bad, then we will always continue to have the few dominate and exploit the many, and the few will build their army of control using those from the many that will help them build their empires, sharing in the looting.
To this end, for almost one year now, I have been asking myself that question, what is man’s natural tendency, to be good or to be bad? This also took me to the next obvious question, what is good and what is bad?
Here is my conclusion. I invite you to consider my analysis and tell me if you agree.
Is Man Good Or Bad By Nature (click here)
Published on Dec 11 2012, 4:00PM
When I was in my teens living in Tijuana, Mexico, I was inspired by a physics professor who recommended two books to me, Chariots of The Gods by Erich von Daniken, about alien visitors from outer space, and The Great Initiates by Eduard Schure, a study of the secret history of religions. These two books forever changed my life.
As a result, I started reading many other books on spirituality, religions, metaphysics, parapsychology, extraterrestrials and other similar topics. In one of those instances I read a book by Rodolfo Benavides, Dramatic Prophecies of the Great Pyramid. According to the author, within the tunnels and walls of the Cheops pyramid (The Great Pyramid of Giza) the history of mankind is written in hieroglyphs, both past and future.
Benavides also claims that they discovered a way to measure time within these writings, which he said showed many important events in history captured therein, all leading to a cataclysmic event on the earth. According to that historical clock, that event was to occur around 1984 (according to my recollection). Now in 2012 of course we hear of many other prophecies from old civilizations, like the Mayan and Sumarian, that point to our present time as being when some sort of extreme change will come upon our planet and race.
In one of my prior blogs I told you that I met world famous clairvoyant Maria Moreno. The first time I met her was in her home in Hollywood around 1974. She told me many things about my life impossible for her to know and in our conversation I asked her if the prophecies of the Pyramid regarding the 1984 prediction would come to be. Maria said that the events would indeed happen, but that it would be some years later than predicted, but did not give me a specific date. In my mind I understood her to mean some decades away, as opposed to centuries.
Although there seems to be an agreement among those believing in a future catastrophe that this could happen in 2012, there are different opinions as to what the event will be, from cosmic calamities to man-made wars, in particular using atomic and biological weapons.
There are also those that believe that the coming event will be more of a spiritual awakening, that man will somehow evolve and become a loving race. Well, I guess that unless someone like Jesus (as some proclaim) or extraterrestrials arrive and show us in a miraculous way how to be better human beings, man is not going to change; more specifically, those that rule the world and bring agony and death to it, won’t. From that perspective, it is more likely that war will come or a catastrophe will fall upon us before man changes for the good of all mankind.
I am a believer that the future can be seen (as I have seen it) and that some very special persons have an even greater gift that enables them to see it more clearly. There are many individuals, like Nostradamus, which are able to describe so vividly some future events that it is almost irrefutable. Here is one prophecy that Jesus said when asked about the End Of Times. From Mathew 24:
“Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here (in Judea) will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”
3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”
4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.”
In the book of the Apocalypse, which also describes the end of times, it gives a very interesting description of what appears to be a war plane as we know them today that has always stuck in my mind. From Revelation 9:9:
“And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.”
There are also metions of flying scorpions, their tail looking much like the back of a plain (the rudder). Remember, people in those days could only described things based on what they knew, they did not know what a plane is or what a jet engine sounds like.
The news we listen to every day are not encouraging. I asked Professor Noam Chomsky in an email a couple of months ago where he thought we would be in ten years and he replied,
“We’re heading towards self-destruction, either by environmental catastrophe or nuclear war. Can be averted, but signs are not good.”
This thing we have come to know as the 2012 Doomsday Prophesy is very frightening to even consider and we all wish it to be false. But if true, as Maria said, it might take longer than predicted, but could be close at hand.
What can we do? If we don’t pull hard on the reigns of government and the ease in which it is engaging the whole world in war after war, we will have no one to blame but ourselves if we do end up in a worldwide nuclear/biological war. And if an astrological catastrophy is headed our way, then we will need a good foundation in principles of human kindness to survive.
Either way, we have to do our part now. We just can’t wait for it to happen.
May God Have Mercy On Our Soul?
Published on Oct 27 2012, 5:00PM
At this stage, there is no sense in me trying to convince anyone that voting for either Obama or Romney will still be detrimental to all of us, in the things that matter most.
What I do hope is that those who are critical of the opposing party, that they be so only against those party’s politicians, not the common man that is just trying to do what he/she believes is best for them and their country. They are not the same, people are looking for freedom and tranquility in their lives, the government is only looking for how to take that freedom away, so what we call the 1% can continue to exploit all of us.
One thing I do urge you to do is VOTE YES ON PROP 37, the Genetically Engineered Foods, Labeling initiative. If you are not familiar with GMO foods and their impact on your health, you need to research it.
Food that appears to be the foods our parents grew up eating are now genetically modified with genes of other species of all types, including changes to make them resistant to certain pesticides, and the research has shown them to cause cancer, mutations and other effects on test animals.
To make matters worse, the FDA (whose heads come from the new Pharma-Agriculural corporations making these products) has labeled these GMOs as similar to their original cousins and therefore do not require any testing to prove they are safe for human consumption.
By voting YES ON PROP 37 you are asking that all foods that contain GMO products, purely or as a combination, be labeled as such, so you will know what you are buying and can decide whether to consume it or not.
Here is just one of many videos you can find in YouTube on the subject:
Bad Seed – Danger of Genetically Modified Food
It is not a matter of whether it is dangerous or not, but simply a matter of principle that we have a right to know what we buy. Your choice – may be the disease and mutations of tomorrow.
Published on Oct 11 2012, 5:00PM
We live in a sexual world, by instinct and by social (commercial) influence. Our passions are aroused by everything we see and hear on TV, movies, music, billboards and magazines. An explosion of sexual desire is offered to us in plentiful servings.
Sex can be the most beautiful thing between a couple, in love or in pleasure, but it can also be an obsession.
I invite you to see my new video:
Published on Oct 6 2012, 5:00PM
There are three types of persons in this world:
– Those that have experienced the spiritual world – Those that have not experienced it, but believe in it by faith; and – Those that do not believe in it (regular visits to church notwithstanding)
I have been fortunate to be one of the ones that have experience it, on several occassions (most notably when I met famous clairvoyant Maria Moreno in Hollywood and again in Tijuana, Mexico in the early 70’s). You can read her story in the book Ghosts Over Hollywood by Jess Stearns.
Trough those experiences I learned and confirmed that
– A person will continue living after their mortal death – These spirits are around us, at leats at certain times and most certainly when invoked – These spirits can communicate with us, in particular through a true clairvoyant or through dreams and visions – The future can be seen clearly through visions and drems (albeit, in dreams often in a more surreal manner)
Several years prior to my mother’s passing, when she stayed a couple of days at my house, she inspired me to write a song that talks about my brother Pedro Octavio’s death (oldests brother, died in a car accident at the age of 26).
Two months later I wrote a song which, based on my above experiences, tells what I would tell my loved ones if I were to die. The song is called Remember When. I invite you to watch its video below.
On the birthday anniversary of my mother, I dedicate this video to her and my brother Pedro, and to you and the loved ones you may have thought you lost.
May your day be filled with happiness and Hope.
Enjoy, Ricardo
Published on Sep 13 2012, 5:00PM
“He (Nick Rockefeller) told me eleven months before 9/11 ever happened that there was going to be an event, never told me what the event was going to be … and out of that event we were going to invade Afghanistan to run pipelines through the Caspian Sea; we were going to invade Iraq, to take over the oil fields, establish a base in the Middle East and make it all part of the New World Order and we’d go after Chavez in Venezuela …
And I remember he was telling me how … we’re going to see soldiers looking in caves for people in Afghanistan and Pakistan and all these places and there’s going to be this war on terror …”
Aaron Russo Interview
On September 11 the radio and TV did not stop playing tribute to the United States in the anniversary of the 9/11 attack. They are intended to remind us that we are a country at war, our enemy is called Terrorism and we must be afraid of the terrorists, while at the same time we must be strong and determined to fight and defeat them – wherever they may be!
Why do they hate us? It’s plain and simple, according to president George Bush Jr., these terrorist “hate freedom.” It’s understandable: who doesn’t hate free people?
I don’t need an architect, nor my university professor, nor a Middle East scholar from some think tank, nor Noam Chomsky, nor generals, nor congressman, nor even the President to tell me what is evident:
- How can two buildings made to withstand an airplane crash simply collapse in free-fall (no structural resistance) in about 10 seconds? Both collapsed straight down (one had the main damage in one corner) like all other intentionally demolished buildings we have seen on TV, and both within a very short time, after 52 and 102 minutes of being hit.
- How could building 7, which was not hit by a plane, with a fire on the side of the building just collapse also in free-fall, conveniently first collapsing from the center of the structure?
Building Collapse Video:
- How could a plane like those that hit the World Trade Center hit the Pentagon and only leave a whole with no wing span damaged as seen on the towers?
- How come the debris in the area in the Pentagon was immediately cleared away after the crash?
- How could the airplane jet engines evaporate due to the crash as the official story claims?
- With all the security cameras that surely must be all over the Pentagon, how come we have never seen any photos or videos of the plane crashing?
- How is it that the crash of the fourth plan in Pennsylvania only left a ditch that one person described as a whole with a bunch of debris thrown into it? What large parts of an airplane? There were no engines here to recover either.
- How is it possible that on the day of the attack the military was having a drill simulating a terrorist attack? (Note: The same thing happened in the London subway attacks, they were also having a drill simulating a terrorist attack, on the same day, at the same time and at the same stations where it occurred, called Operation Osiris).
- How is it that 4 commercial jets were hijacked around the same time and were flying erratically for more than an hour and no military action was taken against them?
- In all the fire, destruction and debris of the World Trade Center collapse, how could they find one of the terrorist’s passport in the rubble? How were they able to know so much about them within a short period of time?
This are only the obvious things that we need to consider. To see a full documentary on the subject, for you to make up your own mine, click here: Loose Change. Maybe you will not agree with all the conclusions, but some are simply undeniable! This was simply an assassination on a large scale, at least I think so. To see a summarized 5 minutes presentation, click here.
We cannot hide our heads in the sand. As I told a friend, there are a thousand frightening reasons why we would wish the 9/11 conspiracy was not true, especially if we consider that to carry out this attack we would need not only five, ten or a hundred persons to be involved, it would have to be thousands – difficult to even fathom. But we have to trust our eyes and reasoning in order to find the truth.
And if it was planned, it was not just to crash some planes, bigger goals must be at stake.
No matter how much you believe in the philosophy of “The Secret,” we cannot use a positive mental attitude to get us out of this mess.
Our next step? It’s up to you. Me, I just want to give you all the details and hope you will take the time to consider it and share the information with your network of friends: about our tragic situation.
Best wishes,
Published on Aug 18 2012, 5:00PM
The Healthcare overhaul debate has become a divisive distraction for all of us and I am not one here to tell you whether the general idea of universal medical coverage and to what extent to provide it is the right or wrong way to address our individual or national medical needs, but I do want to point out some unexpected consequences of such policies.
Recently the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of President Obama’s Healthcare Reform Plan (case law) and this will no doubt play a big part in the November presidential election. Whichever way you decide to vote, make sure that who you vote for is not the one that your party chose, the lesser of two evils or the best representing you in healthcare, or abortion, or the one that tells you he will stop the war, or worse, that he will increase our overseas endeavors and will take us in a “democratic” crusade of more violence, death and destruction —
Vote For The One That Will Protect You And Your Family’s Freedom To Live Peacefully, To Allow You To Be Prosperous And Which Will Not Interfere With Your Personal Choices, Of Any Sort — We Have A Right To Do As We Wish As Long As We Don’t Harm Others!
The Supreme Court’s decision and reasoning (findings of fact and conclusions of law) in the Healthcare ruling goes way beyond contraceptive pills, no exclusions from policies or whether it is another socialist state run program, it goes to the core of our personal liberties.
Another thing to remember is that Obama’s initial push for universal healthcare goes back to the days of the 2008 financial collapse. The primary purpose for promoting universal heathcare was supposed to be to lower the cost of insurance and thus help the economy and the average household.
Now it is universally accepted that Obama’s Healthcare program is going to cost each of us and the economy (via government subsidies) even more and to make matters worse, each day all orthodox medical procedures are getting more expensive and insurance plans have higher costs, bigger deductibles and less coverage (once 100% total coverage of all procedures are now at about 70% or below). Big pharma, insurance companies and the orthodox medical establishment are getting us whichever way they can).
If we go to not only what it says, but to the essence of this Supreme Court decision and how it will affect all future rulings (remember, law is one of precedent and looks to prior case law), this is what it really means and how it can and most likely will be applied in future cases against us:
I saw a video today by Judge Andrew Napolitano that explains how we can reach such conclusion and I am including it below. Now, here is a caveat: Judge Napolitano appears in the Fox Network and just like views of Democrats vs. Republicans, some people love Fox and some people hate them. Don’t let that make you loose focus of the relevance of the information presented, be objective. Remember, even a drunk’s advise that drinking in excess is bad for you is still good advise, regardless of his misfortune.
Best wishes
Published on Aug 7 2012, 5:00PM
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.” — War Is A Racket!
— United States Marine Corps Major General and two time Medal of Honor recipient Smedley D. Butler – Wikipedia
“Progress could not have happened without energy. Perpetual energy will free the world”
— me
I recently saw the compelling documentary The Power Principle and was saddened to see all the suffering that has happened throughout the world in the last century under the color of democratizing other countries. With that in mind I write this blog.
OK, so maybe when I said in my last blog that we could change the world without violence was a stretch, after all, there is probably no example of a despot government and its puppeteers ever leaving power without a fight. Maybe if those in power could be convinced that they can be rich and can continue to be rulers, while at the same time their “subjects” could also be well off financially and in good health, then maybe they would choose to rule in a fair and just way – everybody happy. Putting the mere pleasure of seeing others suffer aside, the problem is, with all the atrocities many rulers have committed, people that would be liberated might seek justice from its prior oppressors (and there is nothing necessarily wrong with that!). This may be the rulers’ fears, that’s why they press on with an iron fist (a more subtle one in the USA). So it’s difficult to see how a positive change for the whole of humanity can ever take place.
In my prior blog I presented two videos dealing with abundant and renewable energy in the form of magnetic energy and water/hydrogen powered motors and devices. In India they also introduced compressed air powered cars. If you search the web you will see many examples of these types of more efficient, less expensive, self sustaining, none polluting systems, but yet, they never really get off the ground, in fact we don’t even hear much about them in the media (maybe just an “oh, look at that,” never to hear about it again in future news coverage), especially when it happens overseas.
The energy industry is big, lucrative and influential and it is used as a powerful way to control people and nations. Because of this I believe that renewable/unlimited energy can be the liberating agent for the world, but obviously many other things would need to be addressed and changed in order to accomplish complete individual freedom.
Probably the first thing that needs to be corrected is the misleading idea and movement behind Globalization. For two or three decades there has been an increased push to unit the world through binding international/UN agreements under the logic that we now live in a very connected world and that we need to work together if the world is to survive. Yet, after the 2008 global financial crash and resulting crisis, including that of the Eurozone, we have clearly seen that when such connectivity exists, especially in a financial sense, that the troubles of one country can pull the rest of the world with it.
In a recent article by the Associated Press it states that the global economy is in the worst shape since 2009, noting that “economies around the world have never been so tightly linked, which means that as one region weakens, others do, too… For now, few foresee another global recession. But there is little margin of error: Unemployment is already at recession levels in Europe and the United States.”
(Note: if unemployment is at recession levels, then we are in a recession, Newspeak not withstanding)
By the way, let me clarify something: Yes, we should all unite in the world for a mutual agreement regarding peace, freedom, choice of religion, reduction of pollution and contamination, helping people in need, etc., etc., but when you give such powers to enforce these ideals (or under the color of these ideals) to a few countries (US, UK, Russia, France, etc.) or even worse, to a single international entity, like the United Nations, we are risking falling into the corruption that absolute power brings with it.
What we need is not Globalization, instead with need LOCALIZATION.
So let’s come back to renewable energy, let’s say magnetic energy. No rocket science behind it, I even thought about it as a perpetual source of energy when I was about 13-15 years old. In a general sense, I envisioned a wheel with magnets in an angle distributed equally. Such wheel would be within another wheel whose magnets would also have the same angle, except that the magnets would be positioned in a way not to attract, but to repel the smaller wheel’s magnets, thus creating perpetual rotation of the inner wheel. This in turn would create energy by motion of the motor attached to the inner wheel; and that is pretty much what they have proved to be possible. Another recent example of magnetic energy is the Japanese magnetic powered motorcycle.
In the 80’s a friend from Mexico had the same concept for a perpetual magnetic energy generator, something that could be easily adapted to home use, so he designed such a system and submitted two patent applications for such concepts to the United States Patent Office. They were denied. He submitted a third patent in 2000 and shortly thereafter it was denied. About six months later he received a letter from the U.S. Department of State ordering him to cease and desist to continue submitting patents or to continue to work on any project related to any form of perpetual, magnetic or renewable energy sources of any kind. Shortly thereafter his U.S. border crossing passport was revoked.
What kind of logic is this? Doesn’t our government want us to have unlimited energy to free ourselves from foreign energy sources? Could we not be the pioneers of such technology? There are only a few answers that might make sense as to why the patents where denied and my friend was intimidated in that way: If magnetic energy or other similar abundant sources of energy became the primary energy of the future,
- Thousands of millions of dollars in investments in the petroleum industry would be wiped out. All fuel using devices would be obsolete.
- Millions of direct and indirect jobs associated with hydrocarbon production and use would be lost. The impacts of those lost wages would impacts communities throughout the world.
- The world economy is based on hydrocarbon energy and therefore many countries would collapse. The transition to magnetic and other forms of inexpensive energies would take decades to develop.
- The people that own all these industries would loose trillions of dollars. Investments financed by these companies in other fields would disappear.
- There would no longer be a monopoly of energy production and distribution. All nations would become independent and thus no country would be at the mercy of American, British and International corporations that have been for ages (as noted by Major General Butler) monopolizing many countries’ resources, ruining their lands and oppressing their inhabitants in order to maintain such control.
It is my belief that renewable/perpetual energy can be the door through which we can finally solve the problem of equality, freedom and can give us the ability to enjoy life at its fullest. Here is my theory:
For most of us, we are born to parents that take care of our needs and once we become adults we have to work to survive. In our present global monetary system, our labor (human energy, mental and/or muscle) is converted to money, which we are paid with for such labor. That money is what we use to buy food, clothing, shelter, property, transportation, toiletries, medicines, toys, our recreational necessities, etc. Obviously the more money we spend on these things, the less money we have and the less we can spend on other things.
Based on the above and excluding inherited wealth, it can be argued that wealth mostly comes from human labor, as labor produces the money we need to purchase things. We then subsequently determine how much “labor/money” something is worth.
So, when we speak of poverty, or “lack of resources,” what we are really talking about is lack of money to buy such resources.
So, what’s energy got to do with it? Here is one example pertaining to food products. Gasoline and diesel are expensive to produce and transport, and you continually need them to power the tractors and machines that work in our fields and farms, and the seeds and resulting crops are transported to their respective users consuming these fuels. These crops are processed by equipment that requires electrical power. Electricity is produced using oil, coal or gas, which also require fuels to generate and transport it. We also need electricity to power all the water pumps, the machines in the factory, the lights of the factory and supermarket, the traffic lights. All the packaging materials will also need to be produced and transported; and employees will use fuels to transport themselves to work. So in every step of producing a final product, from buying seeds to plant to getting a box of cereal in your kitchen in the morning, energy was needed.
Pretty much any sort of product we have has had tens if not hundreds of interventions in different ways were energy was needed in order to make the product available. If you remove the cost of all that fuel that was needed, how much would the cost of the item be reduced? A quarter, one half, 90 percent?
Let’s be conservative and say that prices would now be one fifth of the price. If you are earning $10 an hour on a 40 hour week, you earn gross about $1,743 a month, remove 25% in the way of taxes and medical insurance, you get $1,307. Remove $700 for an apartment and utilities, and you have about $600 left to spend on everything else that you purchase. Being that we saw that fuel inflates the price of goods, if we remove the fuel cost our $600 would now buy 5 times more than before and would now be the equivalent of $3,000. Would that make a difference in your life? And that is not considering that you would not spend any money on gas for your vehicle, large or small.
Of the different things mentioned where we spend our money, there is also a very important one we have to address and that is medical treatment and the resulting suffering and financial devastation that comes from it, especially with life threatening illnesses.
I received an email yesterday asking that all the people that received the email pray for a cure for cancer. The email made me sad and angry. Why? Because there already are cures for cancer, but these treatments are discredited and their inventors and users attacked to conceal them from the public and discourage others from following such natural, non-invasive and safe alternatives. Examples include French scientist Rene Quinton and his sea water treatment, Royal Raymond Rife’s microscope and resulting sound frequency treatment, Harry Hoxsey’s cancer therapy, Dr. Stanislaw R. Burzynski’s antineoplastons and many others, as well as numerous homeopathic treatments proven to cure most serious illnesses, such as Laetrile, vitamins C and D, alkaline treatments, MMS, DMSO, etc.
Like with carbon based fuels, with the size of the medical and medical related industries, some would probably also argue that if the above inexpensive, often unpatentable and toxic-free medical treatments noted above would take the place of orthodox medicine that it would also results in billions of dollars taken away from the economy and millions of jobs lost.
These types of fears are unsubstantiated and unjustified. Such conversions to new energy sources and more homeopathic medical treatments are not only easy to put in place, but would help to make everything more accessible to everyone. And there would be a transition period that would help accomplish this in an orderly manner, to everyone’s benefit.
For those of you who saw the Zeitgeist saga and the third film, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, it outlines an excellent strategy for localized independent communities taking maximum advantage of their resources by developing self-sustaining community centers, cities that produce their own energy and personal needs, while also trading with other such communities, all managed via a Global Resource Management System, which would enable the best yields, distribution and usage of these products, all by taking advantage of the best technologies, which would also reduce labor.
According to the documentary, physical participation of individuals to run these communities would be minimal, concluding that people would gladly work to help sustain such empowering community, especially when work hours could be substantially reduced due to such technology and management.
The overall ideal behind the Zeitgeist plan is a good one, but it would take us back to a globally centralized system. It would be better instead to have a Global Resources Tracking System, one maintaining information of all global resources (all by voluntary participation of each unit, with no consequences to those that do not), as well as data on all the means of production surrounding them, making all these data available to all, furthering opportunities for trade, instead of arbitrarily distributing such resources for financial or political reasons and for the benefit of those that could control such a system.
By the way, in Zeitgeist they speak about individual energy sources for each community unit, but it would be far better if each home was independently generating their own energy, such as using a perpetual home magnetic power generator, with a back up from a community power system.
Localization is the concept of control of activity, production and self determination at the smallest level of communal human interaction. Being that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, and that human beings have the capacity and potential of exploiting each other, the smaller and more independent the self-sustaining social entity is, the greater ability that entity’s individual members will have to control their fate: their customs, resources, development and their ultimate accomplishments and overall way of life.
What if that community does not like blacks, or gays, or Christians? I don’t see a problem with that (regardless of me disagreeing with any particular view), if they wish to live in seclusion, they should be allowed to do so. No, they can’t send all the black in the world to an island, but they sure can move to an island and live there in a way that makes them happy.
What if you don’t agree with their view? Well, just don’t visit there, how difficult is that? No need to protest their views. No reason to hate those that may hate us (it may just be that they don’t agree with us, not necessarily hate us), if anything, if we think we are right, then all we should do is feel sorry for them … and wish them well. Is that not the Christ principle? Who are we to save anyone?
We can all learn from other nations and their ways of life, but no one should compel others to adapt to a way of life not acceptable to them. And who would not want the best things in life?
As to the individual communities, such social structures would demand the least amount of government intervention. It would not be a one government entity, like an executive branch, creating 100 different agencies and these in turn creating further governmental or quasi-governmental bodies. These existing types of entities once given some “thing” to regulate, then they start wasting all their resources on how to regulate such thing and their related activities, while charging high fees and issuing citations and fines for non-compliance to their rules, which overburdens society with unnecessary regulations that make it difficult to survive in this ever more expensive world and in turn limits innovation and thus prosperity for all.
There should only be one role of government and that is to ensure that everyone has a right to freedom and happiness and that everyone be allowed to exercise their will as long as it does not harm others.
Yes, to have a city building department, which issues recommendations on how to build safer homes, to inspect properties and rate them for their conformity to those standards, would be great, but it would not be OK for that department, through police force, to have a home demolished because the owner is so poor that all he could put together was some cardboards, tires and used wood to create a shack in a small property that became accessible to him in Tijuana, Mexico. He is safer in that shack than he would be without a home. Or for the city to fine you and make you tear down the room you made out of your garage without a permit so a relative with limited resources could comfortably live there. All the homeless living in the canyons of San Diego, CA, what codes are they breaking by simply trying to survive?
Here is another example. Another friend of mine (no, I’m not making up friends, I just have some pretty smart ones) developed a small water system that can be used to reclaim the water used in your home, making it potable. It’s very inexpensive to build and requires minimum servicing. It would reclaim the water from the shower and your washing machine (no toilet or garbage disposal discharges) and the resulting water discharge could be either reintroduced into the home for normal consumption as well as be used for all gardening needs.
My friend wanted to patent his invention so he invited me to participate and I did all the research, contacting local and state agencies and also surfing the web. As it turns out, there are others that have developed similar systems but this one could be patented for its uniqueness. The problem was, no local agency will let you use it or would issue you a permit for it and might even give you a fine for using it and would make you remove it (and if you don’t’ remove it, they would probably arrest you).
The denial to operate such systems came down to (1) the agency can’t prove that the water is safe consistently, and (2) even if you use it for gardening, if the runoff could get into the drain it might contaminate the water (yes, the clear, clean and refreshing water that every day runs down our sewers).
After trying hard for a while what finally made me give up on the project was that I spoke to a gentlemen that had a similar system and had participated in government meetings to get it approved and he told me flat out that he had spent a million dollars already and it would never be allowed, giving me all the details to substantiate such claim.
Imagine the impact of such systems on our present water needs? Good for us, but bad for those who control, sell and ration the water and those who regulate it. How sad it that? Is that how we want government to protect us? Not me.
This idea of minimum government intervention is also the basis for the roots of Anarchy. Contrary to the modern definition of what anarchy is, that of mayhem and lawlessness, the word simply refers to the idea that groups of rulers should not decide the faith of or exploit the people under them. Prince Peter Kropotkin of Russia (1842-1921) explained it this way:
Either the State for ever, crushing individual and local life, taking over in all fields of human activity, bringing with it its wars and its domestic struggles for power, its palace revolutions which only replace one tyrant by another, and inevitably at the end of this development there is … death! Or the destruction of States, and new life starting again in thousands of centers on the principle of the lively initiative of the individual and groups and that of free agreement. The choice lies with you!
These ideal was expressed in the Spanish Syndicalism movement, where businesses where reorganized to have a company with no bosses. When that happened, surprisingly profits increased by over half. Also not surprising, the movement was crushed. Syndicalism represents a viable alternative to our present economic system, so long as it allows for other types of systems to operate if others which to follow them (in other words, no protests against those that choose other paths to achieve their prosperity).
What can we do, individually or as a group of concerned global citizens? Here are some suggestions:
- Rescind all existing international agreements that do not conform to the specific authority granted by the U.S. Constitution, nor to the principles established therein.
- Reorganize federal institutions that are catering to private interests that prohibit or obstruct the development, commercialization and usage of alternate means of energy and alternative medical treatments. Such private ventures should only be prosecuted if actual damage to other individuals is established. Government officials proven to have acted in a way that resulted in the concealing and blocking of technologies and medical cures from the public to be criminally prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
- Transition to inexpensive perpetual and renewable sources of energy.
- Develop a focus on sustainability not on a global, but in a localized manner, developing all necessary and available resources based on the unique attributes of such individual geographical locations.
- Establish organizations to manage charitable funds for assistance and advancement of other groups, at local and global levels. No strings attached, not to be repaid. Such organizations will ensure that such charity is used for the intended original purpose. No more than 10% of such funds will be used for administrative expenses.
- Develop and encourage new structures of corporations based on full employee ownership on the model envisioned in syndicalism. Such majority of employees to decide the direction of the company, yet all employees required to participate. All other forms of business entities to continue to operate as they are. It’s up to the people to decide what works better for them.
- Educate the masses on a jury’s right to Jury nullification, where a jury not only determines the facts of a case, but also the law and its fairness and has a right to find anyone not guilty of a crime if it deems it morally appropriate. All judges to instruct the jury of their right to Jury Nullification. Any judge prohibiting the defense or any other person from introducing to the jury their right to jury nullification to be stripped of their authority and be criminally prosecuted for treason to his/her oath of office and therefore the Constitution of the United States, which require him/her to be fair and partial in the administration of justice. Also, said judge to forfeit retroactively any and all income and wages derived from his/her time serving as a judge.
- Go back to the traditional function of the grand jury, to criminally and civilly bring action against government employees that abuse or take advantage of their authority.
- No congressman, senator or their staff to meet privately and/or in secret with any representative of any business or organization for purpose of discussing any introduction or changes to laws. All such meetings to be held in public accessible areas and all such discussions to be tape recorded and available for review by any member of the public.
- No legislation to be considered or passed without providing sufficient review time to study such proposed document by other members of both houses, the media and the public. All proposed documents to be made available via the Internet. All such documents to contain a summary, in layman’s terms, listing (1) any and all parts of a proposed law that may affect individual liberties, how and to what extent, and (2) the names of individuals, business, organizations or any other legal entity that will benefit from such legislature, how and to what extent.
- A proposed legislation to be limited in scope to issues associated directly with it only. For example, a bill on health care cannot contain a provision to fund a war effort. Mixed legislation of this kind to be null and void and without effect.
- Technologies that go against the production of natural organic and healthy products of consumption to be discouraged, if not prohibited.
- All items produced to be manufactured in a way to allow for easy and inexpensive upgrades, as well as minimizing the expense of maintaining such things in operating condition (like ink for printers, cartridges should be easy to refill with large containers of inexpensive ink).
These are just some of the ideas that come to mind. Do you have any?
By the way, do you want to know what Major General Butler recommended to destroy the international war racket?
“1. Making war unprofitable. Butler suggests that the owners of capital should be “conscripted” (compelled into military service) before other citizens are: “It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war. The only way to smash this racket is to conscript capital and industry and labor before the nation’s manhood can be conscripted. … Let the officers and the directors and the high-powered executives of our armament factories and our steel companies and our munitions makers and our ship-builders and our airplane builders and the manufacturers of all other things that provide profit in war time as well as the bankers and the speculators, be conscripted — to get $30 a month, the same wage as the lads in the trenches get”
- Acts of war to be decided by those who fight it. He also suggests a limited plebiscite to determine if the war is to be fought. Eligible to vote would be those who risk death on the front lines.
- Limitation of militaries to self-defense. For the United States, Butler recommends that the navy be limited, by law, to within 200 miles of the coastline, and the army restricted to the territorial limits of the country, ensuring that war, if fought, can never be one of aggression.” From Wikipedia.
So, all we need to do now is move in the direction noted above, because the direction we are following now, by global consensus, will only lead us, unfortunately, to further deterioration of our freedom to enjoy life at its fullest.
Best wishes to all.
Published on Jul 21 2012, 5:00PM
Sometimes, to those that think that government should be changed, that things could be better for everyone at all levels, it may seem like no matter what they do, things will not change, that the keepers of the status quo are just simply too powerful. Maybe it’s not worth the time or effort.
Why fight government and corporations? How could things really change without violence? How easy or difficult could it be? I have some ideas and reasons why I believe it is worth it … and possible. But before I tell you what they are, I want you to view the following short videos on alternative energy and then I’ll explain how this plays a part in my conclusion.
– Stan Meyer’s Water Powered Buggy
– Troy Reed’s Magnetic Motor
Hope you had a great weekend.
Published on Jun 28 2012, 5:00PM
I have finished my first film, a musical documentary. It is titled, Freedom 101: Freedom From Us. Below is the link. For those of you that did not have the opportunity to join me in my recent tributes to the Occupy Movement, this movie reflects such concerts and ideals.
Join me through this practical look at human interaction in the 21st century. I am sure you will enjoy it. Best wishes.
Published on Jun 10 2012, 5:00PM
I was raised in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. In Mexico, as is well known now, when the political party PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional, established 1929) reigned in Mexico, pretty much for 70 years, they won all elections, from the president of the country to the mayors of each town, with a couple of exceptions (Ernesto Ruffo Appel won the first non-PRI state governorship in Baja California in 1989).
In August of 1968, when I was 11 years old, they held state and local elections in Baja California. I remember it well because my oldest brother Pedro Octavio was assigned to a voting booth and he had been making a commotion stating, like many others I heard, that this time it seemed almost sure that the opposing political party PAN (Partido Accion Nacional, established 1939) would win some elections, I believe in particular for mayor of Tijuana (Luis Ernesto Clark was the candidate).
That evening I went to the voting station with my family to pick up my brother and I remember that at around the same time they closed the polling booths the electricity went out throughout the city, and I believe in other areas of the state as well. They were out for a while. As a result of that, it was determined by the state’s electoral commission (in collusion with the federal government) that because there could have been possibilities of fraud that the Tijuana mayoral elections would be canceled; but there was no second round of voting, instead, they installed their own candidate, of the PRI, of course.
In the US we have two political parties, Democrats and Republicans; in Mexico, the PRI and PAN used to represent that same type of system, except that in Mexico we also had probably between 3-6 other quasi-parties whose members also appeared in voting ballots. These parties had their own candidates, but sometimes also named PRI candidates as their own.
In 1981 the Mexican peso lost it’s well established exchange rate of $12.50 pesos per dollar and fluctuated between $22 to $70 pesos by February 1982 (at the end it went up to about $3,000 pesos per dollar, at which point the government erased three zeros [1993, then called New Pesos], from which rate it devalued further up to today’s rate of $14 pesos per dollar). Mexico was turned into a maquiladora, new cheap labor, on the Mexican side of the border. Imagine the pain and suffering that resulted from the devalued purchasing power of Mexico’s working class.
Finally, after the devaluation happened, it seem that the people would no longer take it and it appeared that the PRI’s presidential candidate Miguel De La Madrid would loose the presidency, and thus, the PRI would loose control of the nation.
What happened? In that election for the first time that I know of the PAN did not have a presidential candidate, and all the other three to six parties also had De La Madrid as their candidate – in other words, there was no other candidate from any other party. Of course, De La Madrid won, and thus the PRI remained in control of the presidency and country until 2000.
In 2000, PAN candidate Vicente Fox easily won the presidency. How was that possible without a revolution? Look at the contrast, compare all I described above, a party that had full control of the whole country, that had done many horrible things to maintain control, and all of a sudden, on the Sunday when the presidential elections were held, at about 7:00 PM PST I saw on TV sitting PRI president Ernesto Zedillo concede that Fox had won, and the votes had not even been completely counted throughout the nation. Nobody could believe it!
As a side note, as I’m writing this blog, researching and verifying dates and info I came across some statements that said that Zedillo (PRI) “has been a leading voice on globalization.” And so has Fox (PAN).
When looking at all these events from a local, as well as a global point of view it all makes perfect sense to me (you know me, New World Order view. By the way, Globalization is its synonym).
Since 9/11 (2001), the US, together with other world powers, has launched a War On Terror that has no boundaries. The US government is not only attacking people or governments that are planning on doing the US harm (or at least supposedly), but they are attacking, directly or indirectly, certain governments with the excuse of helping them become democratic (by the way, as used by me, government is not synonymous with the people it purports to represent).
How about Mexico? Although a supposed democracy, only the PRI won all elections for 70 years. Mexico needed to have an image of also being a true (sic) democratic nation, else the US would have to put them in the same list of corrupt governments abusing its citizens, and thus “entitled” for military intervention (by the way, the US also flies drones in Mexico). And with the gains from the opposing PAN candidates, those behind the PRI needed to develop a diversionary, divisive strategy of “apparent” change to be able to remain in control.
Comes in the PRD (Partido de la Revolucion Democratica) in 1989, a new national political party, made up of, guess who? Members of the PRI of course! It was spearheaded by Cuauhtemoc Cardenas, well established PRI member and son of PRI president Lazaro Cardenas (under the PRI predecessor party name of Partido de la Revolucion Mexicana). This was done to counter the national sentiment which was now turning to the PAN as a viable option to end the PRI’s years of corruption. Now there would be three alternatives, three ways to divide the vote.
Unfortunately, once the PAN took the presidency, although there were some palpable changes, things seemed to continue in the same direction, at least from a macroeconomic and globalization standpoint, if not the continued sacking of Mexico’s economic resources and government corruption. By the way, the PRI has always retained full control of both federal legislative bodies.
So now Mexico has three primary parties, the PRI looses to the PAN and Mexico is now in appearance a true democratic nation.
This tells me that, as in the United States, all political parties in Mexico, regardless of their apparent differences, are controlled and manipulated by the same people that control each country’s economy (“supposed” differences between party policies and doctrines notwithstanding).
Coming back to our present time, it seems that the PRI is ready to take control again. Pretty much everyone I talk to on both sides of the border shows a dislike for the PRI’s presidential candidate Enrique Pena Nieto and yet several news programs (notably from major TV network Televisa in Mexico and TV Azteca in the US) show him ahead of the pack. After its notorious past, could the PRI take the presidency back?
Human nature is interesting. I remember everyone saying when I was growing up in Tijuana how corrupt the PRI/government was, and yet, most of us wished we knew someone in government, preferably a relative, that could help us obtain easily government permits, even driver’s licenses, or hoped that we had someone’s name we could mention in case some crooked cop stopped us while driving for no reason to try to get a bribe (this also still happens, unfortunately). And many were hoping for un hueso (a bone), where some known politician gives you a government position so you too could assist in the sacking of public coffers.
Looking at the existing Mexican presidential candidates for the 2012 election, I don’t know who I would recommend, but there has to be a national consensus, as in the US with the Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party movements, that corruption simply cannot continue on the same path, from a national level, as well as the globalization trend that Mexico is following. Governments must be held accountable to its citizens, else, we are simply serfs to be dealt with and manipulated, or eliminated.
To close let me share with you some interesting facts I found the other day while I was researching the history of the owners of Tijuana’s Agua Caliente Casino in the early 1930’s, courtesy of Wikipedia. It relates to this blog. Just following the money:
— Casino Agua Caliente
The Agua Caliente Casino and Resort opened in June 1928 in the Mexican city of Tijuana, Baja California. It was a lavish resort that included a casino, spa, championship golf and tennis facilities, its own airstrip, and lots of entertainment. Stylistically, the resort was an amalgam of Mexican colonial, California mission, and neo-Islamic designs that ranged from mosaic minarets, to cozy guest bungalows, to steaming Turkish baths. It was designed by 19-year-old architect Wayne McAllister and built by Baron H. Long, Wirt G. Bowman and James N. Crofton. Some sources note the fourth partner was Abelardo L. Rodriguez, Military Commander and Governor of Baja California, and future Mexican President.
— Abelardo L. Rodriguez
Abelardo Rodriguez Lujan, commonly known as Abelardo L. Rodriguez was the interim president of Mexico from 1932-1934. He completed the term of Pascual Ortiz after his resignation … He also lengthened the presidential term length from four to six years.
— Pascual Ortiz Rubio
Pascual Ortiz Rubio was a Mexican politician. He was born in Morelia, Michoacan … He served as president from 1930 to 1932 … However, Rubio was an ineffective leader. Alleging excessive interference in his presidency by former president Plutarco Elias Calles, whom Rubio demonstrated independence from while in office, and still seriously shaken by an attempt on his life at the very start of his mandate, he resigned the presidency on 4 September 1932. He was succeeded by interim president Abelardo L. Rodriguez.
— Plutarco Elias Calles
Plutarco Elias Calles was a Mexican general and politician. He was president of Mexico from 1924 to 1928, but he continued to be the de facto ruler from 1928 to 1935, a period known as the Maximato. Calles is most noted for a fierce oppression of Catholics that led to the Cristero War, a civil war between Catholic rebels and government forces, and for founding the Partido Nacional Revolucionario (National Revolutionary Party, or PNR), which eventually became the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) which governed Mexico for more than 70 years…
The Maximato was a period in the historical and political development of Mexico ranging from 1928 to 1934. That period was named after Plutarco Elias Calles, who was known as the Jefe Maximo of the Revolution. Elias Calles was president in the period 1924-1928, but in the next six years, there were three presidents, all of them subordinate to a lesser or greater extent to Calles. The presidents and their respective mandates, are the following:
– Emilio Portes Gil (1928-1930), was designated by Congress to replace the president-elect Alvaro Obregon, assassinated before taking office.
– Pascual Ortiz Rubio (1930-1932), elected to complete the term but resigned.
– Abelardo L. Rodriguez (1932-1934), was designated by Congress to substitute Ortiz Rubio.
… Calles supported land reforms and promoted the ejido as a way to emancipate campesinos, but no large tracts of land were redistributed under his presidency nonetheless. Calles founded several banks in support of campesinos as well as the Banco de Mexico, Mexico’s national bank.
— Banco de Mexico
The Bank of Mexico (Banco de Mexico), abbreviated BdeM or Banxico, is Mexico’s central bank, monetary authority and lender of last resort (RB note: as is the Federal Reserve in the US and is also privately owned). The Bank of Mexico is autonomous in exercising its functions, and its main objective is to achieve stability in the purchasing power of the national currency.
— National Palace of Mexico
The left-hand panel is dedicated to early and mid-20th century, criticizing the status quo and depicting a Marxist kind of utopia, featuring the persons of Plutarco Elías Calles, John D. Rockefeller, Harry Sinclair, William Durant, J.P. Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt and Andrew Mellon as well as Karl Marx.
What is the relationship between these supposed US capitalists, Karl Marx and socialism? … Something surely to think about, and another story.
Published on May 28 2012, 5:00PM
It’s not easy being human. Each one of us is unique, even if in minor things. When you add that into the equation it is easy to see why we have great friends and at the same time also have people we just can’t stand.
In this human relationship, we are sometimes offended by others, and sometimes, we offend others. And sometimes, when we have made serious mistakes that we know are wrong and cause harm to ourselves and others, what we have done becomes an offense against ourselves and it hurts and it influences our lives.
If there is something we need so we can enjoy life to the fullest, with ourselves and others, it is to forgive others for what they have done to us, to ask for forgiveness from those we have done harm to, and maybe more importantly, to forgive ourselves for the mistakes we have done.
After all, we are the most important thing in our individual lives and we want to live in peace and harmony. Nothing wrong with that, but always, always try to be a better human being, for everyone’s sake.
I just finished producing a song about this, it’s called Let’s Make Amends. I hope you enjoy it; it’s my first bilingual song.
Published on Apr 17 2012, 5:00PM
In the conspiracy world there are many theories on certain historical events with many different explanations as to why something happened. To discern between those that may be correct and those that are some sort of exaggeration or a flat out lie is indeed a difficult task and what we ultimately end up believing are our own very personal conclusions, based on facts, or often just on beliefs. Not all conspiracists believe in the same things, they might only agree on some.
Some beliefs are so out-there and risky to mention in conversation with others that often even those that believe it don’t mention it because of fear of ridicule, as well as damage to reputation and other financial or legal consequences. Probably the most incredible one to believe is the one that states that not only do the people that presumably control the world want to limit the size of the population of the world, but that they also plan to exterminate millions to reach a controllable number of human beings. Present population fo the world: seven billion.
My last blog on Chemtrails (chem as in chemicals, of course) and the related video addressed the issue of whether there was a deliberate international effort to spray something at high altitudes to impact vegetation and inevitably humans, mostly stating that most likely it is being done for some financial gain for those ordering it done.
There was also a comment in the video that maybe such spraying could also have to do with depopulation. Now this is definitely a hard one to swallow, even for me, and you have a pretty good idea of my own personal beliefs, yet everything is worth considering (as a told Bab, in pari materia, how some things relate to others).
This is a huge subject and I would have to do a lot of research to show comments from recognized sources regarding the many aspects of population control, but being that this theory of depopulation moves mostly in the deep core of the New World Order conspiracy realm I will approach it from there and will share some videos seeing it from that perspective. The first video is related to the Georgia Guidestones and the others regarding the Denver International Airport, as odd as this may seem.
The third and fourth videos were definitely made by someone who truly believes that there is genocide planned for our planet and they make many assertions for which they don’t provide any proof to back them and throws some wild theories as facts. They also made the video in a somewhat theatrical manner, but if you can put all that in the backburner of your own interpretation and can just look at some of facts presented, in particular the murals in the airport, it does leave you thinking if anyone can be so evil? My God, I hope not! Click below to see the videos.
Could it be true that … we are being dumb down, made sicker and made infertile?
Definitely, there is a bunch of stuff out there in the internet. But that will be another subject.
Published on Apr 7 2012, 5:00PM
In my last blog I discussed Chemtrails and how they may be impacting our environment, external and internal and thus affecting our lives. The documentary referenced touched upon several related topics that might explain why this spraying at high altitudes may be taking place around the world. I will explore some of these individually, starting with GMO.
GMO is the acronym for Genetically Modified Organisms, things such as seeds and plants that have been modified from their original state by artificial gene and other manipulation in a lab, and thus are patented food products. Examples include corn, soy beans, tomatoes, etc.
There are a growing number of studies stating that these foods are not only unsafe for consumption and cause disease in animals and humans, but that they are also affecting other crops and the main manufacturers of these products, primarily Monsanto, has not done proper testing before putting them in the market or at least such records are not public.
What you probably don’t know is that a large portion of the foods you are already eating are GMO based, not only grains, but also the different meats we consume; remember, these animals eat these GMO plants and grains as well, not to mention that the growth hormones given to these animals are also genetically modified. In a sense, we are getting a triple dose of GMO foods in our daily diet.
If you think, well, I don’t eat much corn or soy beans, think again. Here are examples of ingredients you will find in many labels of foods you eat that most likely contain GMO products: corn syrup, soy lecithin, fructose, lactic acid, dextrose, maltodextrin, corn meal, soy flour, soy protein, textured vegetable protein, soy oil and corn oil.
Now, if I were presented with the choice between eating either GMO or natural foods, obviously I would choose natural foods and probably you would too. Here is the other problem with this issue: the GMO giant Monsanto is legally fighting to avoid having GMO foods labeled as such. As to the FDA, they already bought them off a long time ago so the FDA does not require these GMO manufacturers’ products to be labeled nor for them to do tests on their safety and impact on human life.
These corporations are allowed to proceed without impediment, or conscience. By FDA policy GMO foods are considered to be “substantially equivalent.” The FDA maintains that a novel food like genetically modified foods should be considered the same as and as safe as a conventional food if it demonstrates the same characteristics and composition as the conventional food. Thus, no need to test and no need to label, or so goes the excuse.
With the FDA, USDA and EPA behind them, they attack anything that puts their monopoly and products in jeopardy. For example, in Vermont Monsanto is threatening legal action against lawmakers that want to pass GMO labeling bill H.722, otherwise known as the Vermont Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act. This is not the first time Monsanto has done this in Vermont, in the 90’s it took the state to court over a law requiring milk producers to label products containing bovine growth hormones. Not only did they sue, they won, rendering Vermont’s labeling law purely voluntary.
Monsanto has such a big budget for fighting anything that stands in the way of their products that Monsanto years later got into a legal fight with Vermont ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc. over their practice of labeling ice cream free of hormones and forcing suppliers to promise they’re not using them. Monsanto was able to convince lawmakers in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana to consider bills that would have made the ice cream maker’s practices illegal, arguing the labels implied some inherent harm to consuming recombinant bovine growth hormone. Only Pennsylvania passed the law, but it was later recalled.
From the Chemtrails stand point, it is believed that Chemtrails contain large amounts of aluminum particles and that some genetically modified foods are also made resistant to such metal so that they will not be affected, while natural crops will.
There are many videos and documentaries on this issue and I searched to find the best one to share with you, although I encourage you to view others. The one below was done from the perspective of the scientists that have come out to point out the dangers of these genetically modified foods and as you will see and is typical, they were immediately discredited and banned from further involvement in their respective industries. Click below to view:
Now even the food we eat is becoming dangerous to consume, disguised as the original products our ancestors were eating.
Published on Apr 2 2012, 5:00PM
San Diego, California, what a beautiful city. If there is something I have come to enjoy while living here it is our climate, mostly warm and sunny with beautiful natural sunsets, except recently.
I remember when I was a teenager (you can subtract 40 years from today’s date) I used to see contrails in the sky over Imperial Beach. Contrails are “a visible condensation of water droplets or ice crystals from the atmosphere, occurring in the wake of an aircraft” travelling at high altitudes. These would follow the jets maintaining a specific width and would disappear as the jet advanced over the horizon.
But that is not what I have seen for a while. Now what I see are these streaks of unnatural clouds that paint lines in the sky and then expand over large areas. Here is one photo I took last week in Chula Vista. If you pay close attention, it is not just two streaks, but multiple ones.
The next photos where taken in MIra Mesa today and my phone camera was unable to show all the other streaks and how they relate to each other.
What you see above are known as Chemtrails and they are not a natural occurence, they are man-made. As you can see, these are not thin like regular contrails, they apparently happen at lower altitudes and not only expand significantly with time but they stay visible for quite a while. I invite you to step outside and look at the sky and you will see this.
So if they are man-made and they are not the result of water condensation, then someone is spraying something. What is it? What health hazards do they represent? How are they affecting plant life? Considering that this phenomenon is happening all over the world in a greater extent in the last 10 years, who is paying for it? Who is authorizing and ordering it? And, why is it being done? Who benefits from it?
A group of people recently set out to answer all these questions and the apparent answer is shocking, to say the least. I invite you to watch their documentary. Click below.
Published on Mar 26 2012, 5:00PM
Yesterday I was listening to a public radio station KPBS news story and the subject was the Republican presidential primaries. The interviewer started by asking what was the status of all the candidates and the response by the reporter went something like this:
Romney not much liked but he has the majority of delegates
Santorum has been winning some states
Gingrich is struggling and should get out
Well that was interesting. What a bunch we have to choose from. Hey, wait a minute, what about Ron Paul? Towards the end of the interview the reporter, in a humorous kind of way, said something like, “and Paul, well I guess he is not giving up.” The interviewer laughed as well.
A friend told me that he just does not trust Paul, but could not tell me exactly why. We must never forget that we all know that the media tries to manipulate us and in the case of Paul, that is no exception, and being that he really is anti-corruption and talks about abuse of government and the powers behind it, it is no wonder why he is portrayed like an old cook with not only no chances of winning the republican race, not to mention the presidency, but not even worth mentioning in most similar TV news commentary on the primaries.
With that negative portrayal of Paul by the media it is no wonder why some might think, what’s the big deal with Paul and the Fed? That’s all he talks about. Well, not really, but that is a big part of the focus of his message regarding our economic problems and where he believes they stem from.
I agree with Paul, it is very important that we all know and understand what the Federal Reserve is, who is behind it and how it affects our daily lives (yes, our daily lives!).
Being that some of you liked the Alien cartoon, I’ll give you two options to view videos on the Fed, one in a somewhat comical way and the other in a more serious manner. Personally, I recommend both, for each has its particulars. Click below:
THE FED (excerpts from Zeitgeist, The Movie)
In this day and age we cannot afford to not be informed on issues that the media tells us to ignore or reject.
Join me by commenting on the blog and videos. Your input is important.
Published on Mar 22 2012, 5:00PM
Throughout life we learn things, we compare things, we come to conclusions and we form opinions.
When I say things I mean everything, so there are thousands of different things we have compared to others and seen how they may relate, or not, to each other.
In this busy life of survival and of trying to squeeze every possible second of our life to be (or at least feel) happy, we often set aside all these things that we know or believe to be true. We simply operate in remote control, ignoring some things that distract us from our present interest.
Sometimes it is only when we are by ourselves, nothing to do, no music on, relaxed, that we might actually seriously and deeply contemplate an issue to the full extent. And we should give ourselves the time for that.
Let’s take government for example. Think for a second, what is government? Who created it in the first place? What does it represent? What is its purpose? Who does it represent? Who accepted it? Who is against it and why, what rights do the govern have? And maybe ultimately, what does it do for me?
What a coincidence, I found a cartoon video of a person, like you and me, trying to explain to a space alien what government is. It takes you through an interesting analysis of the things we already know of what government really is.
Click Here: Explaining Government To An Alien
Enjoy the weekend
Published on Mar 17 2012, 5:00PM
Imagine a city doctor that develops a nontoxic substance and related treatment that is proven to completely eradicate cancer, even in terminally ill patients that orthodox medical institutions have pronounced are close to dying from this horrible disease.
Now imagine you are one of those terminally ill cancer patients, you start this doctor’s treatment and after a short period of time your cancer almost completely disappears — when all of a sudden the government closes down the doctor’s clinic and also starts harassing you?
On January 2011 I wrote a blog titled Cancer, The FDA, The American Medical Association And You, narrating the life and tribulations of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife of San Diego. The story begins in the 30’s, many years before we were even born.
In my story I told you about MMS, a substance developed by Jim Humble and this substance, which is in essence chlorine dioxide and I noted that it has helped many people with many types of diseases. I bought some and tried it myself with excellent results. Well, the online store where I got the MMS was raided several months ago by the FDA and since then they no longer respond to emails and their phone is out of service and I just checked and their website is down.
As to Jim Humble, I was subscribed to his newsletter and he was sending one out once or twice a month. Around August of 2011 he noted in a newsletter that he heard that he was being pursued by the FBI. Around October he put out a newsletter stating that he had found a way to overcome the bad taste of this medication, which is one of the biggest barriers why some people don’t like to use it. That was his last newsletter. We had also corresponded by email last year, but he has not responded to any of my inquiries.
How is it possible that if someone comes out with a cure for cancer which is outside of the radiation and chemotherapy torture treatment prescribed by orthodox medicine, such treatment will be halted by a government many of us believe is supposed to be helping us be healthy? Would not our country be better if we were healthy? Would that not eliminate the need to waste billions of dollars in healthcare costs?
The only way that we can halt this attack on our right to be free of disease is by first being 100% convinced that the above is true and by convincing everybody else of that fact, so to help convince you, here is another story, but this time, let’s see the evidence in a recent well documented video which narrates the story of Dr. Stanislaw Bursynski and his cancer treatment.
The video is almost two hours long, so get comfortable and click here to watch.
May we never fall pray to cancer, or worse, be forced to undergo radiation and chemotherapy treatments.
Best wishes.
Published on Jan 16 2012, 4:00PM
When I was about 18 years old I took an Argumentation and Debate class in college. On one occasion, and prior to existing legislation, we debated whether the government of California had the right to force people to wear seat belts. I chose to participate on the side that was against it. My main belief and argument was that seat belts can protect you in an accident and it might be foolish not to use them, but no one should have the right to force you to use them because it is your life/body that is involved, no one else’s and you own your life. I won the debate.
Now, you have to wear seat belts, you cannot talk on the cell phone, and I just heard on the news the other day that simply for being distracted (eating a sandwich, putting on make up, changing a radio station, looking to your side for too long), even if the vehicle is stopped an a stop light, you can get pulled over. How is this possible? These are direct attacks on our freedom, in particular our freedom of choice of activity and travel (how basic is that?), based on the possibility that we might hurt someone in the process, even if there are no victims.
Once while in Ventura, California I was driving from my hotel to an office to give a presentation. It was less than a mile away and I was not even going to get on the freeway and I had just nicely ironed my shirt so I decided not to wear my seat belt to avoid the wrinkles. Just my luck, on a stop light there was a street cop that pulled me over and in a very angry voice said “I am tired of seeing people being killed on the freeway.” I paid $400 for that ticket. What a nice guy, he wanted to save my life. What he did was helped me understand and confirm that I don’t have freedom of choice while I drive inside my own vehicle, no matter what it is that I am doing, and if I don’t have this freedom while driving, I could potentially not have it anywhere, as any regulation can be written by some bureaucracy to state that something is prohibited and punishable, until challenged in court (remember, only a Court of competent jurisdiction can declare what the law is. Add to that a corrupt court and … well you now).
This is not law, this is an abuse of discretion, mere legislation converted to regulatory flatulence in order to keep us immobilized from going against the existing status quo and for the purpose of draining our property, while filling someone else’s pockets, via bureaucratic thievery. Everything has been turned on its head.
The reality is that, as simplistic as this may sound, the government can only regulate those things that it creates. If it creates an agency, it can regulate it, if it creates a corporation, it can regulate it; if it gives you a license, it can regulate that business, too, but the government did not create you and me and thus, cannot regulate us if we don’t hold such privileges. In other words, you are not a fictitious entity existing only in paper, you are a natural born human being (your birth certificate representing you as an object or created-entity/slave by registration not withstanding). As found in Blacks Law Dictionary, fifth edition, they do not define “human being” but they define “person” as follows:
“In general usage, a human being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include a firm, labor organization, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers.”
And thus, this is where the farce begins. You may have heard of lawyer-speak, well that is precisely what it is, it’s a way of making you believe that these regulations apply to you, something that is not true.
You may have heard recently in the news that the federal government is coming down very hard against California legally authorized pot dispensaries, and the justification for such harassment and raids is that it is against federal law to possess, sell or distribute marihuana. Let’s use this as an example to make my point that these regulations, federal or state, don’t apply to natural born human beings.
As noted and according to me and my studies, the federal regulations only apply to corporations, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, partnership, association, or other legal entity, not to natural born human beings with no contractual nexus with the government/regulating agency. Where they have fooled us, until now, is that they insert the word “person” and/or “individual” in the text of their regulations and we all believe that it means us. But some codes/regulations, such as the DEA’s (Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR], section 1300 et sec) finish the definitions of these words with descriptions like “or other legal entity,” which is inclusive and thus, the terms “person” and “individual” as used therein, mean other types of permit holding entities (licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted).
See Title 21 CFR (Drug Enforcement Administration), section 1300.01(34):
“The term person includes any individual, corporation, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, partnership, association, or other legal entity.”
See Title 21 United States Code (USC, Food and Drug), section 802, where they don’t even define the word “person” or “individual.”
You might say, well, it does say individual, that has to be a human being, right? But look at the definition of individual in Black’s Law Dictionary:
“As a noun, this term denotes a single person as distinguished from a group or class, and also, very commonly, a private or natural person as distinguished from a partnership, corporation or association; but it is said that this restrictive significance is not necessarily inherent in the word, and that it may, in proper cases, include artificial persons.”
Thus the distinction is between a legal entity referred to in these regulations as a “person” or an “individual” and a natural born free human being, you and me.
Nowhere in the drug codes and regulations (21 USC, 21 CFR) do they define what an “individual” means. But see “individual practitioner” as used in 21 CRF 1300.01(17):
“The term individual practitioner means a physician, dentist, veterinarian, or other individual licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted, by the United States or the jurisdiction in which he/she practices, to dispense a controlled substance in the course of professional practice.”
Now let’s look at it from the perspective of how they come against these pot dispensaries in a federal (sic, qui tam) enforcement action. They arrest and take them to a federal district court and charge them with possession, use or selling (and conspiracy thereof) a controlled substance, under some section of Title 21 of the United States Court, such as 841. So, supposedly which agency arrested this person? The DEA? Well, they are regulated and have rules to comply with, found in Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 1300-1399.
Now here is something that is very important and overlooked. As an administrative agency, the DEA has to also comply with Title 5 of the United States Code (Government Organization and Employees), sections 554, 555, 558, 559. This being the case, before they can arrested this person (let’s personalize it, let’s say “you”) they have to determine: (1) if they have the authority to regulate you, (2) if so, provided you a hearing at the administrative level, (3) if they do not want you to do something (smoke, plant or sell pot, etc.), tell you to cease and desist, (4) request a court to issue an injunction or restraining order to make you cease and desist, (5) bring civil charges against you, (6) and only then, if all else fails can they take you to federal court (note: that’s what they do with most corporations, especially the bigger, more influential ones).
The thing is, they would have lost at point (1) as they have no jurisdiction over a natural born free human being. They can only regulate those they give permits to, that is, corporations, practitioners and others who received a permit from them to operate, as noted in the above regulations.
You see, human beings (that is, not being a legal entity as defined above) have no automatic nexus or “substantial relationship” with the government. We have no grant from or affiliation to the state. Where many get confused is when they consider the U.S. Constitution as being where they get their rights. They contemplate the ten original amendments as their foundation and defense against government tyranny.
The U.S. Constitution is only a trust, a charter, between the states and their representatives (land owners and their estates), in which they contracted with each other (excluding you and me and our descendants) to protect their property. The amendments were a reminder to them of what they cannot do to us, being that we have allowed them to exist.
So often people claim their constitutional rights for many defenses in legal matters, when they should be really claiming their Natural and Common Law Rights, that’s really where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness come from, and were we can find them.
The federal (and in that respect, any local or state) government cannot regulate us as natural human beings, because we have no Nexus with the corporate entity known as The United States of America (Inc.), State of California (Inc.), etc.
If you want to verify if I am correct, if you believe that it is obvious that the term “person” and “individual” as used in the regulations above apply to human beings, contact the involved agencies, like the DEA.
In the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 (or any other Title), around page vi, it reads:
“For a legal interpretation or explanation of any regulation in this volume, contact the issuing agency. The issuing agency’s name appears at the top of odd-numbered pages.”
In Title 21 CFR, the agency is “The Drug Enforcement Administration”. Here is their address:
Drug Enforcement Administration Mailstop: AES 8701 Morrissete Drive Springfield, VA 22152
In case you don’t contact them, I did, indirectly. In the late 80’s I got involved in studying constitutional law and studied the above and other regulations and concluded that pretty much all persons imprisoned for violations of federal drug laws where there illegally, so I contacted California Senator Alan Cranston (and another senator from Hawaii, but I don’t recall his name) by mail and presented him with my full study on the matter and asked him to inquire with the agency my claims. He replied (or his staff with his signature) and said he would immediately confront the DEA with my evidence.
About a month later I received a letter from the Senator advising me that there was nothing he could do in my quest to find the truth, and wished me luck. The envelope contained his letter of inquiry to the agency and the DEA’s response. The DEA stated that they were not going to answer the question. And this was a prominent senator asking for clarification. I got exactly the same thing from the Hawaiian senator. I had the documentation to prove it, but it got destroyed unfortunately.
On face value that might appear to mean nothing, but consider this. Prior to my inquiry through Senator Cranston, 21 CFR 1310.01(b) defined an “individual purchaser” as “a HUMAN BEING not acting as an agent or official of a business entity…” I noted this in my letter to Cranston. That definition was removed by the 1990 edition, that is, within about a year of our inquiry. But that does not change anything; it simply obscures the truth. See the above section in any 21 CFR code publication prior to 1989, modified in 1990.
I invite you to study the regulations and if you don’t believe me, simply contact the DEA, by mail, asking the question, telling them you are a natural born free human being, not a legal entity, nor a “practitioner” as defined in their regulations and ask them if the term “person” and/or “individual” as used in their regulations (21 CFR et sec, 21 USC et sec) apply to you.
Let me know what you get. It is time to open the floodgates and let truth sweep us from our ignorance (ignorance is slavery).
This logic applies to most regulations, but we continue to create nexus with the government by getting driver’s licenses and other so called “permits” which we really should not be applying for. I know that this may seem horrible to someone thinking that someone might drive without a license. What’s the big deal? Haven’t you ever seen someone driving horribly that has a license anyway? Look at it this way: when moving from one location to another, something so vital for our survival, why would we need permission from, and more outrageously, why would we have to pay a fee to anyone to travel from one location to another, whether by foot, car, boat or plane? It’s all an illusion that we have been convinced to believe.
There are those that say, I pay my fair share of taxes. What are they talking about? The government is now even taxing so much that they are now planning on taxing the air we breathe (the real story behind Global Warming). Most of these taxes should not be levied on human beings. The problem begins when we start thinking, well, if we pay this tax, everyone else should, even if it is illegal – how selfish!
This goes to our petty fears of what the world would be if we let people be and do what they want and like. Tough question, but it’s time to jump that hurdle. So long as no one is injuring you, you should not be concerned. The law should be what it is intended to be, you should only suffer the consequences of your actions, not your possible actions.
So now the big question: What Can We Do? I believe that destroying all these intrusions on our personal life and property can be done in the courts, using the right language, demanding we be tried, for example if ever arrested for a drug charge, in a common law court (most courts are administrative in nature, but you can invoke your common law rights and the court’s common law/judicial power, in particular in a state superior court). And your first argument should be, “I am a natural born free human being.” The second one is, “This agency or court has no jurisdiction over me because I have not nexus or substantial relationship with the state or its agencies.”
And don’t worry, they’ll try to say you do, that for example, you created a nexus when you applied for your license. Well, it was done under duress, coercion and fraud, or don’t you get a driver’s license to avoid being arrested for not having the “privilege” (not paying the fee) to drive, when deep inside you know you must have a natural right to transport yourself, by any means, to where you want/need to go. See Crandall v. Nevada, 73 US 35 (1869).
I wrote such a document to use in these situations, and it can be downloaded and modified to fit the particular needs of your situation. What I am providing here, in this article and in the document I refer to, is not intended as legal advise, it is simply what I believe can help me and others in case of illegal government abuse over our lives, freedom and property, based on my understanding of the law. Anyone wanting to apply this in their defense does it at their own risk (I must add this disclaimer). Here is the link:
You never know when this information might come in handy, for you or a loved one.
By the way, let me add one last very important thing. I’m sure you have heard the saying “a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client.” Well that may apply to most civil cases or criminal cases where someone did damage to property or another person, but when it comes to the issue of jurisdiction of the government over a natural born human being, it is actually the other way around. You would have to defend yourself in what a court recognizes as in propria persona in order to negate such jurisdiction over you. Again Black’s Law:
“In Propria Persona. In one’s own person. It was formerly (? bullshit) a rule in pleading that pleas to the jurisdiction of the court must be plead in propria persona, because if pleaded by (an) attorney they admit the jurisdiction, as an attorney is an officer of the court, and he is presumed to plead after having obtained leave, which admits the jurisdiction.”
Yes amigos, it’s complicated, important things in life are; but if you think about it, it’s simple; we just tend to refuse to believe things that are contrary to all we have believed in for so many years. That’s simply life. Once we lower that guard and tell ourselves “yes, this could be true, let me look at it objectively, with a critical mind,” then everything will seem obvious, and you will see that the pieces of the puzzle were always there, we just didn’t want/refused to put them together.
By the way, if you want to hear the summarized version of this explanation and with a great beat, just listen to my song The Common Law. It can’t get any clearer than that.
Thank you for listening and always remember that, at the end of the day, I do it for all of us.
Published on Jan 6 2012, 4:00PM
So, how are we starting the year, this famous 2012? Let’s see:
– On New Year’s Eve President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that provides for the indefinite detention of Americans without charges or trial. He previously said that he disagreed with this feature of the bill but he put pressure on Congress to make sure it was included. Afterwards, he signed a statement stating that he disagreed with the above provision and that “he” would not enforce it. Then, why sign it? Who will? Also think of this, if the government thinks they don’t have to take you to court, and thus not provide you access to an attorney, then they don’t need to even acknowledge that they have you in custody (torture) – so now Rendition can be used universally against any perceived enemy of the State.
– The NDAA is a companion to the new law that gives the President power to order the assassination of US citizens. A major news paper filed a Freedom of Information Act petition requesting that the government provide proof of legal authorization to assassinate, anyone, but the request was denied.
– The government has refused to clarify how it is interpreting the Patriot Act provisions.
– President Obama signed into law an all-out trade war against Iran. Countries or corporations continuing to deal with Iran’s central bank or oil industry will be barred from trading in American markets. Countries will have to choose between Iran and the US.
– The FBI wants to prosecute ‘food activists’ (those who expose unclean food-processing plants or inhumane livestock treatment) as terrorists. Also, local police have been trained to believe that anyone stopped by them claiming any constitutional rights or mentioning the Common Law, should also be considered potential terrorist.
How are we starting the year? Not that good. For those that thought there was a difference between Bush/Republicans and Obama/Democrats, this should be an eye opener, as while both parties in appearance try to block each other’s moves, on the things that are important to them (those really in power, via Congress), in particular taking away our freedoms so they can control us better and they can get away with what they want, they always act in a very bipartisan way. Remember, when the Democrats took over both houses, they did not stop the war in Iraq as they claimed they would. Here is the count for the NDAA:
- 283 to 136 House of Representatives
- 93 to 7 Senate
Of all the candidates we presently have running for president, only Congressman Ron Paul is against everything I mentioned above, here is the link so you can hear it from him:
Ron Paul on the National Defense Authorization Act
The core principles of America, represented in the Declaration of Independence, as well as those of the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street movement, in my view, can only be addressed and defended if we all rally behind Ron Paul. At least, I think so.
Let’s Break The Chains And Occupy!
Published on Sep 16 2011, 5:00PM
(RB Note: Link to full text of the correspondence below)
Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, computer scientist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, and activist. He is an Institute Professor and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at MIT. Chomsky has been described as the “father of modern linguistics” and a major figure of analytic philosophy. His work has influenced fields such as computer science, mathematics, and psychology … He is also the eighth most cited source of all time, and is considered the “most cited living author (from Wikipedia).
In 2009, while searching the internet for any comments on my project Café Peyote, I found the following quote:
“If Noam Chomsky and Kurt Cobain made a record it would sound something like this.”
My Mentor had mentioned and quoted Chomsky on many occasions, but I had never gotten around reading any of his books. In June 2011 I remembered the above quote and decided to try to contact Professor Chomsky to invite him to listen to my music and read my blog to get his opinion on both the music and my thoughts on world events. I was able to contact him and we corresponded by email for about a month. In some cases he would write a reply and in others he would interject his thoughts within the text of my emails.
After reading his background and then listening to many of his speeches on YouTube (which I highly encourage you to do) I thought that Chomsky and I would agree on many of my beliefs on world affairs. To my surprise, not only did we disagree in many fundamental issues, but I came out with the impression that while he is a historian that openly speaks about the powerful global elite and the atrocities committed by them and the U.S. government (the elite’s tool of choice, under the flag of democracy and equality) in the form of world domination (direct or covert), he is not necessarily against it and may even directly or indirectly play a part in it.
(RB Note: on September 11, 2011, on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 I initiated my second round of correspondence with Professor Chomsky. I have divided the text between my emails and his reply. His answers are in bold and italic).
Hope all is well and that you and your loved ones have not been affected by recent events in the East Coast.
I woke up this morning thinking about today’s 10th anniversary of 9/11, so I turned on the TV. Since the attack, I had not been paying attention to the development of the old World Trade Center site and as I watched I remembered that you had mentioned that the organization that is trying to control everything has been weakened considerably, and then I heard that they named the new building the “One World” Trade Center. It is so sad to see everything that has happened to our world since 2001.
You had mentioned that you had joined in the call for a new investigation into the 9/11 attack. Can you please explain in a nutshell why? What is your belief as to what happened and who were the culprits? What part of the official version do you disagree on? THX
Hurricane was a nuisance. Lost power for a day, but that’s familiar in our decaying society. The problem for me was that I was scheduled to fly to Mexico to visit my daughter, and that had to be cancelled. Was taking off for Europe a few days later, so had to miss it. Just back last night.
I don’t see any reason to doubt what the FBI suspected in mid-2002: that the plot was hatched in Afghanistan and then implemented in the UAE and Germany, and that it traces to al-Qaeda. And have never seen any reason to doubt it. I am deluged with furious letters from the “truth movement,” which I politely answer, and years ago I agreed to their request that I join in calling for a new inquiry, but I also pointed out to them two things, which none of them can understand: (1) an official inquiry will discover nothing (they incidentally agree, because everything in the world is run by the CIA, or Mossad, or both), and (2) every serious activist movement sets up its own tribunals, so they can do that if they like. No use.
If you’d like to get a sense of what it’s like, have a look at the activist websites. A piece of mine on 9/11 was just run by Commondreams. Someone sent me a link to the posting and the comments, which were revealing. About 99% were bitter condemnations because I’m a secret agent for the government (or maybe Mossad), as proven by the fact that I ignored the only question that matters in the world: that Bush was the agent of 9/11.
Part of the reason why the left is so ineffectual. Enormous energy is drained off into these endeavors.
I just happen to see a video of you discussing 9/11 and your thoughts on the “Truth Movement” as well.
Professor, of the Organization you mentioned, regardless of how efficient or capable they might be at this time, who would you say are the 10 to 15 most influential or dominating individuals?
I wouldn’t try to list individuals. They are not unimportant, but the important questions have to do with institutions, I believe.
I believe identifying individuals and institutions are both important and by knowing the individuals we might be in a better position to identify such institutions.
Humor me, give me the names of the two you consider most influential.
Whoever happens to be president of the US is highly influential, because the US is the richest and most powerful state in human history. But that alone should help explain why I don’t think much of the effort to try to rank individuals.
Another reason is that there are many distinct dimensions, unrelated to one another. It’s a hopeless endeavor, in my opinion.
OK, so you said looking at “institutions” (corporations and other profit and non-profit institutions) is more important than looking at individuals.
So tell me then, which are the 10 most powerful and influential “institutions” behind the Organization.
I don’t know what “organization” you have in mind. I’ve already mentioned the most powerful institution along many dimensions “the US government” while adding that there are many dimensions. This does not seem to me a useful endeavor.
What organization I have in mind? That is how I started this recent correspondence, noting that I was referring to the organization that you had mentioned in a previous correspondence, the “organization that is trying to control everything” according to you. And I think it is proper to call it the De Facto World Government as named by the Financial Times.
With your type of answers and comments to such important questions it is no wonder why some in the “Truth Movement” think you are a part of the conspiracy. You say people should take action, and in one of our emails you agreed with a person I quoted that it was important not only to find the corporations that are part of the conspiracy, but more important that we identify the individuals behind them, I don’t know, maybe for prosecution or simply to make them visible to the people that don’t know who really controls everything, and yet, you avoid giving specific names of the individuals and institutions when I ask you. Your answer about the president being influential is just a way of you going around the question, as you have already mentioned that the President is just a ceremonial figure, like the Queen.
You stated in an email that we discussed that what the Financial Times calls the De Facto World Government (DWG) operates in secret … that they determine the basic things that happen in life … that it has its own institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank, the Word Trade Organization, as well as the executive branches of the seven rich countries … that the major institutions are under totalitarian control … ( …
and yet even though you know perfectly well that the Truth Movement firmly believes in such a DWG and that they were behind 9/11, in a video ( you state that “even if this were true,” that 9/11 was an inside job, “who cares … it does not have any significance” and you stretch you logic for that answer by comparing it to the JFK conspiracy and saying, “who cares about JFK (his assassination), who knows and who cares? Plenty of people get killed all the time… what does it matter if one of them happens to be JFK” (and to think that you seemed concerned because I might drive without insurance and injure someone).
Who cares – you say that they determine the basic things that happen in life and that they control the executive branches of the seven rich countries – and who cares? What type of logic are you using? Even a person with a below average IQ can see the importance.
In a video David Ray Griffin ( tries to answer why you might deny a 9/11 inside job, and he clearly states there how much he admires you, that you are his hero and that he is hopeful that you will wake up on this issue. But it is obvious to me that because of his respect for you he does not want to clearly say that you must know, there is no way around it due to your intelligence and access to persons and data, which I guess would make you an apologist for the DWG; or to put in simpler terms, a liar. That is also the reason why I had stopped my correspondence before and even told you that I did it before I said something to offend you. And then I read your email painting yourself as a victim of hatred of the Truthers.
You being CIA, Mossad, I doubt it, although I guess it could be true. What do I believe? I believe you described yourself in a video very well, when you said, “You are allowed to rent yourself to it. That’s called getting a job.”
I guess in a sense, and as noted by Griffin in so many words, the only question that matters may be if Bush was the agent of 9/11, because establishing that as a fact publicly, and everything behind that revelation, including discovering everyone behind it, maybe, just maybe the DWG could be neutralized or destroyed, like any other criminal conspiracy. Professor, many people look at you for solutions to our world problems, to government abuse. Professor, you can be the Agent for Freedom. Who cares now, you are older, you have lived your life, your wife is waiting for you, you have travelled the world, people bow at you, do this final Good Samaritan gesture for all of mankind. Who care if the DWG thinks you betrayed them because maybe they created and allowed you to live out the prestigious reputation that you enjoy and all benefits that come with it.
On the other hand, maybe you agree with the people behind the DWG, maybe all of us inferior humans are like dogs that will destroy everything if you let us (thus my question if you believed that man had a tendency to be good or bad, because if it is bad, it might justify the need for ruthless control of the masses).
So professor, will you be the agent for truth? It’s so sad professor, what a loss for humanity if you don’t.
Best wishes to you. R
Professor Chomsky has not responded.
To read the full text of the correspondence, go to
Published on Jan 3 2011, 4:00PM
“There are two basic theories as to what cancer is. The orthodox theory is that healthy body cells for some UNKNOWN reason mutate into cancer cells. The general idea is that the unknown reason is a result of aging, poor diet, heredity, a bad condition that slowly mutates into cancer, or something along those lines.” The second theory – or the unaccepted theory – is that cancer is caused by a very unusual virus that changes from a virus to a bacterium and back to a virus again … This second theory is based on what is called pleomorphism. Research into this theory is not allowed … No money is available for such research and those who try to get funding hit a brick wall … The FDA, FTC and the AMA put every possible roadblock in their way.” From “Breakthrough: The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century,” by Jim Humble, 4th edition. By permission of the author.
Here is a definition of cancer I found in a popular online dictionary site: Noun. Pathology. A malignant and invasive growth or tumor, esp. one originating in epithelium, tending to recur after excision and to metastasize to other sites.
In the 1930’s Royal Raymond Rife, from San Diego, CA, invented a powerful non electronic microscope that could magnify up to 60,000x and had a resolution of 31,000x. Other non electronic microscopes only had a 2,500x power. The newer sophisticated microscopes are electronic. The difference between Rife’s Universal Microscope and our modern electron microscopes is that the Universal Microscope does not kill the specimens under observation and affords observation of natural living specimens in all circumstances, meaning it does not rely on fixing or staining to render visibility or definition, whereas the electron microscope does kill the specimen in observation.
Through his observations Rife was able not only to see the cancer virus and prove its existence, but was also said to be able to treat it and eliminate it as well, in a very unique way, somewhat different from the general homeopathic treatment of attacking not a specific bacteria, virus or fungi within our system, like vaccines purport to do, but by attacking all pathogens, strengthening a person’s immune system or overall metabolism. Like Louis Pasteur admitted in his deathbed, “(Claude) Bernard is right. The microbe is nothing; (human) terrain is everything.”
Following is a chronological and summarized story of Rife’s life and achievements and how he, his equipment and microscopes and notes on his research were destroyed, all to the general public’s detriment. It is a shocking story:
1888 Born in Elkhorn, Nebraska.
1913 Married. Moves to San Diego. A man of varied interests: ballistics, racing auto constructions, optics and microscopy.
1915-1918. Serves in the Navy. Sent to investigate foreign laboratories by the U.S. Government.
1920 Begins to investigate the possibilities of electric treatment of diseases. Timken, owner of Timken Roller Bearing Co., and Bridges of Bridges Carriage Co., provide funds to establish a laboratory and to finance his research. Begins research on tuberculosis.
1922 Begins cancer research.
1929 October. Stock market crash. Two weeks later, Nov. 3, 1929, the San Diego Union carries an article announcing that Rife has built a microscope capable of staining living viruses with light to make them visible! (Today this is called bioluminescence.)
1931 Two men join Rife in his work: Dr. Arthur I. Kendall, Director of Medical Research at Northwestern University and Dr. Milbank Johnson of Pasadena Hospital. Dr. Alvin G. Frood, President of the American Association of Pathologists also becomes active in Rife’s research.
1931 Nov. 22: L.A. Times announces the discovery of a “filterable typhoid bacillus” being light-stained and observed to “change back into non- filterable form”, as seen through a powerful new microscope developed by Royal Raymond Rife that could directly observe living bacterium and viruses.
1932 May 3 & 4. Kendall speaks before the Assoc. of American Physicians at Johns Hopkins University telling of the preliminary successes with Rife’s methods and treatments. Dr. Thomas Rivers, virologist and bacteriologist, Director of the Rockefeller Institute — a primary source of funding for medical research — and Dr. Hans Zinsser, call Kendall a liar to his face in front of the assembled crowd.
1932 July 5-7. Dr. Edward C. Rosenow of the Mayo Clinic’s Division of Experimental Bacteriology witnesses Rife’s results and becomes a supporter.
1932 Nov. 30. Rife isolates the filtrable virus of carcinoma. “Angle of refraction (polarization) 12 3/16 degrees; length 1/15 micron; breadth 1/20 micron, color by chemical refraction red-purple.” Pleomorphism also established.
1932 By end of the year “Rife can destroy the typhus bacteria, the polio virus, the herpes virus, the cancer virus and other viruses in culture and in experimental animals.”
1933 Rife completes the “universal microscope.” A resolution of 31,000 times and a magnification of 60,000 times.
1933 July. Dr. Carl Meyer, Director of the Hooper Foundation for Medical Research of UCSF joins Rife’s team.
1934 Summer: The first cancer clinic using Rife technology. A special University of Southern California Medical Research Committee chaired by Milbank Johnson is formed to oversee the research. Committee members are: Whalen Morrison, Chief Surgeon of the Santa Fe Railway. George C. Dock, M.D. George C. Fischer, M.D., Children’s Hospital of New York, Arthur I. Kendall, Dr. Zite, M.D., professor of pathology of Chicago University. Rufus B. Von Klein Schmidt, President of USC. Also in attendance: Dr. James Couche of San Diego. Dr. Carl Meyer, Ph.D. of the Hooper Foundation, SF. Dr. Kopps of the Metabolic Clinic in La Jolla. The clinic is held at the Scripps Institute in La Jolla. Sixteen terminally ill people are treated. Fourteen are cured in three months, the other two are cured in six months.
1935 Rife builds a smaller microscope that can be mass produced.
1935 May – June: Dr. 0. Cameron Gruner of Montreal replicates Rife & Kendall’s cancer pleomorphism.
1935 June: Four insurance companies are interested in financing Rife provided the International Cancer Foundation gave its approval. Dr. Mildred Schram, Secretary of the Cancer Foundation, after visiting Rife’s lab, stipulates conditions for acceptance which have nothing to do with Rife’s work. Rife doesn’t have time to be sidetracked. Result: the Cancer Foundation never funds any of Rife’s work.
1935 September: A new version of the Rife Frequency Ray is completed. October: Drs. Walker & Meyer of The Hooper Clinic, SF, using Rife’s microscope and “Beam Ray” replicate his cures.
1935 November: Dr. Johnson opens a second clinic to test cures with the same incredible results as the first clinic.
1936 June 2: William Donner, President of the International Cancer Research Institute turns down Johnson’s application for research funds.
1937 July: Rife moves into his new lab on Alcott St. in Point Loma, built for him by his sponsor, Henry Timkin.
1937 September – May: Johnson’s third clinic resulting in the same, identical cures. There is mounting pressure to go public. But Rife and his academic advisors, being cautious and recognizing the inevitable resistance from medical orthodoxy, are determined to gather as much irrefutable and massive statistical evidence as possible.
1937 Drs. Couche of San Diego, Gruner of Montreal are using Rifes Beam Ray with great success. In the fall Rife hires an engineer, Phil Hoyland, to help start a company for manufacturing the Beam Ray. 1938 The Rife Beam Ray Co. is in operation. Fourteen machines are built. Two go to England, one goes to Dr. Richard Hamer of the Paradise Valley Sanitarium, one to Dr. Arthur Yale, two to Arizona doctors, and eight to Southern California doctors. Dr. Hammer cures an 82-year-old from Chicago of terminal cancer. Through this man, Morris Fishbein, head of the AMA in Chicago learns of Rife and his work. Fishbein visits Rife. Wants to buy in. Rife and his associates turn him down.
1938 The J.C Burnett Laboratory in New Jersey is burnt to the ground. Burnett’s wife is a member of the Timken family. The lab is burned while Burnett and his wife are visiting Rife! The American Medical Association indicts Rife for fraudulent medical practices.
1938 June 12: Opening day of Rife’s trial. During his testimony, Rife is so nervous he cannot stop shaking. A doctor recommends he take a drink to calm himself. Rife’s alcoholism begins. During the trial and afterwards the AMA visits all doctors involved with Rife. “Those who didn’t stop using the Frequency Instruments lose their medical license. Dr. Hamer quickly returns his instrument. Dr. Gruner returns his. Dr. Couche defies the AMA and his license is revoked. Many other doctors associated with Rife turn their backs on him including Drs. Drood, Rosenow, & Meyer. Rife nevertheless wins the case. The AMA pays off Kendall in Baltimore “about” $200,000. He goes to Mexico.
1940 Kendall dies.
1944 Milbank Johnson dies under suspicious circumstances. Two federal inspectors conclude that he was likely poisoned. Reputedly he was to present the long delayed Rife findings to the AMA the following day. All Rife’s records kept by his academic committee are destroyed. The committee disbands. 1946 Rife’s drinking forces him to sell off his lab piece by piece. He is committed for “alcohol rehabilitation.”
1948 Drs. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler & Eleanor Alexander-Jackson, micro- biologists in Philadelphia prove that the cancer virus “is in actuality a pleomorphic bacterium.”
1949 Dr. Virginia Livingston becomes the head of New Rutgers Presbyterian Laboratory in Newark, NJ.
1949 June 6: Morris Fishbein is ousted by the AMA at its Atlantic city convention. Reason: years of advertising fraud and fund stealing.
1950 Rife is released from rehabilitation and returns to work. He forms a partnership with John Crane, an engineer/scientist. Crane “re-invents” the Beam Ray and hires Verne Thomson, an electronics expert with the San Diego police force, to help construct the new machines. Dr. Irene Corey Diller of the Institute for Cancer research in Philadelphia isolates fungus agents from cancer growths. Unknowingly she has replicated Rife and Gruner’s work. She sets up a symposium in New York in order to announce her discovery. It is killed by Dr. Cornelius P. Rhoads, the head of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Dr. James Hillman of RCA Labs in Princeton. NJ, later confirms the Livingston-Wheeler-Gruner-Rife pleomorphism.
1953 Dr. Diller publishes her discovery: Studies of Fungoid Form Found in Malignancy. Dr. Livingston-Wheeler presents her own discoveries to the 6th International Congress of Microbiology in Rome. Sep. 10: The Washington Post reports. “The New York Academy of Medicine immediately discounts the announcement.” Dr. Rhoads of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center stops all funds for the Rutgers-Presbyterian Hospital Laboratory. The lab is closed, putting Dr. Livingston-Wheeler out of business.
1954 Dr. Livingston-Wheeler moves to San Diego, taking a job with a clinic. The Committee on Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy of the National Research Council “evaluate” Rife’s discoveries and conclude that “they couldn’t work.” (Note: never at any point, and to this date, no orthodox cancer agency has tested Rife’s work.) Rife, under Crane’s insistence, copyrights a description of his cancer cure.
1958 Jan: A group of Salt Lake City doctors begin using the Rife Frequency machine. In May the Salt Lake City Medical Board forces them to stop using it. The California Public Health Dept. holds a hearing. A Frequency Instrument had been provided for testing to the Palo Alto Detection Lab., the Kalbfeld Lab., the UCLA Medical Lab. and the San Diego Testing Lab. All declared that it was safe to use. Result: The AMA Board under the Calif. Director of Public Health, Dr. Malcolm Merrill declares it unsafe and bans it from the market.
1958 July 14. Or Virginia Livingston-Wheeler is the first speaker at the 1st International Congress of Microbiology and Leukemia in Antwerp, Belgium. She discovers that the pleomorphism of cancer is widely accepted in Europe while ignored in the U.S.
1958 November: After six months of testing Rife’s technology, Dr. Robert Stafford of Dayton, Ohio, presents his findings to the Executive Committee of the General Practice Section of the Montgomery County Medical Society of the AMA. The committee is impressed. They set up a research committee from Dayton’s most influential doctors.
1959 Dr. Clara Fonti of Milan, Italy “innoculates herself with a bacterial culture of cancer. She grows a tumor, later surgically removed. Thereby proving pleomorphism as a factor in human cancer. Dr. Livingston-Wheeler meets her neighbor Royal R. Rife.
1959-1960 Dr. Livingston & Rife work together. She arranges for the Institute of Cancer Research in Philadelphia to provide Rife with mice. Their view on pleomorphism are much the same. The only difference is that Dr. Livingston intends to develop a serum while Rife knows the virus disintegrates under his Beam Ray.
1960 John Crane writes and copyrights a manual explaining how the Frequency Instrument is to be used. Dr. Stafford of Dayton suggests that he, Stafford, manufacture and distribute the machine in the USA. Crane decides to license the machine to prevent doctors from changing it, thus failing to get results. Ninety machines are distributed “for research and verification on notarized contracts.”
1960 The AMA and the FDA strike. Crane’s office is raided. $40,000 in equipment is taken along with all engineering data, research records and reports, pictures off the wall, private letters, invoices, tape recordings, electronic parts. All without a search warrant! Doctors who have the machines are visited and forced to give them up. Ordinary citizens who have begun experimenting personally are threatened. One woman is hospitalized from shock by the AMA raid. Rife and Crane are arrested and released on bail. Rife, almost 73, unable to handle more abuse, goes into hiding in Mexico.
1961 Spring. John Crane’s trial lasts 24 days. “The records and materials seized are not allowed to be used by Crane in his own defense. . . Rife’s deposition is not permitted to be introduced.” The foreman of the jury is an AMA doctor; the balance of the jury is screened to make sure they have no medical nor electronic knowledge. “No medical reports from the 30’s and 40’s are admitted. Neither are other doctor’s reports. Nor is a Frequency Instrument demonstrated much less admitted into court. “The only medical opinion offered by the State of California is from Dr. Paul Shae who had been given a Frequency Instrument by the Public Health Department 2 months before the trial. Shea admits he never tried (it) or made tests to evaluate it. He simply examined it and decided that it had no curative powers and didn’t lend itself to investigative use”. Crane is found guilty and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Later the State Supreme Court, on appeal, reverses two of the three counts against Crane “because no specific criminal intent had been proven.” Crane spends three years and one month in jail. After Crane’s imprisonment Dr. Stafford of Dayton is forced to give up his instrument and to give up medicine. A Lake City doctor’s instrument was sabotaged and he was so hounded by the orthodox medical authorities that he commits suicide.
1962 Dr. Livingston has a heart attack. She recovers. Kefauver amendments to the Food and Drug Act of 1938 grant to the FDA the right to determine if a drug is effective. Safety is no longer a prime consideration. Drug treatment effectiveness and safety is there-by taken out of the hands of the doctor and his patient. 1964 John Crane is released from prison. He begins the fight all over again.
1965 October: Crane submits an application to the Calif. Board of Public Health for approval of the Frequency Instrument. “The application is made in the name of Rife Microscope Institute,” John Crane, owner. The Health Department answers that Crane must first show the instrument to be effective. Dr. Charles W. Bunner, Chiropractor, agrees to provide “proof of effectiveness.” The Calif. Department of Health pays him a visit and forbids him to use the instrument, and present him with a court order to have it destroyed. Dr. Les Drown, Chiropractor, provides a statement. An American Cancer Society representative subsequently forces him to “sign over” his Frequency Instrument or go to jail. (Rife’s cancer discoveries are never patented.) Rife returns from Mexico.
1966 Dr. Livingston and her old colleague, Dr. Eleanor Alexander-Jackson present a paper at an American Cancer Seminar in Arizona. When Dr. Alexander returns to Columbia University she discovers that she and her work have been terminated.
1968 Dr. Livingston and her husband open a clinic in San Diego.
1968-1983 They treat over 10,000 cancer patients utilizing her serum and a high immune-building diet. An 80-percent success rate. (The State of California Department of Health has subsequently tried to shut down her clinic. They have also outlawed the use of her serum. —Personal communication from the Livingston Medical Center.)
1969 March 4: Rife signs ownership of his microscope over to John F. Crane. It is Crane who preserves all of Rife’s work that remains.
1969 Nov. 5-8: Drs. Livingston, Alexander, Diller and Dr. Florence Seibert from the Veterans Administration Research Laboratory in Bay Pines, Florida present a paper: Microorganisms Associated with Malignancy.
1970 Oct. 30: Their paper is published. 1970 Rife dies. He has been hospitalized for intoxication. Records show he is given an extra (overdose) of Valium. A mixture of Valium and alcohol is lethal. He is 84.
1971 December 23: President Richard Nixon signs a $1.6 billion law to open the “war on cancer.”
1972 Dr. Livingston publishes her first book: Cancer: A Breakthrough. She condemns the NCI for its misuse of money and “the use of people as guinea pigs for a ‘surgery-radiation-chemotherapy’ program dictated by special interests.”
1973 The Supreme Court rules that the FDA “can decide without a hearing which evidence it would allow.”
1980 “The AMA is found guilty by a U.S. Court of Appeals of ‘conspiracy to restrain competition. . . New methods of health care have been discouraged, restricted and in some instances eliminated.”‘
1985 The Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute finds the Rife-Livingstone-etc. organism (virus) in all blood cultures of cancer patients. They conclude that the organism comes from outside contamination and bury the report.
1984 Dr. Livingston publishes The Conquest of Cancer.
1985 By this time the National Cancer Institute is spending $1.2 billion dollars annually for cancer. This does not count the monies raised by the American Cancer Society. 1988 Rife Labs is formed to revitalize Rife’s work. 1990 It is estimated that $50 billion dollars have been spent on the “War on Cancer.” Twenty percent of this money is spent on actual research. Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler dies.
1996 June: John Crane dies totally destitute in San Diego County. (Personal communication from the Cancer Research Organization.)
1998 May: Nothing has changed as of this writing. Rife Frequency Treatments are illegal except for experimental purposes. It reputedly cures AIDS but the frequencies are absolutely forbidden to be used even for experimental purposes in the United States only. The existence of the Black Field microscope continues to be denied by orthodox medicine as is the pleomorphism of bacteria/viruses. The suppression of alternative cancer treatments remain in full force and now also includes Hydrazine Sulfate. Just last year the FDA raided and demolished the San Diego offices of American Biologics whose clinic in Tijuana uses alternate cancer treatments.
2009 March: A 68 year old manufacturer of a San Diego Rife machine was taken to court, not one customer complaint, With trumped up charged he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. (from
I have no additional comments to make on the above. We have to take responsibility for our own health, look at alternative methods to fight such serious diseases as cancer, and not just simply follow the treatments offered by conventional methods, which at the end of the day are based on radiation, the same treatment that has been recommended to the suffering patient for the last 100 years. All that has changed is the dosages, the toxic chemicals and the sophistication of the equipment now being used to treat such diseases, not to mention the exorbitant price tag. Orthodox medicine is so contrary to one’s health that even the diagnostic systems used in some cases, like MRI’s, produce radiation that have now been shown to also cause cancer. And the symptoms of the medications are always devastating.
To close I want to recommend you two YouTube videos of two products I and other friends and relatives have been trying with amazing results, although one of them, MMS, has important precautions that should be followed (see note below). There are many natural and inexpensive cures for everyday ailments, even the most serious ones, we just have to search outside of what your doctor says. Remember, they were educated following the theories of those who have hidden the truth from us and who profit from our suffering – orthodox medicine is not interested in curing diseases, it is only interested in curing the symptoms, over and over again$$$$$.
Here are the videos:
DMSO: CBS 60 Minutes documentary, in three parts
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Jim Humble: MMS
More on Rife’s microscope and cancer treatment movie: Scroll down to “The Royal Rife Story,” go to minute 59:30 to see the cancer virus in action and then destroyed by Rife, and to minute 01:55:00 to see other live pathoges explode when treated (plus 1-4 minutes depending on browser).
More information on MMS
IMPORTANT NOTE: The use of MMS can cause side effects which include nausea, vomit and diarrhea, and personally I do not recommend it for persons with low or high blood pressure. These symptoms are not caused by the substance itself, but by the elimination of pathogen waste within the body as it is destroyed and eliminated. These effects per say are not bad, but one should try to avoid them once reached, as noted by the author in all his writings. Read carefully about this product before considering it for personal use. Also, much of the information provided is based on an old protocol for use. Such protocol has now been abandoned for a newer protocol called Protocol 1000, as noted in the first link below and new ones may come up. Please note that my comments are not intended as medical advise; instead, they are my personal observations based on my study and use of such product.
FDA Warning on MMS and Supplier Rebuttal
Purchase Sources I have used
How to Use DMSO:
This Article in Spanish
Best wishes,
Published on Oct 2 2010, 5:00PM
MY DILEMMA Did you ever hear the story about a homeless drunk man, wasted and spread on the floor outside of a liquor store, who told a young man coming out with a six pack in his hand, “Hey, don’t abuse alcohol, it can ruin your life”? If we happened to be there, we might think many things of that drunk and I guess it would be very hard to consider him a trustworthy source of information, but that does not change the truth in his advice.
In the several articles I have had the honor of sharing with you, which reflect my thoughts on things I see and read every day and my analysis of them, I have pointed out many things that indeed are horrible if they were true, and thus difficult to accept. To me, there is no greater thing to report on, no newspaper article more worthy for consideration, than that related to what is known as “The New World Order,” because all the other things I have been and will be discussing in my articles are connected in one way or the other with such an organized international economic and political movement. Or so I believe.
My dilemma is that there are many public figures that we often see on TV or hear on the radio, that as with the drunk, are talking about these so called but real “conspiracies” that are going one, but their overall message is very separatist, racist and often incites hatred and violence in their followers and thus they are helping create more division upon us, and are distracting us from the core issues to be addressed and countered. I am talking about several media talk show hosts and journalists, like Glenn Beck, that confuse things more, with a touch of hatred towards those on the other side of their beliefs, and interests. Sometimes they even seem to be simply agents provocateur to further mislead us and/or to identify dissidents. It also helps label those of us who talk about these things as crazy conspiracists. And with Iranian president Ahmadinejad recently claiming before the United Nations that many people around the world believe that the American government was involved in the 9/11 attacks, those questioning the official theory will now be compared to or be considered supporters of Ahmadinejad.
These persons have different agendas than mine, as I have no agenda, other than reporting my findings; and everyone is welcome to disagree with me via my blog. This is also why I try to document my articles with links to sources to verify such info, as well as recommend readings to further your own research. So hey, like the drunk, with all my faults, my imperfections and my lack of enlightenment, I go forth and speak electronically to you, and hope I hit it right on the nail. I do feel a deep need to continue sharing my thoughts, doing the required objective analysis of the things I find, and in many cases warn you about (it goes back to my childhood, but that’s another story). It’s up to you to determine what action, if any, you should take; and I respect that decision.
The things I write about might even help you strengthen your own beliefs to the contrary. I will continue rambling on and writing the music to fit it. Thank you for taking the time to read along. It’s just another side of me. I hope that you can benefit from my writings, or at least that they entertain you. At the end, I guess all I’m trying to say is, I don’t know, and you need to find out on your own.
Published on Aug 15 2010, 5:00PM
To me it is difficult to understand how some people still ask themselves how the United States should proceed in Iraq. If you take all we know now about the misinformation that was used as the basis to invade Iraq and everything that has since followed, it seems to me that the correct thing to do is to completely leave that country — if not pay them for all the damage in human suffering and infrastructure we have done. And for those that might say, “Well, if there was no connection to 911 and no weapons of mass destruction, we did it to bring them freedom and democracy” – that is far from what they have now. But let’s take it a step further: the United States does not have the right (international or divine) to force upon any nation a different form of government. And our nation is not setting any good example.
We might hear our Presidents stating in international forums that we are a free country and one of laws, a true democracy, but the facts are that the law, both national and international, is not respected by our government’s representatives and agencies when necessary to carry out unlawful activities. All you need to do is turn on the news to confirm it. To discuss the Iraq dilemma, let’s look at some historical facts. In 1953 the United States, through direct CIA involvement, helped overthrow the government of Iran, all this in retaliation for Iran’s decision to nationalize its oil fields and related production. Before then, Iran was in partnership with the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, now known as British Petroleum, BP. At the time of the Iranian Hostage Crisis in 1979 the United States was arming Saddam Hussein’s Iraq for what would become the Iran-Iraq War, which ran from 1980 to 1988. Iraq was given approximately $40 billion dollar by our government for the cause. — On June 9, 1992, Ted Koppel reported on ABC’s Nightline, “It is becoming increasingly clear that George Bush (Sr.), operating largely behind the scenes throughout the 1980s, initiated and supported much of the financing, intelligence, and military help that built Saddam’s Iraq into” the power it became”, and “Reagan/Bush administrations permitted – and frequently encouraged – the flow of money, agricultural credits, dual-use technology, chemicals, and weapons to Iraq.” — From Wikipedia.
So we were allies and partners with Saddam. Then in 1990 we invaded Iraq, under the pretext that Iraq launched an attack against Kuwait due to a disputed piece of land. What is not commonly known is that via the then U.S. ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, Saddam was personally told that President George H.W. Bush and secretary of state James A. Baker, III, and thus the United States government, would not take any position on the Iraq-Kuwait boundary dispute and would not get involved. Do you think Saddam would have invaded Kuwait if he had been warned otherwise? Had we not just fought the Iranians together? In a nutshell, the United States government double-crossed and tricked Saddam into proceeding to invade Kuwait and then it launched its attack against him. Now just close your eyes … and remember the bombing scenes we saw then on TV … and again recently – We did not only betray Saddam, we unleashed destruction and death against all Iraqis. Meanwhile, some were very happy to see that we could do this with minimum US casualties, as if Iraqi lives have no value. What was the purpose of all this? Well, first keep in mind and like president Franklyn D. Roosevelt once noted, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
Not being an insider, it is very difficult to understand all the different moves that happen politically (including covert operations); some things may happen as planned, some are probably a result of failure and then a restructuring of the plan to fit new situations. Personally, I don’t understand why the Dessert Storm invasion of 1990/91 did not continue to fruition, having advance within 200 miles of the Iraqi capital, especially seeing how we came back years later; but I am sure there must have been a good reason for it. Maybe the support from the American People was not there and the orchestrators needed something more dramatic, more horrifying, something more widespread and unlimited to spread control of the Middle East, making it a part of the New World Order. Maybe the best option was to wait and have a 9/11-type event with its unending War On Terror and every single negative thing that comes with it, as it applies to our freedom, from the Patriot Act, to the torture of prisoners and the prolong detentions without legal recourse, mandatory federal ID attempts, surveillance of the masses and all the many proposed laws that we now have before both Houses of government, including the control of the internet. The event of 9/11 would justify this in the minds of many. Terror and Anger, perfect motivators!
Proclaimed Internationalist David Rockefeller claimed that to have a new world order there needed to be some sort of catastrophic event to get people behind it. “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the new world order.” David Rockefeller, statement to the United Nations Business Council, Sept. 1994 Note: corrects original newsletter typo). In a video interview with the late producer Aaron Russo (, Mr. Russo mentioned that Nick Rockefeller, who had become a good friend of his, told him 11 months before 9/11 of a coming event that would lead America into the War on Terror, and even told him that we would be looking for terrorists in the mountains of Afghanistan. And the word democracy continues to be the fuel. As used in a universal context, the words democracy, freedom, and capitalism have become synonymous of each other and have merged now into a single philosophy that holds that all is valid to achieve your goals (politically) and dreams (personally) — and to some, the ultimate dream is unlimited wealth and power.
Under this banner, organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the Federal Reserve Bank and affiliated international reserve banks, all of which are controlled by the largest private economic powers in the world and their corporate interests, have united not only to exploit and corrupt third world governments, but have also taken us, under the guise of prosperity, through the control of interest rates and mainstream media, into the global recession the whole world is going through. Remember, first we were told that all nations had to be united via international agreements (in the case of Europe, the creation of the EU, in America the North American Free Trade Agreement and related treaties) to prosper and survive; and now the whole world is going through a financial crisis because we are all too connected.
These actions are resulting in more international agreements by the above and other organizations that are eroding the sovereignty of nations, including ours, creating a tight control not only of money, but also of natural resources (those they are not destroying; read about Monsanto, as well as chemtrails), movement of commerce, education, public policy and our personal movements, physical and financial. From the context of world control, the above words are the keys to destroying third world countries (and who came out with that term anyway?), opening corporate opportunities to exploit local resources for pennies on the dollar, using such things as the International Monetary Fund to put those countries under complete economic control through debt, with the resulting population exploitation. Those that govern those countries are corrupted and get all the money, deposit it back in the same lenders/associates bank accounts, while their populations live in harsh and often deplorable economic conditions.
In the world of power and control, human suffering is an inconvenient result, unless it is a goal unto itself. And sometimes it really seems that way. Some may find it impossible to believe such things, but this sort of sick mentality is found at all levels of human society, and like-minded individuals tend to gravitate to each other. Take a child kidnapper, rapist and murderer. Now set the goal to world domination (as many conquerors and emperors have done in the past), and multiply that by hundreds or thousands, all thinking of riches regardless of who suffers in the process. At the end of World War II the planet was divided to conquer it. The resulting cold war furthered the plan by forcing poor nations to choose sides, communism or capitalism and their intermediaries; and once the world was pretty well divided, the cold war supposedly ended. By the way, the Bolshevik revolution was financed by Wall Street and international interests.
And thus we go back to the Middle East and Iraq. Now the globalist are focused on controlling those kingdoms that do not follow the policies of the so called free enterprise system and thus create American style democracies, were corporate interests own industry, Wall Street, the government and thus our everyday lives. We close our eyes to so many obvious historical facts because we just get too involved in our day to day survival, or maybe we do not want to face something so sinister and contrary to all we have been taught, but we have to at least try to understand what happens around us, because our quality of life depends on it, as well as our descendants’ survival.
At this point we are simply sitting back and watching others call the shots. For example, did you know that presently each U.S. citizen owes approximately $43,000 via the National Debt? Let us not allow politicians and the news media to use “patriotism” and “national security” as a way to manipulate us into supporting the wars we are presently fighting. Let’s do our part in any way we can. I remember a co-worker who told me in 2005 that his son had just joined the Marines and that he was going to be a sniper. I told him that it sounded horrible; but he said he supported it and added, “he wanted to be a sniper since he was a kid!” What type of video games was this kid watching and since when should a human being’s goal be to “hunt” other human beings?
As to politicians, for the most part they don’t seem to work for us. They are continuously being found in financial dealings with corporate interests and sexual scandals, which they first deny, then when the evidence surfaces they admit, then they typically resign, and the rest of their colleges usually exonerate them, making statements like, he was a great man for resigning and not making us go through the hearings. Wolfs protect wolfs. And most seem to be in someone’s pocket. It is time to set a new course in Iraq, Afghanistan and foreign policy in general, and nothing will change unless we get involved. Yes, I support our troops: Bring them back and get them out of harm’s way; don’t let them fight someone else’s war/agenda for profits and control!
Recommended Videos:
Philip Agee Looks At The Gulf War
John Perkins – Confessions of an Economic Hitman – In three part
Antony Sutton – Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution
Published on Apr 3 2010, 5:00PM
9/11 – OUR TRAGEDY In the Conspiracy world, the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and the other airplane attacks are considered to have been planned and carried out by people inside government and those corporate interests behind them, perpetrated against the American People (and the world) to create the excuse to launch an endless war against an unknown enemy, all for the purpose of world domination through fear an intimidation. To be true, the insiders would have to be at the top, from the President and his cabinet, to the mass media empire that controls all the news that surrounded the attacks. The other thing that would need to be true is that the Twin Towers were brought down by explosives in a controlled demolition.
By the way, as a related note, I remember myself glued to the TV watching over an over how the airplanes hit the towers on that day, and at some point they aired a news clip that showed Iraqis celebrating, jumping with joy, because we had been attacked. As it turns out, it was a previous recording from a soccer game.
Anyway … So, today I am writing this short article because I want you to watch a movie, Loose Change, 2nd edition, which will present events associated with 9-11 that will help you decide one way or the other what really happened that day. If, after watching the film, you are convinced that indeed it was an insider job, I would recommend you revisit my prior article and look at all the links I provided you there for further consideration. By the way, my webpage’s Blog section carries all my newsletters’ articles so you can always go there to share your comments on the subject.
Here is the link to the movie:
Published on Jan 6 2010, 4:00PM
You have probably heard or read somewhere about The New World Order, One World Government and/or The Conspiracy and people that believe in it, which are typically classified as being “conspiracists” and nuts. The New World Order represents in the mind of many the ruling elite’s plan to dominate the whole world through a one world government, run by the United Nations and similar institutions and the persons behind them, effectively and by its own nature, submitting the world to a fascist regime run by corporate interests. It’s pretty hard to believe.
I was introduced to these theories in 1988 and have been studying and comparing them and their quoted sources ever since. What if I wanted to create a one world government to control the whole world, wanted to be the one that decides how things will run, who will live and who will die? What would I need and what conditions would I have to create? What and who would I need to pull it off?
Well, obvious things would be a lot of money, a lot of commercial power and political influence – and of course, like minded individuals with the same goals to join forces with, Obviously I could not pull it off on my own, I would need accomplices and probably more than a lifetime – it would be a conspiracy. What would be the purpose? Simply unlimited wealth and power, if not a twisted desire to simply inflict pain in others (as Genghis Khan supposedly said, “It is not sufficient that I succeed. Everyone else must fail.”). It would not be the first time someone wanted to be king of the world.
But in a sophisticated and industrial world, mere swords would not suffice to submit everyone to my will. Keep in mind that to control the whole world I would need to control it in all its aspects. So what would be my strategy? Let me give it a shot, in no particular order. By the way, as used herein, I, me, my and the like means my co-conspirators and me.
- My power would have to be invisible. I would need to work from behind the scenes of governments to impose my will, my regulations.
- It would have to be attained through violence and terrorism, where manipulation does not work.
- People would be infected with the idea of freedom, equality and, for the sake of these ideas, people would be willing to yield some of their own individual freedoms.
- Before, brute force (kingdoms) ruled, then faith (main religions), now gold is to rule, so I would need to get most or all of it. Gold in all its forms, of course, including petroleum, real estate, etc.
- If necessary, and especially if there is resistance to my plans, I would create catastrophic events to instill fear among the masses, like a “911”, that I can use as an excuse to create wars, in particular a war with no boundaries and no specific enemy, like the “war on terror”. Under fear the masses would beg for regulations to protect them from the unseen enemy, thus allowing me to steal all their rights and freedoms and control all aspects of their lives.
- I would need a world body through which everything can be controlled, regulated, like banking, media, education, medicine, warfare, land distribution and food production. Something like a United Nations. I would replace natural rights with national rights and then with international rights, rights I would give and take away at will, making them mere privileges.
- I would entice countries to join a global regulatory entity to help all countries trade freely and help each other when in need through world banks; I would inspire a global harmonization, while unknown to them I would use it to bind all these countries through international agreements to submit them to my will, rules and regulations. Countries that do not follow suite, like those with monarchy-like states or religious rule would be criticized and forced, through the disguise of democracy, to open their governments to more scrutiny, and thus, more international control that my global entity, under the guise of freedom, human rights, world peace and through my police force, would force them to join the ranks of the rest of the world.
- I would create local unions of nations, like the European Union, the North American Union, the Asian Union, etc., and they would in turn work under the rule of a global entity, where they would ultimately be merged, together with their local currencies, at some point going cashless (the head of MasterCard stated recently that we would go cashless before 2020; some banks in Ireland have already gone cashless).
- For ultimate control of persons and their wealth, I would first encourage and then either force or secretly implant RFID (radio-frequency identification) chips in all human beings that would include a system for tracking their location and canceling their access to their savings when necessary. Via the cashless society I would know and control all financial transactions.
- I would take advantage of mob rule by creating discontent everywhere, through war, famine, inequality, division of races and religious ideals. It must be understood that the might of a mob is blind, senseless and an unreasoning force ever at the mercy of a suggestion from any side, both to obtain short term and long term change.
- I would encourage neighbor to fight neighbor under the guise of “constitutional rights,” to use the court system to sue anyone that opposes their views and to impose new laws that they suggest on the citizenry, and to use government to create more regulations to secure those so-called rights. The more regulations, the more control I would have over the masses, without them knowing, with their own help.
- I would purchase all the major outlets of media, TV, radio, movies, newspapers, magazines and book publishing. With the heads of these organizations under my control, I would give voice to the complaints of the people, to express and to create discontent. It is in the Press that the triumph of freedom of speech finds its incarnation. I would gain the power of influence while remaining in the shadows.
- Major newspaper and magazine news articles would be derived from controlled centralized sources of information (like United Press International, UPI). These centralized sources would only give publicity to what I dictate to them. Thanks to such methods I would be in a position as from time to time may be required, to excite or to tranquilize the public mind on political questions, to persuade or to confuse, printing now truth, now lies, facts or their contradictions, according as they may be well or ill received.
- All my newspapers would be of all possible complexions – aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchical. Like the Indian idol “Vishnu” they would have a hundred hands, and every one of them would have a finger on any one of the public opinions as required. When necessary these hands would lead opinion in the direction of my aims, for an excited person loses all power of judgment and easily yields to suggestion. Those fools who would think they are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own belief would be repeating my opinion or any opinion that seems desirable and advantageous to me. In the vain belief that they are following the organ of their party they would, in fact, follow the flag which I would hang out for them.
- I would maintain the minds of my readers occupied with different scandals, of movie stars, politicians and public figures, any gossip that distracts them from important news and events that must be covered to maintain an appearance of balance journalisms, while always pushing my agenda and declaring it the absolute truth.
- When presenting inconvenient truths, they would be analyzed superficially and when possible would leave these notes for the end of articles, diminishing in the mind of the reader their importance and stating or implying that those that bring those ideas forward do not know what they are talking about, classifying them as unfounded sources, and in some cases, as “conspiracists,” a convenient term intended to discredit anyone opposing my stories and theories. I would also consistently direct the thoughts of readers toward new controversies, to distract them from pondering further on any particular matter.
- I would debilitate the public mind by criticism; to lead it away from serious reflections calculated to arouse resistance; to distract the forces of the mind towards a sham fight of empty ambition. In order to put public opinion into my hands I would bring it into a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to so many contradictory opinions and for such length of time as would suffice to make the masses lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to see that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind in matters of government and law.
- I would promote drinking alcohol on TV as a way to enjoy life, a way to relax and deal with problems and on every occasion of leisure. I would use all media sources for that purpose. I would turn many into habitual drinkers and alcoholics. Once I rule the world I would ban alcohol to stop it from disrupting my new world order, inflicting harsh punishment for its production and use.
- Then with the excuse of drunk driving and other things, I would set up roadblocks to better control persons’ movements and make them see the might of the State, that no one can escape its reach, even when lawfully traveling.
- I would promote sexuality from early age, at every level and in all opportunities of publicity, magazines, talk shows, commercials, pornographic magazines, movies, TV shows, everything that would turn our natural sexual instinct into an insatiable desire and obsession to distract the mind, and all primarily to destroy the family unit. I would promote sexual pleasures and birth control as opposed to abstinence and self-control.
- For the same purpose, I would promote luxuries and toys of all kinds to reduce household incomes (I would own the factories of course), while promoting women to be equal to men, to leave the home and to go into the workplace to be able to pay for all these luxuries, placing children at an earlier age into daycare centers. The younger they go into my public schools, the sooner I can control their minds and make them believe that government will provide them “their” rights and will even protect them from their parents.
- Another advantage of having woman work would be that now I would not only tax male workers, but females as well. I would have definitely promoted, if not created women liberation movements.
- Taking advantage of the declared equality of woman, I would include them also in the military draft to increase my armed forces, who would believe they are sacrificing their lives for freedom and their country, when in fact they are simply helping me achieve my goals.
- I would use one country to carry my torch of supposed freedom and equality, and what better than the United States. I would send troops to war, declare my government as the protector of freedom in the planet, and then under the appearance of “protecting our troops” I would justify perpetuating the war and would call anyone opposing my war a traitor, to our country and our troops. I would create such fervor for patriotism that people would virtually wrap themselves in the flag, which would not allow them to see or hear any arguments that support ending my war efforts or going against any of my plans of global domination.
- I would promote TV, movie and video games that deal with the killing of others to desensitize children from early age, instilling violence and the use of force in their hearts, which would make them better killing machines in the battle field. If they turn into serials killers, even better, to frighten the population into demanding more policing of their lives.
- I would corrupt/bribe politicians with money, power and especially sexual pleasures, things that I can later use against them if they ever go against any of my plans. I could easily throw them to the mob, losing everything they have, from reputation to their ill-gotten wealth, sometimes even to jail – of course, I could always have them killed if I have no other option, or to make an example of those that might want to follow in their steps.
- I would have to be merciless for disobedience to cease. I would maintain terror in people’s mind, which tends to produce blind submission.
- I would place administrators at all levels, chosen from the public and with strict regard to their capacity to servile obedience, not trained in government, and would provide them the advisers they would need to carry out my orders.
- I would control science and would create theories to fit my needs, like evolution, psychiatry, political and social science, and orthodox medicine.
- I would create and promote the belief that only manufactured medications can cure a person, with persuasion through the media, doctors, foundations, and the government. I would create medical associations that would dictate what is taught in schools to future doctors, and what medications to prescribe. I would own all the larger international pharmaceutical conglomerates. The one that presently exists would do just fine!
- I would use psychiatry to proclaim that every human condition is a disease that needs treatment, for which I would create the medications (by the way, psychiatry is the only medical profession that can “legally” institutionalize you by decree for life).
- Through the media, I would create fear of disease and encourage, and where necessary force, mass vaccination programs for all, free in appearance, but sold at a premium price to governments (of course, I would make these governments write laws that would shield me against any liability from users). Through such vaccines I would create my civilization of future medical dependents, suffering from autism to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, cancer and other diseases that I would sell expensive medications and treatments for. This would also help me create acceptance or preparation for implanting RFID chips in the population. I would also sell so called antidepressants to children to turn them into future dependents of my medications, even if these could cause suicidal or violent thought in its users.
- Regardless of the harm of my medications, such as chemotherapy and mastectomy, I would negate the existence of any natural cures for any diseases, as I would be unable to patent them and control their production and sale.
- My power over the worker would be merciless. My power would be in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that this implies he is made the slave of my will.
- I would create economic crisis that would allow me to further tighten my ownership and control over all main enterprises of industry.
- I would create two opposite global political ideals, like capitalism and communism, and through military force I would divide the world, create wars in those countries that do not submit to either forces’ will. Then, once I have divided as much as I could, I would merge these two systems into a middle-ground ism, like socialism.
- I would create secret societies that on the outside would offer prosperity, riches and religious development to its members. I would invite men of power from all levels. I would instill in them a loyalty, under threat of harm, in return for such fortunes, but I would measure each, determine their weaknesses and exploit them to do my will (as 50 year FBI Director and 33° Freemason J. Edgar Hoover did), to use them as agents to carry out my plans, having them infiltrate all corners of government and influential corporate entities and ultimately run my one world government, positions I would give and take away at will.
- I would undermine all faiths, to tear out of the mind of all people the very principle of god-head, the spirit and life after death. I would create and promote the theory of evolution and would put in its place my science and the urge for material needs, ambition for riches, drunkenness, sex and leisure, making fame and fortune as being the ultimate measure of a man’s success in life. God would be replaced by Gold. I would erect worldly possessions into a veritable cult, for the sake of those material delights.
- I would sell them all these things they lust, keeping them barely paying their bills, in a state of perpetual borrowing and debt. Everyone’s mind must be diverted towards industry and trade. Thus, all the nations’ people would be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and in the race for it would not take note of their common foe, me.
- I would tax every activity, no matter how minor, telling people that it is for their own good and for the sake of equality, even taxing the air they breathe through international global agreements, using such theories as global warming to roundup support (not to be confused with the unrelated poisonous consequences of industrial pollution). At the end of the day, all corporations would be mine or under my control because I would create and control them through my governmental charters, permits and regulations, and they would collect any taxes I impose. They would also help me control the masses by controlling output of production, like foodstuffs.
- I would create speculation through trading exchanges, like Wall Street, to control and swallow companies in times of bull and bear markets, which I would influence and in some areas control. The result of this would be that what is withdrawn from the land by industry would slip through the hands and pass into speculation, which I would control. At the appropriate time and through governmental regulation, I would close these exchanges to secure my gains and complete control.
- I would also create depressions, which I would create through the control of financial instruments and tightening of credit. This I would do through central banks, in image owned and controlled by the government, but in reality being my private corporate entities authorized to control the money supply and the interests rates at which said money would be loaned; something like the Federal Reserve (as Mayer Amschel Rothschild said, Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes her laws). In some instances I would make money available at very low interest rates for prolonged periods of time, encouraging people to purchase things by credit and thus getting into debt and then at the appropriate times I would raise the interest rate and require immediate payment of my loans (like in the Great Depression, which started 16 years after the Fed was created) to later buy corporations for pennies on the dollar in the stock markets, or to maintain them in prolonged debt while I reap the profits. It would not matter if the interest rate was low because I would not put up a dime to earn it, the government would actually print it for me out of thin air; I would just be the keeper of the books, receiving interest and would control the money supply, to squeeze any government financially to do my will when necessary.
- I would eliminate the requirement that paper money be backed by gold so I can better speculate with currency.
- I would create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in my hands all the forces of the community. In the United States, I would do it through the ever increasing power of the federal government, extending to matters that before were reserved to the States to control, and also abolishing in appearance the natural rights of natural born human beings living in such lands, as are secured by the Common Law (see for example the Northwest Ordinance of 1787). I would federally deputize all local police forces.
- I would hide every natural born human being’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as those expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Common Law, the foundation of law in the United States, under layers and layers of regulations, legislation and governmental decrees to give me absolute control over the masses through regulation and the threat of incarceration and confiscation. Instead, I would have them demand justice under their supposed constitutional rights, not understanding that their rights don’t come from the constitution. By not understanding their natural rights, they would never be able to escape from my maze of rules and regulations; they would not know how to petition for their rights. This way, all decisions would favor me, even more by using my appointed judges to keep the Common Law out of the courtroom.
- I would discredit any individual that contradicts any of my theories, works against me, or tries to uncover and expose my plans, and would withdraw any financial support for any governmental studies (like those in universities) that don’t arrive at my results and conclusions. I would create associations, foundations and the like that would reward with money and titles those that express my views and would dismiss all other opinions as not being from reliable authoritative sources.
- I would create and use all sorts of non-profit organizations and foundations to put out only views that help me reach my aims, like the Council on Foreign Relations. That would form the basis for government policy no matter which party is in power, telling each administration which members to put in key posts to further my ambitions.
- I would create a great interest in sports of all kinds, promoting them at all levels, from local schools to international events using my mass media empire; exciting the fans, for whom I would place stadiums everywhere. This would maintain the masses occupied with games and events associates with such sports, draining their energies and maintaining their minds occupied, while I also reap the profits from such events, and which would further help me divide the masses.
- People would be rejoiced that I have regulated everything in their lives as is done by wise parents who desire to train children in the cause of duty and submission. The right to compel the execution of duty is the direct obligation of a government, which is a father for its subjects. It has the right of the strong that it may use it for the benefit of directing humanity towards that order which is defined by me. I would be obliged without hesitation to sacrifice individuals, who commit a breach of the established order, for in the exemplary punishment of dissidents would lay a great educational example.
- In my programs one third of the population would keep the rest under observation from a sense of duty, on the principle of volunteer service to the State. It would then be no disgrace to be a spy and informer, but a merit.
So, that’s some of the things I would do. Well, actually, I did not come up with these ideas on my own, they are written in different publications, written over time and in different parts of the world. The majority of the steps outlined above come from a book published for the first time on or around 1897, and which has come to be known as the Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion.
It was supposedly uncovered accidentally. The Protocols are supposed to reflect a Jewish conspiracy to control the world, although in mainstream media it is considered to be a forgery. Yet, when you consider the age of the publication and what has happened to our world since, it appears that someone, whoever they may be (from whichever race, country or religion) is implementing the plan. In 1921 the automobile magnate Henry Ford stated that the Protocols fitted in what was going on then. And if you apply it now, in particular as regards the tight control of the press and the control of the money supply, it becomes even more intriguing, at least to me.
There are many organizations that are considered the main promoters of this one World Government, the best known being the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission (both established by the Rockefeller interests) and a more secretive group called the Bilderbergs, deriving their name from the place where the original Bilderberg conference was held, the Hotel de Bilderberg, near Arnhem in The Netherlands, from 29 May to 31 May 1954, and which is purported to be a meeting of the most powerful and influential figures in the fields of politics, business, banking and media in the world.
These meetings happen annually under utmost secrecy (not even a roster of attendees is supposed to be kept). Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake attended the June 2008 meeting in Chantilly, Virginia. By the way, the United Nations headquarters in New York sits on land purchased and donated by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., whose son David in his memoirs noted that he was proud of helping orchestrate the plan for a new world order (“Some even believe we [the Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” — David Rockefeller, MEMOIRS, 2002).
Since the 2008 financial crisis, we hear the term new world order being used more often now by influential individuals, like England’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and President Barack Obama. I think some of the conspiracists’ theories and information merit serious consideration. I would hate to think that we are simply pawns in someone else’s lucrative global chess game. And if it is true, I’m up for the challenge. Are you?
One final note: When recommending some reading material to a friend, he questioned the author’s credibility by telling me that such person was a right wing extremist and he was not. Don’t let labels confuse you. Remember, it’s not the messenger but the information he/she might contribute to help you find the truth that matters. Always, be objective, else we will be violating the second first rule of critical thinking: question yourself.
To find out more about these plans for a one world government, I recommend the following:
- John F. Kennedy’s Speech on the Global Conspiracy – April 27, 1961, before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, about three months after becoming President of the United States (
- George Bush Sr. Speech on New World Order – 1991, 1:48 (
- Carroll Quigley – Tragedy and Hope, excerpts from book – 1966, 6:29 (
- North American Union & the RFID Chip – Clip from Zeitgeist movie, 9:13 ( ● Aaron Russo interview regarding his conversations with Nick Rockefeller regarding the new world order – circa 2007, 10:40 (
- Loose Change – Documentary, 2nd Edition – The other story on 911, 1:29:22 (
- Fall of the Republic – The Movie – 2009, 2:25:00 (
- America: Freedom to Fascism – The Movie – 2006, 1:51:16 (
- Psychiatry: Industry Of Death – In ten parts, approx. 1:40:00 (
- The RFID Chip from a Prophetic perspective (
- The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion – Published by Russian Professor Sergyei Nilus, 1905.
- None Dare Call It Conspiracy – Book by Gary Allen, 1971.
- The Shadows of Power – Book by James Perloff, 1988.
- The Creature from Jekyl Island – Book by G. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve, 1998 4th edition.
- Murder by Injection – Book by Eustace Mullins, 1987.
- Report from Iron Mountain: On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace – Book by Leonard C. Lewin, 1967.
Published on Oct 24 2009, 5:00PM
And speaking about your welfare, we are really being pushed mentally to get not only the H1N1 vaccine, but also the seasonal flu shot and they want everyone to get it. And yes, the supposed “pandemic” swine flu scared the shit out of me when I first heard about it, but as time passed and I did all the required research (no to mention so many emails by friends forwarding things that they found on the subject), it turns out that it fits perfectly with this global, one world government movement.
Here are some videos I recommend you watch. And by the way, I encourage you to share my Peyote News eNewsletters with friends and loved ones.
– 60 Minutes video of show in the 70’ regarding the alleged swine flu outbreak then. CDC interview (
– Interview with Dr. Rauni Kilde, ex-minister of Health of Finland regarding the plans behind the pandemic vaccination program (
– Vaccine Nation documentary, regarding chemical composition of vaccines and documented side effect. Go down the page and click on “Full Film” screen (
– RollingStone magazine article on the controversy that followed their printing of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. article on big pharma and government’s meetings to cover-up the dangers of vaccines and to propose laws to make such companies immune from prosecution from harm caused by their products, regardless of what they knew and hid ( — precisely what we now have as legislation (
– CBS News tests thousands of suspected H1N1 cases and finds a very small percentage actually positive. The CDC halted testing in July claiming that most cases are H1N1 anyway, so why bother? (
– German Chancellor and Ministers get special vaccine without toxic additives. This “clean” version is not available to the public. If standard vaccine is safe, why have a clean version for leaders? (
– Update on young woman who suffered neurological injury after flu shot (notice how the documentary says the vaccine “triggered” and not “caused” the injury) (
Published on Oct 24 2009, 5:00PM
There are many things that divide us, like gender, race, color, religion, country, state, city, team, wealth, political affiliation, abortion, gun ownership and a host of things that supposedly define us, and from which we make our opinion as to who we think we are and what we believe in. This may be our primary problem as a race, as to our survival — how we judge and treat others based on those differences.
Healthcare is one of these things that keep us apart. The main arguments in the healthcare debate are that healthcare is too expensive and that the insurance companies use pre-existing conditions to abuse its subscribers by either limiting or denying services. How expensive something is, is a matter of opinion, based on how much you are worth financially. Both problems have to do with your ability to pay for part or all of the medical services provided.
The other argument associated with healthcare is that which states that everyone is entitled to healthcare, and whether the government should pay for part or all of it, and in some instances, to which types of persons to provide those services, poor, middle class, etc. From a moral side, we all should wish the best to our fellow man and therefore wish that everyone will have the means to paying for any medical services that they may need in the future, including cancer treatment (future article).
So in essence, when it comes to our health and healthcare, the important thing is having the money to pay. What if we are paying taxes for the healthcare system, as well as for many other social services that cover everyone, isn’t that taking away from our money, the money we need to pay for our necessities or luxuries, to ensure that we can easily pay for those medical services without putting the rest of our financial house in jeopardy? That is what I think is the problem with welfare-like programs, they take away what is rightfully ours, what we work hard to earn, to give to others.
Yes, it would be perfect to have enough to share with all, but most of us don’t. And the reality is – we have to take care of ourselves and our loved ones first, before we can help others – it’s simply the law of survival. If all that money was not taken away from us involuntarily, directly or indirectly in the form of some sort of taxation, then we could use that extra money as we wish: those that want to and can be generous to others can help different causes, and those that don’t, well, maybe it is morally wrong, but it is their right to not share if they so decide, or if they simply can’t.
We have been convinced to believe that we have to share our wealth with others; and that the collector and distributor of our wealth should be the government. Are we wards of the government? And who decides what the government will do with our money? Is it the politicians, or all those behind them, like lobbyist (and more importantly, those behind the lobbyist)? Or have you not been reading the news in recent months, years. Instead of cheering for programs that take away from most to give to others (which often is wasted in unnecessary government programs – and obviously not affecting the 1% ruling elite), what we should be looking for is for ways to get all that illegal taxation out of our lives, in all its forms (see America: Freedom to Fascism, by Aaron Russo).
The idea of taxation obviously existed since early days and a few times it is justified and some are authorized under the Constitution, but gradual taxation on the natural born human being (as opposed to a corporate entity) is something beyond that, it takes us back to Marx. In America, it takes us back to the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution and to the New Deal reforms of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The solution to healthcare reform is easy. Government, our supposed Protector (as a friend said, people love their slavery), has full authority over corporations for one simple fact: it created them. Corporations are nothing more than fictitious entities that can be regulated by its creator up to and including its destruction. As a Supreme Court case proclaimed, The Power to Tax is the Power to Destroy (McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316 [1819] – Note: don’t let the year fool you, law is based on precedent – all based on the Common Law).
There is no need for a 1,00 page legislative package to fix healthcare, the only thing that the House and Congress need to pass, and the President sign, is a bill that simply states: All medical insurance carriers will (a) cover all medical treatment and associated expenses related to any covered individual, regardless of whether such treatment is preventative or reactive in nature, and (b) no pre-existing conditions will be used to (1) decline, (2) limit or (3) cancel the coverage of any existing policy holder or subscribing individual, and (c) the cost of coverage for individuals with such pre-existing conditions will be the same as compared to other policy holders with no such conditions. What could make things better? Another law, regulating the medical establishment, to read as follows: All medical providers will (a) recommend and provide medical services to individuals that are reasonable, as natural and as less intrusive as possible; (b) refrain from ordering unnecessary testing, and (c) will be proactive in the prevention of disease. All pharmaceutical development, manufacturing and distributing corporations will be fully liable for all injury resulting from the usage of any of its products.
Where evidence exists that information regarding such products’ harmful effects have been withheld from the public or regulating government agency, all individuals involved in such cover-up, including government personnel, will be guilty of intended harm to users and will face where proven, in the case of related user’s physical or mental harm, up to and including death, criminal prosecution for such injury, up to and including murder. Having medical providers choose the best diagnostic systems to use, like MRIs, or which treatment to prescribe, for example between chemotherapy or Laetrile, would be difficult because all doctors go to medical school, and their educational curriculum is highly controlled and manipulated by big pharma (read World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17, by G. Edward Griffin). So even the most well intentioned doctors prescribe treatments that often are harmful and have terrible, even deadly side effects, and they do so because big pharma is telling them that only their medications will cure people, not natural things, such as vitamin C, which cannot be patented and sold at unreasonable prices (for example, all the recommendations they give us regarding protecting ourselves against the flu is to taking the vaccine and washing your hands, etc., but nothing about taking any natural product to fortify our immune system, precisely what vitamin C apparently can do).
Let’s stop giving government all our hard earn money so that they can spend it as unwisely (and corruptly) as they want – like they are doing right now. Demand simple solutions, including the elimination of constitutionally unauthorized taxes. We don’t need to create, but to eliminate welfare programs. We did not have them in our nation before, when we were not so dependent on all the harmful medications that they are convincing us to put in our bodies, including vaccines (some great videos below on this issue). In the end, it all relates to how free we really are, and if we really have a right to life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness, without harming others, of course. Don’t get lost in the clutter of secondary issues, freedom should be our focus: Everything else, including healthcare, is a mere distraction to continue the division among ourselves, distracting us, so that those that are pulling the strings of governments can further their plans for global control. I’m sorry I have to say it.
My statement might seem extreme. I would prefer telling you that all is well, but we just can’t continue simply hoping for the best as we see our economy, our health and our wealth decline and our tax obligations increase – all by design. I encourage you to see all the videos in my web page, Our World section – see for yourself!
Published on Dec 31 2008, 4:00PM