Music Videos

Music Videos  


Note: You can download most of my songs for free at Cafe Peyote Music

Ricardo Beas Music – After 2000 Years

Cafe Peyote – Let’s Make Amends

Cafe Peyote – Howard’s Song To The People 

Cafe Peyote – You Decide

Cafe Peyote – You Are Nature’s Child

Cafe Peyote – Johnny’s Song

Cafe Peyote – Eleanor Rigby

Cafe Peyote – In Heaven

Cafe Peyote – Break The Chains And Occupy

Cafe Peyote – We Have To Try

Cafe Peyote – We Fail To See

Cafe Peyote – That’s Simply Life

Cafe Peyote – Obsessions Of The Mind (click +18)

Cafe Peyote – The Common Law

Cafe Peyote – Tribute to the King / Why?

Cafe Peyote – Remember When

Cafe Peyote – I Don’t Know

Cafe Peyote – Consumer Joe

Cafe Peyote – I Want To Be With You

Cafe Peyote – Stay With Me

Cafe Peyote – They’re Bombing Again Tonight

Cafe Peyote – Ven Aca

Cafe Peyote – En Mi mente Siempre Están

Cafe Peyote – Aelohim

Cafe Peyote – Mírame

Ricardo Beas – My Brother Is Alive 

— Cafe Peyote – Complete CD-1 Playlist: Cafe Peyote

    – CD-1 Instrumental   

— Cafe Peyote – Complete CD-2 Playlist: Cafe Peyote “Tales of Humanity”

    – CD-2 Instrumental

 — All Cafe Peyote Backing Tracks

After 200 Years – Instrumental

— Cafe Peyote – Freedom 101 – The Movie – 4 Part Playlist

    – Instrumental Version 

— Activist Playlist:

OUR WORLD – Things You Should Consider

John F. Kennedy’s Speach on Global Conspiracy

SuperPower: A review of American foreign Policy in the 20th Century

Noam Chomsky: The De Facto World Government

Psywar, the movie. In 8 parts

President George Bush Sr. on the New World Order

Aaron Russo Interview regarding the New World Order

Movie — America: Freedom To Fascism

The Microchip – RFID: Radio Frequency Identification

The Amero

George Carlin Nails It – Education

9/11 — Loose Change, the Movie, Second Edition

Forced Mass Vaccination – Part I

Vaccine Nation – The Movie

Fall of the Republic – The Movie

Psychiatry: An Industry Of Death — 1/10

MMS – Jim Humble – Project Camelot Interview

DMSO – 60 Minutes Documentary, in three parts

Mercury and the Brain

The Royal Rife Story – scroll down on page

Zeitgeist III

The Empire of “The City”

The Arab Spring – F. William Engdahl

Stan Meyer’s Water Powered Buggy  

   – Stan’s Diagrams for making the injector and full system

Troy Reed’s Magnetic Motor 

(Note: These video links are often checked to ensure they are still available. If they are not, it is encouraged that you search YouTube using the reference provided)


Common Law Writ – Word

Common Law Writ – PDF

     — Supplemental Document: Want of Jurisdiction

Letter to Pope Francis: Stop Chemtrails and Mandatory Vaccines

Letter to Pope Francis – Word Template 

SB 277 Exemption Letter/Affidavit – Template – PDF

SB 277 Exemption Letter/Affidavit – Template – Word

Letter to Gov. Brown and CA Senate in Opposition of SB 277

Exhibits to Letter to Gov. Brown

Personal Vaccine Disclaimer – Ricardo Beas 

CA Mandatory Vaccine Box Inserts & Analysis

Vaccine Ingredients Listing

Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety

Refusal to sign Physicians Warranty of Vaccine Safety

Vaccine Exemption Form – Medical Association

Medical Doctor Request for Vaccine Exemption

MMS or CDS: A Question of Health

MMS & CDS – Spanish

Is Man Good Or Bad By Nature?

Lifting the Veil – A report on Government Mind Control, Cults and Murder

Our Natural Right To Possess And Use So Called “Illegal Drugs”

Clandestine Aerial Spraying – Chula Vista, CA 7/2015

La Raza Article in

Papal Bull 1493

Hammurabi’s Code

Chief Seattle Letter to the President (1852)

The United States, Inc.

Globalization of the Financial Market

The Magna Carta

The Habeas Corpus Act 

Correspondence with Professor Noam Chomsky

The Pope, The Global Estate, Government & the Law

The Law – Walt P. Mann III, part 1

The Law – Walt P. Mann III, part 2

Common Law Writ – Ricardo Beas

 Unfiltered News – by G. Edward Griffin

(Weekly newsletter provides you links to thought-provoking articles, both mainstream and otherwise, with the author’s observations and opinion)

DISCLAIMER: The videos and articles referenced above are the sole responsibility of their creators. I do not necessarily agree with, endorse, or hold as a fact any or all information provided therein, nor is it intended as legal or medical advice. I am not a doctor; all statements are made based on my reading, viewing, and interpretation of such materials as noted above. This information is made accessible to you here in order for you to consider it and come to your own findings of fact and conclusions, including those of law, and to act according to your conscience.   

FAIR USE NOTICE: This web site may contain copyrighted material that the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. If contained herein, I am making such material available in my effort to advance the understanding of humanity’s problems, and hopefully to help find solutions for those problems. I believe this constitutes a “fair use” of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed interest in receiving the information for research and educational purposes, as well as for personal and religious reasons.

Ricardo Beas

A Child of God – Not a Creature of the State Cafe Peyote: CDs y ViniloCafe Peyote TALES OF HUMANITY Eleanor Rigby : Cafe Peyote: Digital Music